“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”
Friday 1st of August 2014 and my alarm went off at 7 fifteen and I gad been awake for a few minutes already. I had my vitamins and the lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink before I went for my shower. I had prepared my “diet bet” yesterday, but I decided to have breakfast before posting my “diet bet” in the mess room.
I finished my breakfast and I went to my office at 8 o'clock to start the crew. Continue to paint on bridge deck and our Pump Man will check all our Scanjets. As soon as they were on deck I read my “diet bet” the last time before printing it. I brought it to the mess room and I posted my new improved (impossible to fail) “diet bet” on the bulk head.
Took about 2 seconds and our 2nd Officer was glued to the poster dreaming about millions of dollars.
Well, it is not going to be that easy, I hope Well, I might sign off without any money, but it will hopefully be without 500 kg of lard when I walk over the gangway in 4 months.
Well, I will see how this turns out, maybe I can find some self-discipline and start with sit ups, which would be good. And some other gymnastics, but when I'm back in my cabin after the dinner I just have my shower before making tea. And so far I have not opened my Thai books
But surprisingly enough I started some Learn Thai with Mod and Alif Silpachai videos, but just listening and not looking. Will it be better today?
I was soon back in my office and Pump Man was cutting 4 bolts on the door. The bolts are too long for our anti pirate bars and it will take an eternity to open the door in case of fire etc. So I had our Pump Man to cut the bolts.
I started by making an inventory of our test gases for the gas detectors and our test tubes for toxic gases.
I also get my paper work back in the order I like to have it and all this while the music is blasting high on the Richter scale. Time was quick and it was soon time for a coffee break with our Engineers in the duty mess.
We went out to check the life boat davit after the coffee break. Look like we're going to dry dock in January and the work to prepare have started. January, perfect then I will be home. Dry dock is for sure something I can live without. Then I prefer to stay home in Bangkok having a good time, and it is the best time of the year in Bangkok.
And I'm luck with my reliever, he likes to be home in the spring and in the autumn, the worst time in Bangkok and I can stay on the ship. A win win situation.
Pump Man and 2nd Engineer
HOLD ON! The hair has to look good
So, he is satisfied with his hair
Well, first we were supposed to come alongside 5 to 6th of August. Then it was changed to the 8th of August. Now it is on the 11th of August. Departing on the 13th of August and we will not be in Fujairah until the end of August.
So as I need to have my ballot in Sweden before the 14th of September it looks like I need to send it from Mombasa, Kenya. Coming to Fujairah and we don't know what happens and I really need to get my ballot to Sweden in time.
When I left home it was about how Jews were attacked in Sweden on the news all the time. How Swedish people attacked Jews, spitting on them, trashing there stores marking them with swastikas
This was “Swedish” people attacking them. Strange, no one mentioned Sverigedemokraterna (also called Sweden’s Nazi party). They are always blamed for being Nazis, racists and xenophobic.
No one mentioned anything about racist etc., only that Swedes were attacking Jews. This has been going on for a long time now. And where is Timbuktu? Waving his passport making embarrassing songs about Jimmy Åkesson. Timbuktu is for sure an embarrassment!
Article from back in 2010
Yes, this is nice Swedish people, coming, no escaping war or whatever and then they behave like this. They should be sent back “home” immediately and they Swedish passports should be confiscated. And who the hell gave them a Swedish passport?
Coming to what was once the best country in the world where you could be anything for free. All schools were for free if you had to grades to be admitted. Now we have 17 years old that don't know the clock and how many mm it goes on a decimetre!!!
Yes, I'm sorry, but I heard this for the first time when I was back home and I find it beyond comprehension. And when they can't find job they blame it on racism. So we're in a hurry here, so all couch potatoes get out of the sofa and go to vote. No time to lose!
The day came finally to an end, time for dinner. But first a constitutional. I have an hour of constitutional at the lunch break, I have time now since my “diet bet” have kicked in.
A little bit hungry, but I munch on a few apples and the feeling of hunger will hopefully soon disappear.
I had broccoli and some meatballs for lunch. I had asked our Cook to save the remaining meatballs for dinner and I had them with cauliflower for dinner. A good day!
Saturday 2nd of August 2014 and I started my day with my vitamins and the lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink as soon as my alarm went off at 7 fifteen. Shower and I had 2 slices of black bread with cheese for breakfast before going to my office.
The crew is waiting and we start with a “tool box” meeting and we do risk assessments for today’s work. And today we have plenty dangerous jobs to do. Removing razor wire so we can set the pilot ladder. We will change our team with armed guards today. We will grease and test our deck crane, so work permit and risk assessment are required. I will also have 2 guys on deck chipping and painting during the day.
So it is a cubic ton of paper work to do before we can start the real work. The new armed guards will come around 10 o'clock and our crew removed the razor wire at the pilot ladder on port side. There were no sign of the boat at 10 and it was around 11 o'clock when they arrived.
The old team left and it was lunch time. We will have a meeting with the new armed guards at 1 o'clock. First it was 12 thirty and my constitutional was interrupted. But even though today's constitutional was foocked up I'm confident that I will soon obtain my V-shaped torso thanks to the “diet bet”
Saturday dinner and I'm allowed to eat whatever I want, well, except for any sweets. Lucky that I added the “sweets” to the items NOT allowed to eat. I was full enough and to top that with a cubic ton of ice cream would have been a disaster. So I was drinking tea for one and a half hour while speaking with the Engineers, a 2nd Officer and one of the armed guards that kept us company. He had been at a safari in Kenya and I want to go to Kenya.
But Kenya have had trouble the last few months and I can as well go for safari in South Africa or Tanzania. Tanzania, I like Tanzania more than South Africa. Lat time I was on board my plan was to stop work for more than 3 months a year.
My last holiday ever would be the trip to Las Vegas. I wanted to see Las Vegas and as I don't drink anymore going for holiday seems to be a waste of money and time. I have always gone for holiday to drink and have a party.
Las Vegas was fun even though I was sober, and the safari was very nice. So maybe continue to work 6 months a year and go for new adventure holidays.
I meet a guy on the airplane to Las Vegas and the couple on the sunset cruise in Zanzibar. They had all been in Amazonas and I'm thinking about to fly to Brazil to have a cruise on River Amazonas.
Our 2nd Engineer have been in Sweden and he really likes it. I told him that he could forget about moving to Sweden.
- Why?
- You have an education, having a job and making money.
- So?
- Not the kind of people we want to come to Sweden!
Saturday night and I took the time to watch a movie before going to bed. Monday, that's when I have planned to open my Thai books and to take the time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. Slow start but I'm up and running with the diet. Stopped smoking and only 120 cans of snus remaining before I'm going to give up snus. Thai language learning, in the pipe line.
Sunday 3rd of August 2014 and I woke up at 10 o'clock. We're still drifting outside Mombasa and the deck crew is busy chipping and painting on deck. I ran in to all of our Engineers when I passed the duty mess on my way to the office.
I took the opportunity to have my daily allowance of black bread and cheese in the duty mess.
2nd, 4th, 3rd and Chief Engineer in the duty mess
We're running out of cup brushes and I was in the tool stores looking for new ones. Only cup brushes for the engine department, but I took 3 different ones for our Pump Man to try. 2 day and two sections of deck ready so if we can keep this rate the deck will soon be ready. Almost 2 weeks waiting and then about 2 weeks to Fujairah. So there will be time for chipping and painting, of course weather permitted.
We were lucky with the wire cup brushes, I gave Pump Man three different kinds and we can use 2 of them. So we have enough to last us for a while. And we have plenty old paint I will get rid of, we're changing from Sigma to International and it is good to get rid of the old paint.
We have 140 litres of old Sigma paint that have never been used as they changed to new Sigma paint. So this paint have been around for a while and I will try to use it on deck saving millions of dollars for Maersk.
Barcarolle 2008 - Deck is black, green, grey, blue and red. And we saved a lot of money
And the environment, instead of throwing old paint we use it on deck. Barcarolle back in 2008 and we remember how we used all the old paint not in use any more on deck. And when we get rid of the old paint, taking up a lot of space in the paint store. And if we never use the paint we can't fill up with enough paint for long voyages as space are used with this old sh**t.
Before we finish for today we read an interesting article from Bangkok Post Doctor sick of all the 'trash' One thing is for sure, there are all kinds of people out there.
Monday 4th of August 2014 and I was a wee bit tired when my alarm went off quarter past 7. But I felt better when I had had my vitamins and the lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink. And I turned cartwheels down the ladders to the mess room when I came out from the shower “hotto”
2 slices of black bread (1 slice cut in to 2 is still only 1 slice) with cheese and a bucket of tea before I took off to my office where the crew was waiting.
Pump Man and 2 ABs got started with the greasing of our winches on the poop deck. And when they were ready they brought up old mooring ropes from the rope store. To be brought ashore in Mombasa and we might get Papaya, Mango and pineapple in exchange for our ropes. YUMMY!!!
The day passed by quite quickly. Tool box meeting with work permits and I prepared all the paper works for the hot work tomorrow. So our toolbox meeting will be running smooth tomorrow morning and we will have more time for all the important work required to keep the ship “ship shape”
And we're not only keeping the ship “ship shape”, there is also time to keep me, I was about to write “ship shape”. But I will hopefully be much smaller than the ship.
Captain scolded me this morning for eating “giant” portions of food. Only one plate allowed according to the “diet bet” so what to do? But he is right, if I want a V-shaped torso I have to eat like a guy with a V-shaped torso.
So at lunch and dinner I took a wee bit less, hungry, of course. But only for a few days until I get used.
I was, well, typical, hungry and I was looking for 5 star hotels in Mombasa on the internet. Serena luxury accommodation in Mombasa. Same hotel chain I had my best meal at in Tanzania. So now I have something to look forward to when coming alongside in Mombasa. The Serena Beach Resort and Spa offers a number of dining experiences, and a selection of bars, coffee shops and café areas, both inside and out. Choose from; the central Fountain Restaurant, the charming Jahazi Grill seafood restaurant, the central Sokoni Terrace brasserie and a wide choice of inside and outside bars.
Well, I also discovered that Serena arranged safaris in Kenya. I hope to leave Roy Maersk in Tanzania and I will have a look at Kilimanjaro and a 2 day safari in the area. Then I will shoot of to Victoria Falls for 2 or 3 days before going back to Bangkok. That's the plan.
Victoria Falls - Don't you want to take right off to see the wonder?
Maybe because of my age- Agony strikes hard! I have wasted my life going around the world dead drunk
A few years ago my travel adventures was to sleep on a side walk in West Berlin or to be chased by an imaginary police car while riding a tuk tuk with an Australian Nurse in Agra, India etc. What a waste of money and time! This is more fun, for sure!
Well, checking Mombasa for fine dining and I discovered that Serena arrange safaris from 2000 US to 5600 US, 3 to 10 days and if I take 10 days I can experience plenty gaming drives around Kenya and to see gorillas in Rwanda. And have a look at all these GOODIES and tell me you don't want to get right on the airplane and take off to Africa. Well, I for sure do want to take off.
The only thing I was worried about was that it is a TENTED CAMP.
I don't want to camp. I did enough camping back when I was 15. We were a bunch going to Gilleleje in Denmark. Only for drinking beer and party. Of course, putting up the tent was boring, well honestly, we were too drunk to give a shit. So the field in the marina was full of tents laying flat on the grass. We used our tents like sleeping bags. I remember a couple, I think from UK, they had put up a tent next to our “camp” Of course, when we came back 5 o'clock in the morning we didn't notice their tent and we walked right over it.
I'm still haunted by memories waking up on that field and I have never sat foot in a tent or done any camping since then. OK, I was lying, no, actually I remembered it now when I wrote this. I must have repress this horrid experience. We were 18 or something like that.
Me and my friend had been at a party, I don't know where. And as this was in the middle of nowhere, deepest country side in Skåne and no way to get back home. We went in to a caravan and we woke up in a piss yellow caravan that had seen the best days many years ago. Home sweet home on the wall and it was a horrible experience. If I can't afford a hotel I skip the holiday and I stay home. And safari in a tent, no way. But I had a look at Serena’s tents and now we're talking camping. I'm ready to take on camping in Africa any day, with PLEASURE!!!
Living in this tent and no problem to camp
Living in this tent and no problem to camp
Of course, this camping adventure comes with a price tag. But this will most likely be my next VISA RUN. So my dream is to have covered Victoria Falls and the Kilimanjaro and one more safari in Tanzania before taking off to Kenya.
Why didn't I started with this several years ago? Las Vegas, my last holiday. I was sober and I had the time of my life. 9 days in Tanzania, sober and I had the time of my life. I have spent night with the police in Hong Kong, Lisbon and East Germany. Memories, of course, but nothing like the baby giraffe or the Lion in Tanzania. So my next visa run is planned, now we have to see how the situation is in Kenya in a few months’ time. There had been trouble lately.
Tuesday 5th of August 2014 and I was not as tired as I had expected when my alarm went off quarter past 7. And after a few vitamins and the lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink I was full of vim. A hot shower and I was ready to take on the world.
Took me quite a while to fall asleep yesterday and I hope I can get to sleep way quicker tonight. Well, I went down for 2 slices of black bread with cheese in the mess room. A bucket of tea and at 8 o'clock we went to my office for toolbox meeting. Hot work on the provision crane so there are a lot of paper works and checks to do before we can start the job.
So my office was full of people today, the deck crew, 2nd and Chief Engineer and our 2 Fitters. I sent the deck crew to paint keeping one of the ABs that we will use as fire watch. Paper work, test gas detection instruments, risk assessment, tool box and the gas measuring ready and they could start the job. Cutting the old handrails and they had pre fabricated new hand rails to weld back on when the old handrails are removed.
Our 2nd Engineer and Chief Engineer was there to make sure our Fitters did a good job. I instructed them yet one more time about goggles and the AB on fire watch was instructed to keep an eye on the Fitters.
If he see them without the goggles he would remind them. We don't want anyone to lose their eye sight. I left for my office and some paper work to sort out. A lot of paper work and as we expect 2 more days for the hot work I prepared work permits and risk assessments for tomorrow.
I also prepared for entrance to void space #6. We're testing all the bilge alarms in the void spaces. We have strings from the float up to deck so we can test the bilge alarms without having to enter the void spaces.
But we need to get down to void space #6 to rested the alarm. Force ventilation had been running since 6 o'clock in the morning.
But we were running in to a lot of other jobs and I had given up the hopes to be ready with the bilge alarms today. Pump Man started to repair the stripping line on cargo pump 1 port. He was ready around 2 o'clock and we could start with the bilge alarms.
We were ready around 4 thirty in the afternoon and they just finished the hot work for today. We hosed down the bridge deck and the guys opened up for our anti-piracy water spraying stuff we have along the ship. They went inside for a shower and I took off for my constitutional around the accommodation.
I was not all that happy about my diet today. Our Cook had made some very good frikadels for lunch and I had a few to many. Only one plate allowed and it was brimmed with frikadel and cauliflower. Healthy, but a wee bit too much, and our Cook had some of the frikadels over and I will have them for dinner.
Our Engineers informed me about safaris in India.
They have Tiger safaris and I spent the evening checking it out on the internet. Well, I don't know, the African safaris seems more exciting but if it is a Tiger you want to see India it is. But the parks in India are quite small and it might be like a Legoland safari. 1400 remaining wild tigers in India, half of the remaining wild tigers in the world.
The tiger is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m and weighing up to 388.7 kg in the wild. The global population in the wild is estimated to number between 3,062 and 3,948 individuals, down from around 100,000 at the start of the 20th century, with most remaining populations occurring in small pockets isolated from each other.
So no time to lose, the tiger will soon be extinct and if I want to see a tiger I'm better off hurry up. They are walking around in China with giant erections with the best luck in the world thanks to all the wild life disappearing. Tigers, Rhinos, Elephants and sharks soon nothing left.
It is 2014 and people are still using a tiger tooth or eating shark fin soup for good luck. No need for driving licence or a safety belt. It is better with a good luck charm hanging from the rear-view mirror. 2014, why don't they convince the Chinese that they will have the biggest erections and baldies will look like Bob Marley if they eat rats and cockroaches. That would be something!
Wednesday 6th of August 2014 and I was kind of surprised when my alarm went off quarter past 7. I slept very good and as it was pitch dark in my bed room I thought it was in the middle of the night. But I was soon realising that it was my alarm. I staggered out in my room and I turned off my alarm. Time for my vitamins and the lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink
We had a toolbox meeting in my office after breakfast and they were soon up and running with the hot work. Our Pump Man was looking for hose clamps and we went down to our store room. We found all in the stores and we decided to try our luck at the work shop.
We ran in to our new 4th Engineer from Denmark. He didn't know where to find hose clamps so our Pump Man and I continued to explore the engine room area. First stop the Engine Control Room and as there wasn't any one in the ECR we took the opportunity to touch everything.
Our Pump Man took the seat and he was all over the engine control and of course, I took pictures. Didn't take long for us to grow bored in the ECR. We didn't find any hose clamps and we left the engine room. Soon time for lunch, yeah, time is really quick when you have a good time.
And according to the latest news we will have to wait for another week before we can come alongside in Mombasa. Will be nice to come alongside to discharge the cargo and I will try to come ashore to Serena Hotel for dinner.
And who knows? Maybe I will be lucky and find a safari helmet for upcoming safaris and adventures. I will of course ask if anyone knows of a place to buy a safari helmet when we come alongside. Well, we will see, but our Agent should be happy to get our old mooring ropes and I expect him to go the extra mile to help me find a safari helmet.
I can't wait to check-in at Suvarnabhumi International in full safari uniform. They will think that it is a dashing adventurer coming to check-in. Now I will have to go through the trouble finding an airline flying from Bangkok to Dar es Salaam or Nairobi. Jo'burg, South Africa is Thai Airways only destination in Africa.
I will not give up my safari until I have seen a “wild” Giraffe drinking water. A Tiger would be nice to see, but even at the national parks in India it is hard to see them as there isn't many of them remaining.
Well, that will be a problem to solve when back home in Bangkok. The day passed pretty quickly and our Fitters was almost ready when the day came to an end.
Our 3rd Engineer and 4th Engineer was busy with the ventilation mushrooms for the engine room when I came to check the progress on the welding. Looks like they will be ready tomorrow.
Good, as soon as they are finished we will go down to inspect some ballast tanks. If we're lucky we're ready with them on Saturday.
We were supposed to launch our MOB boat today, but we were rolling slightly and we cancelled the job and we hope we can do it tomorrow instead. Well, will tonight be the first night I open my Thai books? They are still laying untouched on my bed side table.
Busy with the flaps on the ventilation fans
3rd and 4th Engineer - Busy with the flaps on the ventilation fans
3rd and 4th Engineer - Busy with the flaps on the ventilation fans
Thursday 7th of August 2014 and I can't say that I was turning cartwheels out of my bed when my alarm went off. But it was not bad, and when I had had my lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink with my vitamins I was ready to take on the world. I hot shower and breakfast and I was off to my office.
We did the paper work for the hot work and this will be the last day with hot work. Platform will be ready today. But at what time? Will we have time to paint the first layer today?
The work was up and running in the provision crane and I went down to the engine room with the Pump Man, I have forgot what we were going to do there. But we ran in to 2nd Engineer and we had a picture taken
We left the engine room and we were soon running in to more excitements, whales! We had 2 big whales swimming next to us and I was lucky to get a few pictures.
We are steaming slowly outside Mombasa for a few hours, then we stop the engine and we drift back. Then we start the engine again and we continue with this to keep inside Kenya Navy safety area.
So the whales are swimming about the same speed as we're keeping so I had time to have a real good look at them. And they are really beautiful swimming with us
Today is the second day and we cancel the MOB boat launch. Not really any weather for it and we're busy. But as soon as they are ready with the hot work we will put more effort in to this. So the MOB will hopefully be water borne tomorrow.
We have water ballast tanks to inspect and we will start with one tomorrow morning, or if we can launch the MOB as soon as we finished that job. And I need 2 guys to paint the new rails on the platform under the provision crane.
I have been on enough ships where they have welded and never bothered to paint the freshly welded steel. Or they have managed to get one layer on the seel and after a few days it looks like shit and the steel work is wasted.
So to get the new rails painted with 5 layers are high on our TO DO list. We have 2 extra Fitters from India on board and they are busy. We have some more work on deck to be done.
But the hot work has to be done in the engine room as we can't weld on deck no matter how many risk assessments and work permit we make. So it have to be fabricated in the engine work shop and we will screw it back when on deck.
At 16:45 they completed the welding and no time for painting today. But I had time for a short constitutional before dinner. Busy today and I had to skip my constitutional at lunch. Well, one and a half hour at the dinner table talking about the good ol' days with the guys and I was off to my cabin.
Internet wasn't much to write home about and I could not continue my searches for new adventures. Captain have been talking about Greenland and I saw a movie yesterday and they were on Greenland.
I started to look for tickets to Greenland and Iceland for the next summer. Yeah, you know you're old when you're looking for tickets to Greenland. ALMOST 3000 US FOR A TICKET FROM COPENHAGEN TO NUUK, GREENLAND! I was in shock, I had expected 500 US. So it is between 6 and 7000 to fly from Bangkok to Greenland.
These prices will hopefully have come down by the time I want to go. I will try to find a package tour including Iceland. Yes, there is no doubt any more, our here is getting old.
Greenland covered in ice in, well, not in the summer. But there will be ice and we're very close to the Northpole. And as we refuse to give up after the Tigers, frogs, elephants and whales etc. Kill them all and the Polar bear is soon history and I might catch a glimpse of one when on Greenland.
Yes, soon time for me to die and I will try to cover as much as possible before we leave this shit behind. So Greenland is on my wish list. Summer time and I can stop by in Sweden to visit my Nephews
I'm also busy with our 2nd Engineer, I asking him about the national parks in India.
But he had never been to any of the national parks in India and I suggested that he should join me with his son. He is 5 years old and it is about time for him to see the wild life. And maybe he will grow to respect the nature. I have found one park with Lions, Asia’s last lions. 1400km³ of national park 5 hours from New Deli with car. And obvious “MUST GO”
Then there are a few parks with wild Tigers and Elephants. So I will choose 2 or 3 different parks in India for next year. But first I will be off to Africa.
Well, before you go to bed you can watch Sverigedemokraternas latest vid! Click HERE
Med 39 dagar kvar till valet så släpper vi nu en lite längre film om oss! SD2014! Upp ur soforna!
Friday 8th of August 2014 and I was full of vim when my alarm went off at 07:15. lemon flavoured magnesium “FIZZ” drink and vitamins and I was off for breakfast as soon as I had had my “GOOD MORNING” shower.
I mug of tea and 4 slices of black bread, well, 2 slices but they are cut in half. So it give me two “double deckers” with cheese between.
No more hot work so it was only the deck crew in my office at 8 o'clock. We have to make a risk assessment and work permit so I can send 2 guys to paint all the new steel our welders have put up around the provision crane
We started the force ventilation in DB 6 Port at 8 and we will go down to inspect the tank after the coffee break. And that gave me plenty paper work to do before we can enter the tank. Risk assessment, work permit and I have to test our gas detectors. Good, plenty to do and time flies.
We entered the tank at 10:45 and the tank look like the other ballast tanks we inspected last time I was on board, like new.
We were soon at the bottom of the tank and we worked our way aft. Last time we inspected the tanks Pump Man left me behind. This time, I left him behind. I have given up smoking and I moved around like one of those PECIAL FORCES Commando soldiers. Well, think Steven Segal 30 years ago and you have a pretty good picture of me moving around in the ballast tank and this time I had to wait for our Pump Man.
Pump Man, always a few steps behind
Yes, smoking, give it up! It is 2014 fer foock’s sake and everyone knows it does nothing good for you! I feel like a million since I gave up. We are using Ove Wrist in Fujairah and snus is available. But I have decided not to waste any more money on tobacco.
1 to 2 packs per day: 100 Baht ++ per day for ciggies |
36,000 Baht/ year |
2 to 3 cans per day: About 500 baht per day for snus |
180,000 Baht/ year |
Total amount wasted per year: |
About 200,000 Baht = 1 extra month of holiday per year |
And this for something that just makes you feel like shit. Before I stopped shopping at 7 Eleven I went to buy 1 to 2 packs of fags every day. You take out 200 Baht from you pocket and it doesn’t seems like much. But putting it per year and it makes me scared. How much money have I been wasting on cigarettes?
Snus, I order snus per month, several times per month and I pay by credit card on line and my fridge is always full. So I really don't notice the money I spend. But it is 250 Baht every time I open the fridge. 200,000 Baht that is a nice safari in Africa or 2 weekends in Singapore. Or an extra month of holiday every year!
And the worst thing is when thinking about how many tons, yes, TONS!
Of snus I have been carrying around the world. And always have to worry about the snus:
Will I have enough?
Coming here and I had decided to give up and I only brought 120 cans, my last cans. And it was almost like travel without any luggage. But as I use to say: We have to see how this turns out. But I hope I will manage to give up the snus, but with my will power....
We were out of the ballast tank and we went for a shower before lunch. Now I will have to make an inspection report in the afternoon. It was soon 5 o'clock and I was on deck for my constitutional before dinner. In a pretty good mood, first layer of paint on the welded rails on the provision crane. 2 more sections on deck ready for the last (fifth) layer of paint tomorrow. Almost 4 sections chipped and ready for cup brushing and painting.
Container ship leaving Mombasa
He is everywhere
Container ship leaving Mombasa
There he is again
Container ship leaving Mombasa
Saturday 9th of August 2014 and we started the force ventilation of ballast tank 6 Starboard at 8 o'clock and we have planned to go down after the coffee break. So we had a look at our MOB davit, we found out that the davit wasn't working yesterday and it was due to a broken transformer.
I tested our gas detection equipment and I did risk assessments and work permit for the tank entry. The boys are on deck painting while we're waiting for the tank entry.
Latest berthing prospect 8 o'clock in the morning on the 13th of August and it will be nice to come alongside after 2 weeks drifting outside Mombasa.
We entered the tank 10 minutes before 11 o'clock, I was delayed with our temp log and some other super important jobs.
Always plenty important jobs around. Well, finally, we were on the way down the tank and we decided to start from the aft walking forward today.
So we worked our way back on to platforms on top of the tank and when we reached the ladder to the bottom we went down. Forward part of the tank was almost rust free.
A wee bit more rust in the aft part but nothing serious and the tank was found in good condition. Well, at least to top part. Now it was time to get down in the “dreaded” double bottom. Ghosts are expected around every corner.
But our daring and dashing hero just threw himself down the ladder ready to take on anything he might encounter in the dark. Pump Man wasn't all that daring but he followed a few steps behind. The bottom looked as good as new and not much rust or mud
Our daring hero is about to throw himself in to the big dark unknown
We stepped in to the section with the ladder up to the stool. The stool looked good and we went down to the double bottom again. We worked our way forward to the ladder leading back up to deck.
When we reached the ladder we got back up on deck and I sat foot on deck 20 minutes before 12 as last man leaving the tank. Pump Man and I went for a shower before lunch. One remaining tank to do, the aft peak. And we will see if we do it on Monday.
Pump Man in the double bottom
I did the tank inspection reports after the coffee break in the afternoon and it was soon time for dinner. Saturday dinner and the bets are off. I have found 4 cans of potato in our Cook's store. Canned potatoes, my favourite and I asked our Cook to heat a can for me. Smoked salmon and canned potatoes, a favourite.
I gave up smoking, hmm, about 1 months ago. And I still have some strong urges for a cigarette after the meals. Only one per week or so, but anyway.
Sunday 10th of August 2014 and I woke up at 10 o'clock. I had been up all night transferring money on the internet. The internet is at least to say slowly and it was impossible to get anything done with the internet banking. But after midnight the internet picked up a wee bit.
I had our 2nd Engineer in my cabin to look at the “camping” pictures from Serengeti National park in Tanzania. He was impressed by the tents
- With tents like this I can also go camping!
We looked up pictures for the Devil's Pool at Victoria Falls. There were so many beautiful pictures from Victoria Falls and the Devil's pool. You just go ahead and make an IMAGE search for the Devil's pool on the internet.
And I was soon caught up planning my African adventure and safaris for the upcoming winter. I found a Ohio Camera Club on Meetup. Click the link for some pictures to see Dan Pater's “Zambia and Zimbabwe Postcard: Victoria Falls and literally living on the edge at Devil's Pool”
Let me quote Dan Pater:
An account with more pictures of Victoria Falls and going to Devil's Pool turned out too long for this forum, and I'm too lazy at the moment to boil it down, so I uploaded it unrevised as a PDF to the Files Section. I hope you might find it interesting.
So click HERE for Dan Pater's PDF file with his Devil's pool adventure at Victoria Falls.
I also found http://bpassman.blogspot.com, another blog, well, there were plenty blogs and pictures and before I knew it I was planning for my holiday and suddenly it was 2 thirty in the morning.
Daily Mail: 23 Apr 2008
Is this the ultimate (and most dangerous) infinity pool in the world? The natural water hole perched on the edge of the Victoria Falls
If you are looking for a taste of life on the edge, this just has to be the place.
Only a slippery, submerged lip of rock stands between these bathers and a 100m drop over the world's largest waterfall.
The Devil's Swimming Pool is certainly aptly named.
It is created each year at the fringes of Victoria Falls, when the dry season reduces water levels to create what has been likened to the ultimate infinity pool.
Hundreds of thrill-seekers descend on the falls, on Zambia's border with Zimbabwe, clambering across rocks and wading through shallows across the precipice to reach the pool.
The most daring visitors jump in and allow themselves to be carried towards the falls at terrifying speed. They are just inches from the edge when the rock lip brings them to a halt as the raging waters of the Zambezi crash over the edge a few feet away.
For most of the year, anyone foolish enough to enter the waters would be instantly swept to their deaths.
But when levels drop, the natural rock walls of the Devil's Swimming Pool come close enough to the surface to form a barrier and stop swimmers being carried away.
Astonishingly, even children frolic in Nature's most exhilarating theme park. There is almost an air of the hotel swimming pool as the youngsters captured in these photographs bob about, playing and splashing each other, seemingly oblivious to the danger nearby.
Their parents peer cautiously over the watery precipice at the vision which makes Victoria Falls a World Heritage Site.
Known locally as Mosi-oa-Tunya, or The Smoke that Thunders, 500million litres of water a minute cascade over the mile-wide falls, causing a deafening and spectacular explosion of rainbow-coloured spray which can be seen 30 miles away.
Angela Stugren, a 30-year-old American, travelled across two continents after deciding it was the perfect place to celebrate her first wedding anniversary with husband Francisc.
Bikini-clad, she stretches out over the edge so she appears to be flying over the falls, dangling her head and shoulders into the spume of spray. Software engineer Francisc, 35, from Seattle, said the thrill was "better than bungee jumping".
"It is a serious adrenalin rush for the first few minutes. The thought that you may get sucked away from the relatively calm waters of the pool makes you giddy with apprehension, although you would have to stray a fair way out for that to happen.
"If you jump in, it adds to the excitement but you can also get in gently. It's great fun - some people enjoy it quietly, swimming, looking and thinking, while others just keep screaming."
I hate heights, no, heights make me sick. But going to Victoria Falls without swimming in the Devil's pool is against the law. And for sure, I don't want to waste the remaining short time of my life in an African prison using a hole in the dust floor as a bathroom.
So swimming it will be! I also found out that we have to go to Dr Livingstone Island and swim from there. Passing Hippos and other excitements on the way.
Well, now I have brought yet another problem up on me. A camera! I brought 3 cameras this time and none of them are for water. I have two water cameras back home where they doesn’t do me any good. The chance to find a water camera in the middle of nowhere is at least to say slim.
But I will bring a camera down to the Devil’s Pool and I'm prepared to give up the camera for a few pictures in the Devil's pool. DARN! I actually brought 4 cameras with me, but I gave one camera to Pump Man. And I gave one camera to my friend before leaving Thailand. These 2 cameras could have been good to bring to the Devil's pool.
Here is a link to a page with a map over the whole Victoria Falls area and it might prove to be interesting. So click HERE!
And if you want to skip the pictures and information you can click HERE and go straight to the map with all names and points of interest. And all this because of Las Vegas.
I thought life had come to an end reaching 40. If you drink a beer the hangover is a real killer, for 2 days. No more holidays as it is impossible to party. No drinking and I had a ball, life is not over just because I turned 40! No more party, but I'm sure that swimming in the Devil's Pool will be better than any hangover.
Video from www.devilspool.net
A page worth a visit if you are having plans to go to Victoria Falls
Well, info starts coming in about my up coming summer adventure on Iceland and Greenland. I sent a request for a 3 weeks package tour to Iceland and Greenland to different companies last week. I have sent inquiries for the Victoria Falls adventure in December and I will try to combine it with the Serengeti luxury safari.
Spend 4 days/ 3 nights in Western Serengeti. Tented Camp Safari at the Kirawira Luxury Tented Camp, which is a member of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World. I already look forward to this as we can imagine. And I hope to sign off in Tanzania.
Well, the Sunday is coming to an end and I know a wee bit more about the area around the Victoria Falls. Now it remains to see the darn thing. New week starts tomorrow and I will hopefully get started with my Thai books and the Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos
Monday 11th of August 2014 and a month to go to the election and no time to lose. I will do my voting today and we will send the ballot as soon as we're coming alongside. I have marked the envelope for my ballot papers properly so they understand the seriousness in the situation we're in.
The guys finished painting the first layer on deck in the morning. I made work permit for the provision crane so they could continue paint the new welded rails. 2 more layers and it will be ready.
I had to test the ODME and one of our 2nd Officers had to check some safety equipment’s. Pump Man also had stuff to do in the pump room and we made entry permits and risk assessments. 2nd Officer went down first with me, I opened for the ODME and I foocked off out of the pump room. When our 2nd Officer was ready our Pump Man went down and I tested our ODME, all alarms and auto valves was working and we were ready 10 minutes after 10 o'clock.
Coffee break at 10 o'clock and I had planned to cast my vote during the coffee break when I have witness that can sign my ballot papers confirming that it was me voting.
And there is no room for mistakes and it is all HANDS ON DECK! Now they want to give immigrants free driving licenses, of course, no problem, still a few Swedes remaining with a job that can pay this with their tax money. Swedes don't need to bother wondering if they get a free driving license. They still have to pay 2 to 3000 US Dollars to get their license.
Well, this is a way to try to get immigrants more popular on the employment market. Swedish tax payer already pay their fees and they are cheaper than Swedish for the employer.
But that is not enough, now free driving licence and the plan is to get them all employed. 17 years old that don't know to tell the time or how many mm it is on a decimetre, obviously not an important knowledge.
And Malmö, Miljö Partiet did a deal with the Government. GOD HELP US! So everyone finding job in Sweden paying 1500 US Dollars per month get a visa and work permit. And as no surprise, it didn't take long before people started to sell ( what a foocking surprise) these jobs in Pakistan and other countries where we need more people from to make Sweden great.
Anyone been to Pakistan? Bangladesh? Well, Aladdin say: GREAT! If Sweden only could become a little more like Pakistan... Malmö, now they have a lot of people working in restaurants, of course, they are every where working. But now Sydsvenskan had checked out the restaurants. They work for 8 US dollars per hour, up to 15 hours per day and then they get cheated on their salary.
And how can you live on 8 Dollars per hour? Of course, from the 8 Dollars will be plenty tax to build schools and hospitals. Well, we have seen what kind of schools this tax money get us.
- Sorry, do you know what time is it?
- Not a foocking clue!
Imagine, you're 17 years old and you pass a clock, how many times per day? There is one in every street corner so you must have passed millions of them during 17 years.
- Hmm, what is that? I see the darn thing everywhere!
And seriously, 17 years old, would it take more than 5 minutes to learn the clock? No, but today no one is embarrassed so instead of taking the 5 minutes to learn to tell the foocking time you tell people that you can't tell the time.
SO PLEASE! ALL HANDS ON DECK!!! Get out of the sofa and vote. Too late to save Sweden! BUT AT LEAST I WANT SVERIGEDEMOKRATERNA TO GET MORE VOTES THAN MILJÖPARTIET!!! And that will make them the third biggest party in Sweden.
Our 2nd Engineer asking what party I was voting for
- The Nazis, I replied
- Yes, that what they are called in Sweden
Our 2nd Engineer wants to go to Sweden and I have told him that people like him are not wanted in Sweden.
- Why? He asked and he was worried
- You have brown skin!
- What...
No, I'm only joking, but as I explained to him: You have an education, job, money, can tell the time and on top of that you have a driving license so the chances for you to get to Sweden are at least to say slim.
- You best chance to come to Sweden is if the Nazis win!
Suddenly he took a new intensive interest in my ballot papers. He double checked my ballot papers. Well, he checked everything I did making sure nothing went wrong.
Ballot papers goes down the envelop and now I need witnesses that it is me that have voted
First witness
Second witness
2nd Engineer check again and he seems happy about my choice...
... and our 2nd Engineer gives me the “GO” and this will go from Mombasa
So, I have cast my ballot. They say that it is only stupid young men voting for Sverigedemokraterna. I'm not young and I have had a wrist watch since I was 6. And it is 10mm on a decimetre... Or is it 7mm...
- HOLD ON! Let me double check that on Wikipedia!
Pump Man and I started to clock our cargo valves after the coffee break and we had finished a wee bit more than half of them when it was time for lunch. For lunch, vegetables only and I'm really kicking arse with my new life.
I was on deck giving painting instructions to the crew after lunch. We just ran out of our OLD paint we're using as primer. So we will use the new International red primer as first layer and then we will add 4 layers of Sigmacover 500 cream. Will be protected until I can order more International primer and top coat.
We only have 60 litre of primer and this will not last long. We're almost ready with port side of the tank deck. Deck will be cream spotted for some weeks. But it is easy to see where to paint the top coat when we receive new paint.
We had a lot of whales jumping around the ship in the afternoon. They were far away and as I knew they would disappear as soon as I came to the bridge with my camera. But they continued and I gave it a chance and I went up on the bridge with my camera.
I was lucky, still whales playing, but they were too far away to get any really good pictures. Imagine if the whales had been next to us...
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Whales outside Mombasa
Pump Man on deck unaware of the whales
Well, it was nice to see the whales even though they were too far away. We will inspect the aft peak tomorrow and our Pump Man and I went down to see our 2nd Engineer. We need an electric fan to force ventilate the aft peak as we will fill up the whole steering gear compartment with water if we use a water driven fan.
They were busy with an auxiliary engine when we came down, but they had the time to direct us to the fan. And there was also time for a bonus picture in the engine room. For our 2nd Engineer's wife as she is on the internet looking at pictures. This is a service they have grown use to with www.aladdin.st So this is something we will continue to provide for families at home while we're on the high seas.
We found the fan and we rigged the fan in the manhole to the aft peak. Our Pump Man will start the fan 6 o'clock tomorrow morning and we will see when we have the time to get down. And will I be able to get down? Looks a wee bit small, but only vegetables for lunch and I might be able to enter.
We were soon back on deck and we could continue to clock our cargo valves. We took the opportunity to test all the 98% alarm in the cargo tanks.
I wrote a few reports and I prepared work permits for tomorrow in my office. And as we expect to come alongside on Wednesday I started with the discharging papers and suddenly it was time for coffee break. A busy afternoon in my office turned in to a coffee break.
We got our new voyage, Fujairah was confirmed and discharge ports: Dar es Salaam to Mombasa range/ STS Zanzibar. I hope we stay on East Africa until it is time for me to sign off. And that I sign off here in Tanzania or Kenya
I have got the itinerary from Serena, safari and camping 3300 ++ US. But they don't have trips to the Victoria Falls so I will have to put something together if I sign off here.
I also get information about my Greenland/ Iceland adventure. Well, some companies goes straight to the garbage bin. This trip will cost between 15 and 20,000 US Dollars so reply saying that it is different prices for different dates gets straight to the trash bin. Yes, I have been around the world and I know this. Useless information, and nothing else was provided. Yeah, I could call them.
Not a good idea, you want it in written. You're on the phone
- You will stay at Bosse Bajsbyxa's Hotel
- Ah, sounds interesting
Of course you want it on e-mail so you can check it out on the internet. As soon as you hang up you have forgot all the names provided to you.
And if you spend this kind of money you don't look for the cheapest price! Better to spend 15,000 US Dollars on something that is worth 15,000 Dollars than 13,000 on something worth foock all and only makes you angry.
So I sent out a bunch of e-mails and if they manage to provide good information and are service minded they move up on the list over possible tour companies. The first e-mail pretty much set the feeling, if they can't provide now what to expect when you're in the middle of nowhere?
I did the same when I went to Tanzania, I sent out a bunch of e-mails from Bangkok. Authentic Tanzania seemed interesting to make money and they provided very good information. Helpful and I imagined that they had a good service. And it was and I don't regret paying a wee bit more. Imagine barging for the price and you would have ended up disappointed for saving 200 Dollars.
We will see how this plays out, the crew finished the second layer on tank deck and I had 2 of my TOP GUNS to wash the poop deck.
I decided to cancel my evening constitutional because of the washing. I changed my mind and I went out on deck at 5 o'clock when they were ready. Still wet and my socks were all wet when I went for dinner.
Tuesday 12th of August 2014 and we had started the forced ventilation in the aft peak 6 o'clock in the morning. We had some jobs to do and we also had to wait for the ventilation to be ready. But we went down the aft peak after the coffee break.
I had our 2nd Officer to join us, I can only get down to the first platform and then the manholes are too small. And our 2nd Engineer wanted to see the aft peak so he joined us.
The aft peak looked good and we closed the manholes and it was soon time for lunch. And after lunch we launched our MOB boat. We expect to come alongside tomorrow, but this was changed during the afternoon. Latest berthing prospects is Thursday afternoon. One more day floating around outside Mombasa.
I get more and more information about next summer’s polar adventure. I received information about 3 different cruises to Svalbard and I'm looking at “POLAR BEAR QUEST”
9 days on Svalbard on board the expedition ship M/S Quest looking for Polar bears and adventure. All about the Svalbard adventure on the PDF file about Svalbard from PolarQuest.
And you won’t be disappointed with the pictures.
I also got a suggestion from Grönlandsresor - Greenland Trips in English. They have a 14 days tour leaving Iceland on the 5th of July and I will finish the Polar bear adventure on Svalbard on the 29th of June.
Gives me a few days on Iceland for adventures and excitements. Well, things start to falls in place. Now we only hope we can find plane tickets for the dates. Well, and my price estimation was a wee bit off. Already 20,000 Dollars, without the lane tickets from Bangkok to Iceland and Svalbard.
Well, once in a life time adventures doesn’t come cheap. Well, one thing is for sure, there won't be many places to spend money. Well, maybe a night or two drinking beer in Reykjavik. But Svalbard, I don't see any possibilities to spend any money there so it might turn out to be cheap.
Tuesday 13th of August 2014 and no news from our Agent and we don't know if we're coming inside tomorrow. Well, we have the time to cup brush and get two layers of paint on the area they chipped yesterday.
And we will get the third layer of paint on deck tomorrow morning. The ship will be yellow spotted at arrival to Fujairah. All old paint that have taking up space in the paint store for years finished and we can fill up with new International paint. I have requested 640 litre of paint that will hopefully be delivered in Fujairah.
New top coat and we will cover the yellow with red. She will look, well, not quite like a Swedish ship but anyway...
I did some discharge planning, better of preparing. We have asked several times how they want their 4 parcels to be discharged. But no answer and we will hopefully discharge as I have planned and we save several hours on the cargo planning when coming alongside.
We were busy and time turned quick. I got my confirmation from PolarQuest. Single cabin on the 21st of June for my Polar bear adventure on Svalbard. I booked my 7 days trip around Iceland and the 14 days adventure on Greenland with Grönlandsresor. But something was not right and we had confused ourselves as the dates were the dates for 2014 and not 2015. They will come back to me as soon as possible so I can book my trip. Always feels better when everything is booked and paid.
A trip to Greenland have turned in to a trip to Greenland, Iceland and Svalbard. And I have learnt a lot in the process of getting up North. I wanted to see Polar bears and then you obviously have to
A hot spring in which water intermittently boils, sending a tall column of water and steam into the air.
go to Svalbard. Iceberg and glacier, then you have to go to Greenland. Volcanos and geyser and you have to go to Iceland. So a 2 week trip have turned in to a month ++ up North. Well, I'm looking forward to it.
But I'm still awaiting info about my Safari. Serena hotels asked how long I had planned to stay and I sent them the e-mail this morning and they will set up a 2 weeks Safari for me for December.
So I have 3 trips to do the next summer:
SVALBARD - booked and confirmed and 25% booking fee is paid.
GREENLAND - Awaiting the dates
ICELAND - Awaiting the dates
But I'm foocked! I was at Grönlandsresor's web page to look up some info about Iceland. I felt over their Antarctica section. And I want to go. Next summer I will be busy up North so maybe in the summer of 2016. 3 Weeks on a ship, and that might be a wee bit too much
Well, we will have to see how the Northern adventure turns out. Our 2nd Engineer is already excited. He was watching my Las Vegas adventure with his wife. And they both said that now they don't have to go after reading all about it on www.aladdin.st. So they are looking forward to the Polar bear adventure.
Holiday, it is not only fun and excitements. I have been so busy with the Polar expedition and the safari so I have not had the time to Learn Thai with Mod and the Alif Silpachai videos. My Thai books have only collected dust on my bed side table. But tomorrow...
Stupid Aladdin! 15 minutes after up loading and I go to check out PolarQuest and Grönlandsresor's web pages. Summer 2016, it will be winter 2015 as winter is summer in Antarctica. I have checked and we're spending 21 days in November. PROBLEM! Seems like they don't have any single rooms on the ship.
I was lucky on board Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior, I lived alone for the whole trip except for a few days. But a few days was enough to never wanting to do it again. Maybe to invite a beautiful girl on the trip?
Well, anyway, this page is blown out of proportions and I will split the month of August 2014 right here! And you can click HERE for our Mombasa adventures.
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