“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Norden's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure on board m/t Nord Swift

Friday 1st of November 2024
and I am called for quarter to 4 o'clock in the morning. We are going to complete the last parcel and our Pilot is booked for 7 o'clock in the morning.

We were busy doing the paperwork in my office when the Pilot came onboard at 6 thirty and he asked if we would be ready before 7 o'clock. A lot of ships waiting for the pilot so he was in a hurry to get us out of Houston.

We started unmooring at 06:48 and we departed at 7 o'clock. Still dark, but I could report seven Laughing Gulls hunting in the wake of the tug boats assisting us leaving Pasadena ITC Terminal. We were soon passing under the 2 Dollar Bridge.

We passed the 2 Dollar Bridge and we had 3 Brown Pelicans flying next to us and I could also report one Snowy Egret, and of course hundreds of Laughing Gulls.

It was too dark for pictures, and anyway, I did not have my camera on the bridge. But I will report the birds in my eBird app when I am back in my room.

Reaching Lynchburg Ferry crossing and we had a hawk flying across in front of us as soon as we had passed. Could not ID the bird, but in the same second we had Turkey Vultures flying across just outside the window.

A little bit later and I spotted, I counted to at least 55 American White Pelicans.

American White Pelican
American White Pelican

Laughing Gull
Laughing Gull

Laughing Gull
Laughing Gull


I was going down for my breakfast and I went by my room to get my camera. I went to try to get some pictures of the Pelicans. The American White Pelicans are only here during the winter, in the spring they go north to have their babies.

I spotted several of them in Colorado last year when I went there for bird watching.

Our Pilot had told me about an island that we will pass, the “Bird Island” but by then I will Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st hopefully be asleep.

Our Pilot liked my MAGA cap and I told him that the surveyors had told me that they would shoot me wearing the MAGA cap in New York. But I was told it was no worries, they are sissies in New York and no on have a gun in the city.

I told them that I have been around the world in my MAGA cap, and the only bad thing have been that I have had to give away quite a few of them as everyone likes them.


We are south bound, about 120 km ESE of Galveston. Gloom and grey for long as I could see. No birds, only one giant gull flying by. Not possible for me to ID when I reported the bird in my eBird app. And I was a wee bit excited to have something to report.

I was joined by a young Brown Booby around 17 thirty, but the bird was gone 15 minutes later. I turned off my eBird app and did not expect any more birds.

I had to start the eBird app at 18 thirty to report a group of 17 Brown Boobies. Almost dark and they arrived in a big group and they were soon disappearing. It was dark so I could really not see where they were going.

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Brown Booby
Joined by a group of Brown Boobies

Brown Booby
Joined by a group of Brown Boobies

Saturday 3rd of November 2024
and coming on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the morning. We are 280 km or so south of the mouth of Mississippi River. Cloudy skies, soon turning in to gloom and grey and rain approaching from the East.

One Brown Booby is coming in from the north at 7 o'clock and at quarter past 7 we are joined by a second Brown Booby. 7 thirty and there are 3 of them hunting in front of the ship, but heavy rain and no pictures.

Brown Booby
Brown Booby in the rain

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Steaming East towards Bahamas

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Steaming East towards Bahamas

Strong head wind when I come on the bridge quarter to 4 in the afternoon. Force 6 and no sign of any birds, but I was lucky, 20 minutes after 4 and two Brown Boobies showed up.

They stayed with me for an hour or so before they disappeared.

Coming to my room at 8 o'clock and our Messman came running. He was waing Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st saying he was so Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsorry. He had cleaned my tea mug and he was worried that I would be angry.

Yeah, some people never wash their coffee cups.

But I did not mind and he was releived and I could close my door and go to sleep. Ships time will be advanced by an hour during the night.

Rare Bird Alert

Sunday 3rd of November 2024
and we are heading towards SE and Florida when I come on the bridge at 5 o'clock in the morning. Advancing ships time by an hour during the night.

We have less wind today, but it was dark until almost 8 o'clock and I did not see any birds. Since leaving Houston I have had 4 Rear Bird Alerts on eBird.

I had a quick nap, well, intended for a quick nap coming to my room at 8 o'clock. My alarm went Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stoff at 9 but I must have thrown it in to the wall and I slept until 11 o'clock, shit! Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

This was not good! First time I go for a nap in the morning and I duck it up like this. Well, I hope I will be able to sleep tonight.


Something is wrong with our “ship time”, we had adjusted for New York / Bahama time during last night. But at the same time, they had changed from day light saving time back to normal.

So, we are one hour off and we need to retard ships time during the night. Good, I will have an hour of bonus sleep tomorrow morning.

My room is full of cheese and the plan is to skip lunch, dinner is a cup of oatmeal’s on the bridge. But some cheese in my room for lunch, but I failed yet again.

I went for the messroom and my lunch, DARN! I cannot avoid our Cook's fresh bread and I will have to do better from tomorrow and on.

Reaching the Straits of Florida on my afternoon watch. Force 6/7 from ENE and it is the first day I cannot report any birds. A big disappointment.

Monday 4th of November 2024
and we are steaming towards east in the Straits of Florida when I come on the bridge 4 o'clock in the morning. Wind have decreased a bit, but it was not any nice weather. At 6 o'clock I changed course towards NW and the Bahamas.

The wind picked up and there was rain. Started to get some day light but not one single bird was seen, and of course, I was disappointed

Strong head wind and rain and I thought I saw something in the deck crane. Yes, a small black bird. I ha dnot much hope, but I decided to try yo get a picture to see if I could ID the bird.

I managed to get a picture and it was one Common Starling seeking refugee from the weather. I was in a good mood when I went down to my room at 8 o'clock.

One Common Starling is better than nothing, and a poor picture (good enough to make the ID) is better than no picture. The pictures were poor, but good enough for an ID.

Comon Starling
Comon Starling

Comon Starling
Comon Starling


We start drifting outside Freeport, Bahamas at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. No anchoring as we have bad weather with strong wind blowing in from NE. Gloom and grey for long as I could see. We Weather on Bahamasare in lee from Grand Bahama Island as we are south of Freeport so there are no heavy sea to talk about.

Latest news is that we will come alongside tomorrow afternoon, but this means nothing as this have been changed daily since we left Houston and we will have to see.

There will come a surveyor to take samples and he arrived just after 5 o'clock in a small service launch. Rain and strong wind, but he made it onboard together with our Agent.

Our Agent had no news for us, but we got confirmation via e-mail that we will not come alongside before 6th of November.

We dropped the surveyor when the service launch came to pick him up after 7 o'clock and I was in my room at 8 o'clock. And not one single bird was seen during the afternoon. And I had really had high hopes for Bahamas.

Tuesday 5th of November 2024
and there had been no improvement on the weather during the night. Still drifting when I come on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the morning and not one single bird had been seen when I went to my room at 8 o'clock.

I prepared the stuff needed for tank entry and the guys went down ballast tank 1 STB to paint the last layer at 08:50 and they were ready 30 minutes later.

We are steaming towards East in the Straits of Florida between Grand Bahama Island and The Bahamas when I come on the bridge quarter to 4 in the afternoon. We will stop at 6 o'clock and start drifting again.

The wind and current is setting us towards West and Florida, almost with 2 knots. I stopped the engine at 6 o'clock and the rest of the evening was spend drifting towards Florida in the west.

Wednesday 6th of November 2024
and the first thing they told me when I came on the bridge 5 minutes before 4 o'clock in the morning was that Trump had won the election.

Good news, even though nothing else was expected. Third time he wins and I really hope he get to become President for the second time. Cheating have been widely reported and Western Europe is already lost, now there is a chance for USA.



I was in a good mood enjoying my tea. I asked the AB to bring down two cases of “fizz” drinks and chocolate to the galley. Put them in the vegetable fridge so they are cold for lunch.

The election result is worth celebrating and the crew have been working hard, so chocolate it is. I had my cheese omelette and 2nd bucket of tea at 6 o'clock. No time for breakfast at 8 o'clock as Hard work aheadthere is always a cubic tone of paper work waiting for me down at the office.

Coming down and I make a cup of tea that I enjoy in my office while preparing work permits and other super important documents that we cannot live without.

Closing works done in our PMS and, yes, it is an endless job to DJ Zonekeep the paperwork of my desk.

But, I enjoy music and tea while doing it so it is OK. I was in my office, I had sent the guys on deck but suddenly they came back starting to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

I asked what was going on, it is not my birth day. And I do not have time for this, we are topping up the cargo tanks with IG and the Engineers want to test our ballast system.

I had told the crew to go take a rest after lunch as we might go inside this very afternoon. But now it is changed to 8th of November, really means nothing. But the crew can work full day chipping and painting on deck.

With this weather we will have to take every chance we have to make the ship look good.

Evening on the bridge, drifting south of Grand Bahama Island. Here is a lot of cruise ships going between Freeport, Nassau and Miami. And several tankers drifting awaiting to come alongside.

Now they have changed our berthing prospects to 10th of November, again, means duck all!

No birds, actually, it was a very boring afternoon and time turned slowly. And the GRAND FINAL, I won 2 Dollars on the lottery. What a joke!

Thursday 7th of November 2024
and yet another morning drifting south of Grand Bahama Island, not one single bird was seen. Wind had turned from NW to ESE'ly wind. Decreasing a wee bit so Painting mt/t Nord Swiftthey can paint on main deck today.

We tested the ODME after 8 o'clock and it seems to be working fine.

Afternoon and we were steaming towards east again, just south of Grand Bahama Island. I stopped the engine at 7 o'clock and we started to drift towards west again.

We had some rain coming so they could not quite finish the painting on deck, but most of it was done. And again, a day with no birds to report.

Friday 8th of November 2024
and they called me around 6 o'clock in the morning on the satellite phone. It was from the terminal and they wanted us to be at the pilot station as quick as possible.

I called them later on and I told them that we would be at the pilot station at 08:30. They had obviously been calling m/t Hafnia Hawk as well. She was ahead of us at 8 o'clock they changed the time until 9 thirty.

And at 9 thirty it was 12 o'clock. That gave us time to do a deviation table for the magnetic compass and I went back to my room to see if I could get 30 minutes of sleep.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Busy with the deviation table

At 12 o'clock, no news and m/t Hafnia Hawk was also drifting outside the pilot station. I had been looking forward to come alongside in the morning and now I Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st hope we are delayed until tomorrow morning. Or it will be a full day waiting and a full night in the CCR.

And a full night it was! 10 hours waiting for the pilot, the full crew wasting a full day and nothing Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwas painted. And nothing else got done either.

Pilot boarded us at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and it was after midnight by the time we could start discharging. I had managed to get 30 minutes sleep during the day. Otherwise, up and about since 4 o'clock in the morning.

Saturday 9th of November 2024
and I woke up 20 minutes before 10 o'clock. The had just started Earl Grey Teaour 2nd parcel and I was enjoying my first bucket of tea for the day in my room.

I had some of my cheese with the tea and I understood that it will be another full night in the CCR. We will start to load this cargo as soon as we have completed the discharging.

We have two parcels that we discharge in to the same shore tank. After the blending we will take it back onboard as gasoline.

I went down in the CCR at lunch time, making a bucket of tea and I started to prepare the loading documents and plans. We are discharging slowly to lift the tank roof ashore and we expect to complete loading tomorrow morning.

And I hope to get a full night of sleep. If I can fall asleep after all the sleeping this morning that is. Or I will have to spend the night tossin' and turning in bed.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Painting in the rain

Sunday 10th of November 2024
and today, I could finally report one bird to eBird. Having lunch and I spotted one Magnificent Frigatebird soaring outside the window.

We completed discharging in the afternoon and we started to load the gasoline late evening. We expect to be ready tomorrow, early afternoon.

Tuesday 12th of November 2024
and we are finally leaving Bahamas and it is almost 5 o'clock in the morning when I can go to my room. We completed loading at 00:42, many hours after expectations.

I had asked for 3000m3/h but they had only been able to give me 2500m3/h, and that was in the start. The rate went down and, in the end, it was not very much and I spent the whole evening in the CCT trying to top up our cargo tanks.

It was very nice to leave Bahamas behind and I am now really Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st hopeful to see some birds on the way to New York.

My plan was to do an eBird trip report from Brazil to New York. But nothing but gloom and grey on the North Atlantic and I finished my trip report on Bahamas.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Gloom and grey for long as I can see


We are steaming full speed towards New York in the north. Wind coming in from NNE, force 6/7 but we ar not in any hurry. Still no berthing prospects so it might be some anchoring time waiting.

No painting on deck as we have water spraying all over the ship from the wind and waves. And on top of this, it is raining cats and dogs.

Thursday 14th of November 2024
and we are steaming north east of North Carolina. At 07:15, we are about 110 km east of Bodie Island when I spot one Herring Gull. I knew that I had to go back to my original plan with the eBird trip report.

Now I have to make the report to cover the arrival to New York.

A wee bit later and I spotted what I thought was a Brown Booby in front of the boat. But the feet looked red on the pictures so I changed it to a Red-footed Booby. I could report one more Herring Gull and one gull sp. before I went to my room at 8 o'clock.

The last gull was over our deck, but when I had my camera ready the bird was already on its way to east and the North Atlantic Ocean. I was happy to have seen some birds this morning, has been a while since and anything was welcome.

Herring Gull
Herring Gull

Herring Gull
Herring Gull

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Friday 15th of November 2024
and they call me at 6 o'clock in the morning. Pilot was onboard at 04:00 and we had got our 2nd Pilot onboard at 06;00. I was on the bridge 15 minutes later and we were steaming through the Arthur Kill.

I could see a lot of gulls but still too dark to try to make any IDs of the birds. I could see Manhattan behind me when the sun was coming up.

The Arthur Kill

(sometimes referred to as the Staten Island Sound) is a tidal strait in the New York–New Jersey Harbor Estuary between Staten Island (also known as Richmond County), New York and Union and Middlesex counties, New Jersey. It is a major navigational channel of the Port of New York and New Jersey.

The name Arthur Kill is an anglicization of the Dutch achter kill meaning back channel, which would refer to its location “behind” Staten Island and has its roots in the early 17th century during the Dutch colonial era when the region was part of New Netherland.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Manhattan behind us

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Arthur Kill

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Bayonne Bridge

Donald Trump

There was a lot of birds so I started my eBird app. A lot of gulls but I had not brought my camera so no pictures that I could have used to ID the birds. But I could ID the Great Black-backed Gull and the American Herring Gull.

Well, I cannot see the difference between the American Herring Gull and the Herring Gull I am used to see in Europe.

We had two nice pilots and we were talking about bird trips and bears. Time passed quickly and by the time we approached the Kinder morgan Terminal we had passed 2 huge groups of Brent Gooses.

We had passed under the Arthur Kill Vertical Lift Bridge and as we can see on the below video, we have levered our signal mast. Otherwise, we would have got stuck under the bridge.

Passing under the Arthur Kill Vertical Lift Bridge

Donal Trump have won the election and everyone was in an excellent mood. I told the pilots that Donald Trump have been “President Elect” for a week and it is already impossible for me to give birth. Or any other male for that matter.

That is what I call progress I said and they were laughing. I was not wearing my MAGA cap, before the election it was fun. Now not so fun. But everyone was in a good mood and we were looking forward for a bright future for the western world.

We can see the Freshkills Park (West Mound) from Kinder Morgan Dock #2 and I guessed that it was the remains from the Twin Towers and the Pilot confirmed this.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Arthur Kill

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Freshkills Park (West Mound)

Freshkills Park (West Mound)

West Park: After the September 11 attacks at the World Trade Center, about 1.2 million short tons of materials were brought to the West Park site where it was carefully screened and sifted. All discernible materials were removed and taken to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York for identification and safekeeping.

The Department of Sanitation agreed to cap and close this mound, and no formal planning has been undertaken by Parks for this area.

We have all fast at Kinder Morgan Dock #2 just after 18 o'clock and the last bird I reported to eBird was one Great Blue Heron landing on the dock. I decided that this was the last eBird checklist for this eBird trip report.

I will finish my eBird trip report: Belem, Brazil to New York via Houston and Bahamas. And the Red-footed Booby I reported yesterday morning turned out to be a Rare Bird Alert.


eBird Report

Arthur Kill, Hudson, New Jersey, US
Nov 15, 2024 06:31 - 07:45
Protocol: Traveling
12.37 kilometer(s)
5 species (+1 other taxa)

Brent Goose 120 2 huge groups
American Herring Gull 5
Great Black-backed Gull 7
gull sp. X Many gulls that I could not ID
Great Cormorant 7
Great Blue Heron 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S202555623

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Bird watching at Arthur Kill
Today's track at Arthur Kill


eBird Trip Report

Since April 2023 eBird offer a new feature, to create Trip Reports. At least this is when I first heard of this feature and I have decided to make the eBird Trip Reports instead of my list of OBSERVED birds.

And of course, this also means that I will HAVE TO go back and do the same for my old birding adventures, WHEN I HAVE THE TIME!

Today's Trip Report: Belem, Brazil to New York via Houston and Bahamas | Click HERE

Download | PDF

Icons for lifers used in the eBird trip reports

eBirdSpecies lifer: First time that someone observes a species in their life

eBirdPhoto lifer: First time that someone photographs a species in their life

eBirdAudio lifer: First time that someone audio records a species in their life

Exotic species
Exotic species flags differentiate locally introduced species from native species.

eBirdNaturalized: Exotic population is self-sustaining, breeding in the wild, persisting for many years, and not maintained through ongoing releases (including vagrants from Naturalized populations). These count in official eBird totals and, where applicable, have been accepted by regional bird records committee(s).

eBirdProvisional: Either: 1) member of exotic population that is breeding in the wild, self-propagating, and has persisted for multiple years, but not yet Naturalized; 2) rarity of uncertain provenance, with natural vagrancy or captive provenance both considered plausible.

When applicable, eBird generally defers to bird records committees for records formally considered to be of "uncertain provenance". Provisional species count in official eBird totals.

eBirdEscapee: Exotic species known or suspected to be escaped or released, including those that have
bred but don't yet fulfil the criteria for Provisional. Escapee exotics do not count in official eBird totals.


eBird Rare Bird Alert

We had all fast and I went to my office. Loading Master and Surveyor was onboard after a few minutes and they spotted my MAGA cap. I keep it on my desk as it is not so very fun to wear it after the victory for Donald Trump.

Same here, the spirit was high and the Loading Master told me that everyone was wearing a MAGA cap after the election. I told him that I stopped wearing mine after the election, it was fun before the election.

Obviously, there are many people believing the lies from MSM and they thought Kamela would win a land slide. Obviously blind to what is going on in front of their eyes. Everyone was very happy and the future looks bright.

Donald Trump

The spirit was very high in the CCR and our Agent almost threw himself over me when he boarded.

I love your cap!!!! The Surveyor, well, he kept a low profile
- I voted for Kamela

The afternoon was spent in the CCR. 3 line displacements and it was around 7 o'clock in the evening before we could increase to full discharge rate.

Saturday 16th of November 2024
and I went to the bridge to see if there was any birds after breakfast. Well, not much, only gulls. I was on deck 7 o'clock in the morning and I think it was 2 falcons ashore. But no sign of them when I came to the bridge.

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

Sunday 17th of November 2024
and we were at Stepleton Anchorage, just next to the Staten Island Ferries Terminal on Staten Island when I woke up early morning. We had left Kinder Morgan just after 7 o'clock yesterday evening. We dropped anchor at Stapleton to take bunkers.

We started to do the tank cleaning at 6 thirty, of course, there were paper work to be done before we could start.

The bunker barge will arrive late tonight so we will be ready with the cleaning by then. Stores will come in the morning by barge, so it will be a busy day. well, for Chief Officer every day is a busy day. Sunday or no Sunday

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Staten Island Ferry Terminal

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Manhattan from the Stepleton Anchorage 23A

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Manhattan from the Stepleton Anchorage 23A

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Staute of Liberty from the Stepleton Anchorage 23A

Ring-billed Gull
Ring-billed Gull

I was on the bridge in the afternoon and I had my eBird app running. I could report a few gulls and I managed to get a poor picture of one Ring-billed Gull flying by.

We had our stores onboard already, ready before lunch time. And at 18 thirty we had a barge coming to deliver chemicals. Bunker is scheduled to arrive at 21 thirty.

So the bird watching was not so exciting, and anyway, it was soon getting too dark to see any birds and I turned off my camera.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Night in New York

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Night in New York

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Night in New York

Monday 18th of November 2024
and coming to the bridge at 6 o'clock in the morning. I had actually expected us to be on our way. But the bunker barge had arrived 20 minutes past 4 in the morning and the hoses was not yet connected.

It was still dark and I counted to 29 gulls sitting on the water next to the boat in the light from our flood light on deck.

They were ready to start the bunkering around 7 o'clock in the morning, that means that we will not be leaving until the afternoon. Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st Hopefully we will have put New York behind by the time I come to the bridge at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Bridge to Staten Island

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Sun is on the way up

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Early morning in Manhattan

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Our Hero, the 2nd Engineer busy at the bunker manifold

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift in New York / New Jersey
Our Hero, the 2nd Engineer busy at the bunker manifold

Donald Trump

There was a lot of gulls and I got a couple of pictures. I could ID the birds, but I will send the pictures to www.birdforum.net to see if they can confirm my ID.

Cold, but it is a gorgeous morning, and we have had great weather since we arrived to New York. Ice cold in the shadow, but very comfy in the sunshine.

It was a nice morning on the bridge, time passed quickly and it was soon 8 o'clock and I went down to my room for yet another bucket of tea. Bucket #3 for the day.

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

Greater Black-backed Gull
Greater Black-backed Gull

Greater Black-backed Gull
Greater Black-backed Gull

We are steaming towards south east of Sandy Head when I come on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Nice, no need for me to bother about pilots and stuff.

Steaming south and there were several gulls flying in towards the shore from the Atlantic Ocean. Just seen as dark spots as they were flying between me and the sun. But I got one picture of what I am almost sure is a young American Herring Gull.

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

Tuesday 19th of November 2024
and I start my eBird app when there is enough light to see the gulls. I see some gulls, but not possible for me to ID the birds so only reported as gulls sp.

At 8 o'clock and we have some of our tanks gas free and the crew is going down to pump out the last water from the wells. Work permits and paper work and the crew enter the first tank at 08:50 and we have completed 6 out of 14 tanks at 12:15.

8 tanks remaining and we will do 4 more in the late afternoon if they are gas free by then.

Wednesday 20th of November 2024
and we completed the last cargo tanks after breakfast. We have slowed down the speed to be in Houston on the 27th of November. Seems like we will do the same voyage again. Houston - Bahamas - New York.

Better than the first option they gave us, Bahamas to North Europe. But the tank cleaning have been all for nothing.

Gloom and grey for long as I could see coming on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Strong wind and heavy rain, so, I was surprised when our 2nd Officer told me that there was a bird flying Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.staround forward of the boat.

I checked out the bird with the binocular, it is a Brown Booby hunting in front of the boat. Next to impossible to get any pictures but I gave it a try. Good enough for ID purposes.

Brown Booby
Brown Booby
Poor picture! Rare Bird Alert and kept for ID purpose only!

Brown Booby
Brown Booby
Poor picture! Rare Bird Alert and kept for ID purpose only!

Brown Booby
Brown Booby
Poor picture! Rare Bird Alert and kept for ID purpose only!

Brown Booby
Brown Booby
Poor picture! Rare Bird Alert and kept for ID purpose only!

Brown Booby
Brown Booby
Poor picture! Rare Bird Alert and kept for ID purpose only!

Brown Booby
Brown Booby
Poor picture! Rare Bird Alert and kept for ID purpose only!

Donald Trump

I spotted the Brown Booby when it was almost dark so I hope Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st it will stay on the boat overnight. I was happy to have a bird to report in my eBird app and I started a new Trip report in eBird: New York to Houston.

Thursday 21st of November 2024
and we are joined by one Masked Booby and one Brown Booby at 07:20. We are approaching Straits of Florida, gloom and grey for long as I could see. But it was much better than yesterday.

Day light around 6 thirty and there were no birds, not even the Brown Booby from that was with us yesterday evening. The bird had obviously left us, sleeping somewhere else.

I was heppy when I spotted two boobies flying in from behind and I thought it was two Brown Boobies. but I was soon to discover that it was one masked and one brown booby and they were hunting together in front of the boat.

The Masked Booby was gone at 07:45 and I was alone with the Brown Booby.

Masked Booby
Masked Booby

Masked Booby
Masked Booby

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Masked Booby
Masked Booby

We are passing Port Everglades when I come on the bridge in the afternoon. One Brown Booby hunting in front of the boat and I tried to get a picture and I got one of our Bosun, busy replacing broken pipes on deck.

It is a gorgeous evening and the booby disappears under the boat and suddenly there are two Brown Boobies hunting in front of the boat. I think they are resting on the anchors and they take of to hunt every now and then.

Gloom and grey for long as I can see and I need to use an crazy ISO speed and the picture is not turning out very good. But it is good enough for ID purposes.

The bird is “RED MARKED” in eBird so I want to have a picture for ID.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Bosun on deck

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Passing Port Everglades

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift

Rare Bird Alert

Friday 22nd of November 2024
and we are steaming towards west and Houston when I come on the bridge 4 o'clock in the morning. We are about 50 km south of the Seven Miles Bridge on the Florida Keyes.

I start my eBird app at 06:35 as I see one bird flying across in front of us. Flying low over the water, long pointy narrow wings. Dark grey top and white bottom. I could not ID the bird, maybe a petrel. DARN! I wish I could have taken a picture.

A few minutes later and one Brown Booby started to hunt in front of the boat. The bird was soon joined by a young Brown Booby and at 07:15 I was joined by a third Brown Booby.

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

We held the last of our drills after the coffee break, well, Chief Officer do not have the time for any breaks so I was waiting for the rest of the crew doing some important documents in my office.

We were leaving Straits of Florida behind in the afternoon. Steaming towards Houston leaving Key West behind sailing in to the sun set with 3 Brown Boobies hunting in front of the boat.

Saturday 23rd of November 2024
and we are working our way towards west when I come on the bridge 4 o'clock in the morning. I turn on my eBird app 5 minutes before 7 when the first Brown Booby started to hunt in front of the boat.

10 minutes later they were 2 and a few minutes after that it was 3 Brown Boobies and I suspect that they are the same birds I saw yesterday. They must have spent the night on the anchors.

At 8 o'clock there was 5 of them, so I could report 5 Brown Boobies in m eBird app before I turned it off. I went down to discharge the slop through the ODME and we completed the operation just in time for lunch.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Important with good food when you put in 12 hours per day minimum

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Important with good food when you put in 12 hours per day minimum

I am on diet and I should ship lunch, but putting in at least 12 hours per day and I am hungry. So, I make a quick stop in the mess room before going back to my room. And I have a cup of oatmeal
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
on the bridge in the evening.

I stopped in the slop chest to pick up some chocolate on the way back Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto my room. A bucket of tea with some chocolate while watching a movie, that is the way to spend the Saturday afternoon.

Going on the bridge quarter to 4 in the afternoon and I will Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st hopefully be able to spot some birds.

And I would really like to see something else than boobies, they are not very exciting by now. Now I have seen them so many times in the Gulf of Mexico. Reported them every time so new they have gone from a Rare Bird Alert to a YAWN. Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

My friends, the three Brown Boobies was hunting in front of the boat when I came on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the afternoon

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Sun is setting over the Gulf of Mexico

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Sun is setting over the Gulf of Mexico

Sunday 24th of November 2024
and the first Brown Booby started to hunt at 06:28 and I started my eBird app. A few minutes later the second bird started to hunt. And at 06:40 I had three of them hunting up front.

They have spent the night on our anchors and now they had woken up for breakfast. When I left the bridge at 8 o'clock we had seven Brown Boobies hunting in front of the boat.

It is nice to watch them hunting, but now I would really appreciate something a wee bit more exotic to report to eBird.

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Brown Booby
Brown Booby

Brown Booby
Brown Booby


1 of December 2024 and I was advised by eBird to change my count of Brown Boobies from 7 to 6 and to add one Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby

Spending the rest of the morning in my office preparing loading plans. I went to speak with the Engineers in the coffee room when I spotted 14 Brown Boobies through the window. I called the bridge to get the position.

I used the position to report the birds to eBird.

We were approaching the fairway to Galveston in the evening. I had spotted 4 Brown Boobies coming in from the north 10 minutes before 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Rare Bird Alert

Monday 25th of November 2024
and we are steaming towards NW and Galveston when I come on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the morning. We are in the Galveston fairway and we have quite some traffic going towards Galveston, and of course, ships leaving Galveston behind.

Enjoying my tea and quarter to six I get my cheese omelette that I enjoy while waiting for the daylight and the birds to show up.

The crew is coming at 6 and we discuss the work that have to be done for the day before they leave the bridge. I am alone and I spot the first Brown Booby around 6 thirty and I start my eBird app.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Early morning, steaming north towards Galveston waiting for the first birds to show up

Two Brown Boobies but they disappear very quickly taking off towards south and Gulf of Mexico. I guess we are too close to land. I turned off my eBird app and I spotted another Brown Booby a little bit later, but I never bothered to report the bird.

7 thirty and I spot another Brown Booby, two birds, but I am soon to realise that the second bird is not a Brown Booby. It is a gull and I try to take some pictures as it is soaring above port side bridge wing.

I get a few pictures and I report the bird as an American Herring Gull in my eBird app.

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

Two Tier

Leaving for a cup of tea in my office at 8 o'clock and there is another cubic ton of hard work that have to be done. I keep myself busy and I look out the window at 10 o'clock.

I see a bird, well, I am not wearing my glasses, but it looks like there is a bird sitting in the forward mast. I call the bridge and 3rd Officer confirm that there is a bird.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - What colour?
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - Black with a bit of white!
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - Magnificent Frigatebird

Going to my room to pick up my camera and I went to the bridge. It was a Magnificent Frigatebird sitting in the top of the forward mast. Preening so I had to wait for a while before I could get a picture with the head visible.

Back in my room and I upload today's pictures to eBird before I have my 30 minutes power nap.

Magnificent Frigatebird
Magnificent Frigatebird

Magnificent Frigatebird
Magnificent Frigatebird

We drop anchor at 12 thirty and there are no birds to be seen when I come on the bridge at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Well, it is getting dark around 6 o'clock and I turn on the floodlights on deck and I wait for the gulls to arrive.

Hundreds of gulls are coming to hunt and rest on the water next to the boat using the light from our floodlight. Too dark for any ID, but most likely Laughing Gulls.

Tuesday 26th of November 2024
and we are still anchored when I come on the bridge 4 o'clock in the morning. The gulls are still around the ship, but they disappear as soon as we have day light.

One American Herring Gull is flying by us and that is the only bird I can report before I leave the bridge. So, it was a slow morning when it comes to birds, and otherwise as well.

A few Brown Pelicans was flying by close to us in the afternoon. Otherwise, there was nothing but the sunset to enjoy. Well, I could also enjoy watching the crew working on deck.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Our crew is busy on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Our crew is busy on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Sun is setting over Texas

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Sun is setting over Texas

Wednesday 27th of November 2024
and the morning was very slow regarding the birds. One American Herring Gull was flying by and that was the only bird I could report to eBird.

The afternoon was also very slow when it came to birds. But the crew was working hard painting on deck so there was a wee bit of action and I got a few pictures from the bridge.

They have finished the ballast tank hatches on port side and they started on the hatches on starboard side. So, they are busy chipping and painting.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Our crew is busy on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Our crew is busy on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Our crew is busy on deck

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Our crew is busy on deck


Pump Man came on the bridge to discuss tomorrow’s job and suddenly, it was getting dark, but one Peregrine Falcon flew by and the bird landed in our deck crane.

Too far away and too dark for any good pictures. But I gave it a try to I could upload something for my eBird report, picture is good enough for ID purpose.

I was happy to be able to report something else than gulls and boobies to eBird.

Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon on our deck crane

Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon on our deck crane

Thursday 28th of November 2024
and we were expected to come alongside during the late afternoon/ evening. But now it is changed until tomorrow. On signers have arrived they are waiting at a hotel for us to come alongside. The latest rumours they have 2 cases of DIET drinks for me.

I bought two eBooks from ebook.com, bird guides, Sibley Field Guide to Birds of the Eastern United States and the Sibley Field Guide to Birds of the Western United States and I down loaded them before going to the bridge in the afternoon.

I bought the National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America before going to USA last year, an excellent book. But it is not available as an eBook so I bought the Sibley Field Guides as I need a book for USA.

And to carry around all the books in my luggage is no option, but now I am covered for almost the whole world since I bought the ID Handbook of European Birds Vol. 1: Non-passerines; Vol. 2: Passerines yesterday.

Sibley Field Guide to Birds of the Eastern United States
Sibley Field Guide to Birds of the Western United States
Sibley Field Guide to Birds of the Eastern and Western United States

ID Handbook of European Birds Vol. 1: Non-passerines; Vol. 2: Passerines
ID Handbook of European Birds Vol. 1: Non-passerines; Vol. 2: Passerines

I spent the afternoon/ evening on the bridge, no birds at all, until suddenly, two Brown Pelicans showed up and I managed to get some pictures. Too dark, but the pictures are OK for my eBird checklist. But only two birds on the checklist.

I had my tea and OATMEAL SURPRISE ® and time turned quite quick and I was soon back in my room and I was soon in bed.

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Friday 29th of November 2024
and not one single bird was seen during the morning on the bridge. We have strong wind and gloom and grey for long as I could see. So, maybe the birds are taking cover from the weather.

Coming on the bridge in the afternoon, I had had a nap during the afternoon as we are expected to come alongside late evening. But now it was changed to 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.

And now I will have a wee bit of trouble falling asleep tonight. I was soon discovering gulls and pelicans around the boat and I tried to take pictures.

I really enjoy watching the pelicans dive for fish, of course, very hard to get good pictures. I got one picture and I discover that there is one dolphin swimming next to the pelican

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

American Herring Gull
American Herring Gull

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican and a dolphin

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican


Houston Pilot called me around 5 o'clock and they told me that pilot will board us at 21:00. Worst time possible, coming alongside around 2 o'clock in the morning.

We did the test and checks when Houston Pilot called, pilot changed to 22:30. Now it looks better as there might be a chance for me to get a few hours of sleep.

Saturday 30th of November 2024
and they call me around 4 thirty in the morning. The pilot had boarded is just after midnight, very good, I managed to get some sleep.

First line ashore at 05:06 and all fast at 05:36. We started to load a little bit after 10 o'clock and the best thing was that our new crew joined and I ripped open a diet drink first thing.

Aladdin's adventure onboard m/t Nord Swift
Diet drinks

We had completed the line displacement just after 12 o'clock. We resumed loading just before 12 thirty and now we expect 6 hours or so before we complete the first parcel.

I left the CCR just before 1 o'clock and I went to the bridge to see what bird Kinder Morgan Terminal had to offer.

The first two birds is one Snowy Egret and one Great Egret. I spott two gulls that I cannot ID and it is pretty slow. So, I was happy to see one Brown Pelican arriving to hunt next to the boat.

I spotted two Neotropic Cormorants, one fishing next to the boat and one sitting on a rock drying the wings next to a turtle.

Neotropic Cormorant
Neotropic Cormorant and a turtle

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican

Great-tailed Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle in the forward mast

Great-tailed Grackle
Great-tailed Grackles with a friend

Great-tailed Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle

Great-tailed Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle


I was just about to leave the bridge to enjoy a diet drink in my room when a group of Great-tailed Grackles landed in the foremast. Too far away for any pictures, but they came back towards the bridge and landed on the deck crane.

Still too far away for any pictures, but I discovered a smaller brown bird among them when I looked at the picture. I will send the picture to www.birdforum.net to see if I can get assistance with the ID.

Some of them came back and landed on the bridge wing and I could go out to get a picture.

We completed the first parcel at 18:36 and we had to wait until 22 thirty until they could start the second parcel. The second parcel 289500 Bbls and this will be a blend of 4 different grades.

It was almost midnight when I could return to my room and this is the last of November 2024 and we just have to click HERE to find the adventure of December 2024.

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