“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”
No longer any need to use the Internet Explorer or run the Internet Explorer rendering engine. I gave up IE after the introduction of Internet Explorer 11
Page is tested in Fire Fox, Chrome and Safari. Looks like it works OK in all browsers, except the sounds in Safari.
Of course, browsing www.aladdin.st in Safari on an iPad is a different story, nothing looks as it should

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Bitta Maersk
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Britta Maersk
M/T Britta Maersk
IJmuiden 31 July 2012 - Picture from shipspotting.com - Picture by Erwin Willemse

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Maersk Claudia

Tuesday 18th of December 2012 and the car was waiting for me when I came down with the garbage. 1 bag of trash and 1 bag of bottles and empty metal (cleaned) tuna cans. I gave the driver the internationally recognised sign for “ I'm just going up to get my bag”

From BBC News: Tourists warned of UAE drug laws

The company wanted to send me to South Africa with the Emirates. That means a stop in Dubai and I refused. I had read an article on BBC's web page. I sent the article to Maersk and they changed my flight to a NON-STOP Thai Airways instead.

• NON STOP FLIGHT and we have a winner Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
• Thai Airways instead of Emirates and we have yet another winner Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Click the link and read the full article on BBC. I will avoid Dubai at all cost. And signing off in UAE, the Custom can spend hours looking through videos etc before you are allowed to take off to the airport. And if they find something they don't like, well, problem. FOR YOU! So Thai Airways it was.

Thanks to BBC News

When I came down with my bag the driver had backed up to the door and we dropped the bag in Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumithe trunk and we took off towards Suvarnabhumi and Thai Airways flight TH 991 to Johannesburg, South Africa. Traffic was smooth and we arrived to Suvarnabhumi just after 8 thirty.

I passed the check in queue to Thai Airways on my way to Thai's ticket office, plenty people so I really hope there is a seat available in business class. At least there weren’t much people at the ticket office and it was my turn after just a minute and a few minutes later I had my ticket in biz. Very good and I was relieved when I Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumiwent to check in.

I expected a quick check-in and I imagined staying for an hour to check-in if I had been in monkey class, plus of course an hour or so in immigration.

Now I expected the whole check-in, security and immigration to be done in 10 minutes, or less. And I was right, I had checked in 10 minutes before 9 and not w word about Letter of guarantee or anything questions. Smooth check-in and the lady Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumieven tried to reserve the seat next to me so I might have a chance to sit alone.

I went outside for a quick coffin nail Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st before going to the security and immigration. Security and immigration was done in less than 5 minutes and that's even though I was flirting with the female immigration officer in the booth next to us.

I was hungry, nothing since lunch and I went down to the lounge, but Thai Airways lounge on Suvarnabhumi isn't the best lounge I have been in and I was still hungry when I left to look for a restaurant.

Well, not so hungry because there was suddenly a lady starting to do hot dogs and I had 4 of them with some other snacks. But I can always kill some time at the restaurant before departure and time will turn quick.

And I will be out of here and I'm back in Bangkok the Christmas will be long gone. If I'm still alive that is! According to rumours the world will come to an end the 21st of Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok International, SuvarnabhumiDecember 2012. So this will be an added excitement to Aladdin's adventure to see if he will survive this.

I was lucky in the lounge, the lounge was so full, actually I never seen it so busy before so I ended up with an Australian and one Danish guy and we killed almost 3 hours talking about the good ol’ days.

I ended up at a cafe and I had a blueberry Danish and a salmon sandwich with a cup of tea. The salmon sandwich was very good except for the cheese or whatever it was. But it was not problem to finish the sandwich with the help of my tea.

But I killed time and it was soon time to go to Gate E5 for my flight TG 991 to Joburg.

Wednesday 19th of December 2012
and I got a shock when I arrived to gate E5. People were queuing all the way up on the ramp. I have been many times at Suvarnabhumi and I have never seen something like this before.

And when I'm on the ramp I discover that we have to go by bus to the aircraft, what's next? But I was lucky with my seat, I discovered that I was alone in my row.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumi
Never seen a queue like this before at Suvarnabhumi Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumi
Never seen a queue like this before at Suvarnabhumi Airport

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumi
And on top of the queue we have to go by a foocking bus to the aircraft

I took my seat and I was almost alone, nice. But there were obviously another bus coming and there weren’t many empty seats when we took off. But the important thing was that the seat next to me Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways Flight TG 991 from Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumi to Johannesburgwas empty. Take off and as soon as the SEAT BELT sign was off I asked for a bottle of water. It was almost 2 o'clock and the crew was in a hurry to serve the food so the passengers could get to sleep. But half of the passengers were sleeping when I got my salmon starter, excellent food as always on Thai Airways.

OK, the chicken curry wasn't all that good. OK, but not excellent. Cheese and fruit was very good and I was asleep when they came with the cake cart. Never mind, I'm usually full when they arrive with the cake cart. Well, very good Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st for my by now failed diet.

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways Flight TG 991 from Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumi to Johannesburg
Salmon and some other good stuff as a starter

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways Flight TG 991 from Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumi to Johannesburg
I'm flat out preparing to sleep Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I slept very good, well as good as it is possible to sleep onboard a airplane, dreaming about Robin Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways Flight TG 991 from Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumi to JohannesburgHood. I was sleeping for about 7 to 8 hours and I woke up when they were serving Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways Flight TG 991 from Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumi to Johannesburgbreakfast. Or they were almost finished with the breakfast when I woke up.

I got a plate of fresh fruit and 2 cups of tea and then it was potato, omelette, sausage and grilled tomato. Excellent and I felt quite good when I was ready with the breakfast. And we were approaching Joburg, soon to arrive and my mood improved. I finished the bottle of water I got at departure from Suvarnabhumi.

I flipped through the in flight magazine the last 30 minutes of the flight trying to kill time. But there wasn't exactly anything exciting, except the route map. The only thing I enjoy to look at in the in flight magazines. And of course, the pictures with the different airplanes in the airline's fleet. And this usually takes 5, maximum 10 minutes and then the boredom kicks in.

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways Flight TG 991 from Bangkok International, Suvarnabhumi to Johannesburg
Fresh fruit for breakfast

We arrived to Joburg just after 7 o'clock in the morning and then we had to walk for a km or 2 to reach the immigration, luggage claim area and custom. There were several sniffer dogs at the Aladdin's adventure at Johannesburg Airportairport sniffing for drugs. And when I had passed custom there was a guy stopping passengers asking for their passport. He also wanted to looks in bags. But he just checked my passport and I was off.

I was on South African Airways flight SA 547 from Aladdin's adventure at Johannesburg AirportJohannesburg to Durban. Luckily enough South African Airways had a domestic check-in desk just outside the custom area and I had soon checked-in. But I had to drop my luggage 2 floors up at the departure hall in Terminal B.

When I left South African Airways check-in desk I discovered a guy with a paper with my name. Maersk had sent a guy to help me change the airplane. Well, if they want to save money they can stop with this. I should not be on the ship if I can't change flight by my own. But he took my cart and he told me that we had to go to check-in in Terminal B. And I told him that I had already checked-in and that I was going to Aladdin's adventure at Johannesburg Airportdrop my bags.
- Where is the lift? I asked

I didn't want to carry my bags but my new friend told me that we could take the luggage cart in the elevator.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - What the Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I have never seen anyone taking the luggage cart in an escalator before, and I have been in many airports. And most of them have had an obstruction at the escalators just to prevent people from bringing the luggage cart on the escalator.

I was amazed and I started to take pictures, but I was soon to discover the guy behind us and he had also brought the luggage cart on the escalator. Normal behaviour in South Africa, or did he just copy “US”?

We dropped off my bags and the girl started to talk when we were finished.
- I'm going out for dinner and blah-blah-bla
- Where you want to go? I asked
- I'm not talking with you!
She was talking with her colleague, but she never said good bye to me so I thought she was talking with me. Never mind, I was off. My new friend left me and I think Maersk have paid quite alot of money for nothing. Well, he helped me with my bags up the escalator.

I went to buy some Diet MAX but they only have Coca Cola at the airport so I had 2 buy 2 Coke Aladdin's adventure at Johannesburg AirportZERO. I bought one and I wanted to pay with my card.
- 20 Rand minimum
- How much is the coke?
- 11 Rand
- So I take 2
She didn't understand and she repeated that I had to shop for at least 20 Rand to use my card. When she finally understood that 11 + 11 was 22 I took my bottles and I went outside for Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sta quick coffin nail. Well, 2 or 3.

Security check was pretty quick and they are quite funny here is South Africa. When I passed the metal detector the Security Guard said.
- Time for the massage!
- Oh, nice!
I held out my arms while the guy frisked me. The domestic terminal in Johannesburg wasn't the most exciting terminal I have been to. But I found a British pub and I went for a pot of tea and egg and bacon.

I had about 1 hour to kill when I was ready with my egg and bacon before it was time to board South Africa Airways flight SA 547 at 10:25. I ended up in the most uncomfortable seat I have ever been in on a flight. But the seat on the other side of the aisle were empty.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - I really hope they will be empty so I can move over

The flight attendant started to talk in the PA system
- Welcome onboard South African Airways flight SA 547 blah-blah-bla
I was very happy the flight was almost empty

Ground staff was onboard and I was just about to move over to the other seat. Now there was another million of passengers coming onboard and I was disappointed, the flight was full and I had a very uncomfortable flight to Durban. But it only lasted for 50 minutes or so.

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
On our way to Durban

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
On our way to Durban

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Approaching Durban

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
In Durban

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
My driver

I have never been so relieved to get off an airplane before. It was so nice to get out from the seat and I had been afraid that I would be stuck in the seat at arrival, that's how small the seat was. I got my bags and there was a driver waiting for me and we were soon on our way to Durban. The driver told me that we were going to a hotel.

I asked when the ship was expected and he didn't have a clue. We ended up in a small argument, I know that he is just the driver, but there should be some kind of information. Poor service from the Agent. But we called the transport company and they told me that it would not be until tomorrow. So hotel it was and the driver and I had soon forgotten all about our “discussion” at the airport. It was a beautiful road and South Africa is a beautiful road.

The driver told me that all the Beach front hotels were full because of Christmas, I was disappointed. And I was even more disappointed when we ended up at a Bed & Breakfast in the suburbs. Far away from down town Durban
- What the foock is this?

But it was a beautiful B & B and i told the owner.
- Yes, it is a colonial safari
And as it turned out, this was the best area in town, the suburbs is obviously where things happens. I was in down town Durban in it was abandoned. Not many people to be seen and as people told me, everyone have left the city. Only criminals left.

Aladdin's adventure at Acorn B&B in Durban
My room

Aladdin's adventure at Acorn B&B in Durban
Our dinner room, and the owner found a Swedish flag

Aladdin's adventure at Acorn B&B in Durban
Our dinner room, and the owner found a Swedish flag

The owner came to knock on my door when I was ready with my shower. Time for lunch and I went down to eat some delicious fish with yellow rice. I enquired about the place and up the hill was a Aladdin's adventure in Durbanshopping mall and down the hill was a convenient store. Straight ahead was a street with restaurants and stuff.

I decided to go to the mall to have a look for the ATM and some Diet MAX and I turned left down the Musgrave Road. I walked and walked and no sign of the shopping mall.

It was a beautiful area with very nice houses and a great view of down town Durban and the Indian Ocean. All the houses had signs saying that they were guarded by alarm and that there was a security company coming if the alarm was triggered.

Many houses had electric wires on top of the fences and by the look of it I got a feeling that the Aladdin's adventure in Durbanburglary was rampant in the area.
Aladdin's adventure in Durban

No sign of the mall I asked a guy for directions and he was obviously out in the blue. I crossed the road and by then there was a lady screaming at me from down the road. I had a look and it was one of the Aladdin's adventure in Durbangirls from the B&B. She was waving and screaming at me and I walked towards her.

She asked if I wanted a lift to the mall. We took off and the mall was about 300 meters down the road and I was very lucky that I had not followed the directions I got from the guy. Then I would have ended up I don't know where.

I said thank you and I went to look for an ATM and then I went to buy baby aspirin. And when I was at the drug store I looked for the cholesterol and glucose blood test home kit. They only had the glucose test kit and I asked the staff if they had for cholesterol.

They didn't had any cholesterol test kit but they told me that I could go to the nurse and she Aladdin's adventure in Durbanwould do a test for 65 Rand.

I went in to the nurse and she did the test and while waiting for the result I interrogated her on where to buy the machine. She also told me that there is a cholesterol & glucoses combo home kit available. But not here, she suggested me to go to Sherwood and the Westwood mall.

We got the result, 6, 1! 5 or less is good. But the machine only showed the average and I want a machine that gave me separate value for the good and bad value.
• Low density lipoprotein (LDL cholesterol) is the bad cholesterol and should be as low as possible
• High density lipoprotein (HDL) is the good cholesterol and the value should be as high as possible

She told me that the value was OK regarding my age. I told her that I only ate salmon and olive oil and this 6.1 could as well be 5 of the good and 1,1 of the bad.
- Yes, but we only measure the total value and 6, 1 is good for you
- So I just wasted 65 Rand?!
- No, it was a good result

She didn't believe me when I told her that I was only eating fish and did Thai boxing. So I asked her if she wanted to squeeze my Hazelnut Aladdin's adventure in Durban(I call my are for the hazelnut because of the firmness I have achieved after starting the Thai boxing) She just laughed and she told me that she wouldn't mind, but she didn't had the time

I left to pay for my stuff and there were 2 girls behind me in the queue and they asked me where I came from and what I did in Durban. When they asked what I thought of Durban I told them that I had only been her for 2 hours.
They suggested that I should go to party, but I told them that I didn't have the time. But I asked the girls why they didn't had Pepsi in South Africa.
- We have Pepsi
- I only seen Coke and that taste like sh**
They suggested the supermarket on the ground floor and I went down to the supermarket and I bought a bag of Diet MAX. I also bought a new ZIPPO before taking a taxi back to Acorn B&B to leave my Diet MAX.

I walked down the hill when I left my B&B and I was soon running in to a taxi. I opened the door and the girl told me that the car radio was too loud.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - What the Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
Turn down the foocking radio then I thought to myself while leaving the taxi behind. No sign of any taxi and when the taxi with the loud radio passed the lady driving the car just gave me the Aladdin's adventure in Durbaninternationally recognised sign that she was continuing straight ahead. And yes, I was puzzled.

She stopped 200 meter up the raod and she put the car in revers and she honked the horn. I walked over.
- Where you going?
I could not hear anything because of the radio
- What?
- Where you want to go?
- To the beach front with all the restaurants.
- OK, let's go

When I got in to the car she explained, she was taking her car to the garage, the radio was caput and she could not turn off or turn down the volume. But she could take me to the beach front if I Aladdin's adventure in Durbandidn't mind the radio.

It took us about 10 minutes and the meter showed 45 Rand when we arrived. And what I meant by restaurant was obviously not the same as she had in mind. There were a lot of fast food restaurants and everything looked run down. The houses reminded me of Bombay, Copacabana and East Germany.

I walked up and down the beach for an hour or so before I went to look for a taxi. I wanted to go to Sherwood to check out the Westwood mall. Finding a taxi was not easy and I had walked around for quite some while before I was lucky.

As soon as I left the beach the town looked deserted and no people around and they houses looked like they were going to fall apart any minute. A terrible place and I was really happy that I wasn't from Durban.

I asked the driver and he told me that the rent was about 3500 Rand per month in the apartments along the beach. Well, I would not have lived there even if it would have been for free. A terrible place.

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Durban Beach front

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Durban Beach front

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Durban Beach front

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Durban Beach front

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Building in the sand
And of course, they were begging for money when you stopped to look

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Building in the sand
And of course, they were begging for money when you stopped to look

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Durban Beach front

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Skate board ramp or whatever they call it on Durban Beach front

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Skate board ramp or whatever they call it on Durban Beach front

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Skate board ramp or whatever they call it on Durban Beach front

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Skate board ramp or whatever they call it on Durban Beach front

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
House looking like shit on the beach front
Exactly the same as Bombay and Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro, reminds me of East Germany

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Fer foocks sake, buy some nice curtains and jazz up your apartments

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
House looking like shit on the beach front
Exactly the same as Bombay and Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro, reminds me of East Germany

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Fer foocks sake, buy some nice curtains and jazz up your apartments

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
The suburbs up on the hill is obviously the place to be

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Durban Beach front

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
House looking like shit on the beach front
Exactly the same as Bombay and Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro, reminds me of East Germany

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
House looking like shit on the beach front
Exactly the same as Bombay and Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro, reminds me of East Germany

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Fer foocks sake, buy some nice curtains and jazz up your apartments

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Durban Beach front
Looks like a war zone

Aladdin's adventure in Durban
Durban Beach front

We drove through down town Durban and I asked the driver what happened with the town
- You won’t see any people like you (Caucasian) here, he said
He told me that most of the South Africans had left the area. Not there were only refugees in the area robbing people and selling drugs. Most of them from Nigeria and he told me that he could not drive with open widow, they would steal everything on the loose on the car. He was quite angry, and he said that the refugees should be provided with food and a room until they could return to their country. If they had any skills they should work and pay for their own living.

And all the South Africans I spoke to had left down town for the suburbs and they were all quite angry. Well, anyway, we reached the Westwood mall and I went to the shop the nurse had Aladdin's adventure at Eatalian at Westwood mall in Durbanrecommended and I discovered that all the pharmacies in Durban had a nurse in the shop. But they didn't have the home test kit and I went to an Eatalian restaurant, Italian restaurant but they had cleverly named the restaurant Eatalian.

Well, I asked for garlic bread as a starter and they brought a Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stpizza size garlic bread with cheese. Not good, but I was hungry and I ate half of it. Then they brought the pizza, not good and I finished half of it. It was not any good food and I thought some oregano could make it more exciting so I called the Waitress.
- Do you have oregano
- No
When I wanted to pay my bill I handed my card to the Waitress
- The machine is not working today
- How can I pay then?

I had to give her my last cash and that was my taxi money to get back to Acorn B&B. I was not Aladdin's adventure at Eatalian at Westwood mall in Durbanhappy. Now I had to go look for an ATM.

I asked for the taxi stand and they pointed to the parking lot. There was a lot of the vans taking passengers, called taxi in Durban. This was not what I had in mind. I asked one of the parking attendants for a taxi, he pointed at the vans as well. I told him that I wanted a real taxi.
- Ah, a cab
- Yes
He called a taxi but no cab available and I had to take a van
- How much to Musgrave?
- 6 Rand
There were 3 vans before him and he was waiting for passengers. I came up with a great idea.
- How many passengers do you take?
- 15
- OK, I giive you 90 Rand
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - Do you want to pay 90 Rand?
- I pay you 100 if you take me to Musgrave

We were soon back at Acorn B&B, the driver had to stop next to a laser clinic to ask for the way Aladdin's adventure at Musgrave in Durbanand I took a picture. 15 years of laser experience! Was there laser 15 years ago. Did they have electricity in South Africa 15 years ago?

Well, anyway, when I was back at Acorn B&B I told the owner to knock on my door when we were going for dinner. We expect one other guy to arrive at 8 thirty and he is joining Britta Maersk. I thought it was strange, no one had told me about any joining crew. But we had decided to skip dinner at the B&B and we would go to eat at a Aladdin's adventure in Durbanrestaurant when he arrived.

The owner knocked on my door and the guy had arrived and I went down to the terrace. Turned out that the joining crew member was a vetting inspector and he had just arrived from Dubai. He was on his way to Angola for a vetting and he made a stop over here to do a vetting when Britta Maersk arrived along side.

The owner took us to a street just a few hundred meters from Acorn B&B and I was surprised. Here were plenty nice restaurants, bars and nite clubs and he dropped us at the steak house. Full, and he had to drive us to another place. We had a nice meal and the Vetting Inspector turned out to be a nice and funny guy. I guess it is different to be with them in private than when onboard during an inspection.

We had lamb, excellent and dessert before we asked the Waitress for the bill and a taxi and we were back at the B&B just before 10 o'clock. And I learned that South Africa is like USA at the restaurant. You have to give tip, 10%. When I was at the restaurant they asked how much tip I wanted to put on the bill before he charged my card. I didn't understand, but now I found out, 10% is expected.
Thursday 20th of December 2012
and Britta Maersk is expected at 10 o'clock, but I had not got any notice when I woke up at 8. I had a shower and I went down for the breakfast. The Vetting Inspector was arriving at the same time as me and the owner of Acorn B&B had found an Indian flag. Latest news is that Britta Maersk will arrive after 12. The jetty is occupied by a ship that is going to shift to another jetty that is occupied.

Aladdin's adventure at Acorn B&B in Durban
Breakfast at Acorn B&B

Aladdin's adventure at Acorn B&B in Durban
Breakfast at Acorn B&B. Observe the added Indian flag

There was a South African couple having breakfast as well and I was surprised to learn that they were from Durban
- So why do you live here then?

Well, I had time to update my web page while waiting for the latest news about Britta Maersk. And the vetting Inspector is quite annoyed, he has to leave tomorrow in order to make it to Angola before the ship in Angola leaves. And Britta Maersk was only a stopover job because they had scheduled to arrive today. And the owner of the B&B refuses to let him use the phone to call the Agent. If the vessel is delayed much more they might have to cancel the vetting. So we're in a hurry, I want to finish the vetting before I take over or we will have to make the vetting again. Next time in Singapore? Nothing I'm looking forward to.

Lunch was set to 13:00 and I went to ask our Vetting Inspector if he wanted to join me for a constitutional Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st before lunch.
- Where you go?
- I will go down to the supermarket to buy some Diet MAX
- I'm joining you

We walked down the hill and they didn't have Pepsi at the first shop so we crossed the street. Aladdin's adventure at Acorn B&B in DurbanThey had Pepsi light, only big bottles and my last South African money lasted to 5 big bottles. Lucky that the Vetting Inspector had joined me, the hill, was bad enough to walk down, but walking back up again was a killer and I had our Vetting inspector to carry one bag with Pepsi Light.

Lunch at 1 o'clock and I spent almost two hours talking with the Vetting Inspector on the veranda. Good news, it was decided that he would stay to do the inspection in Durban and he would go to Angola when the other ship returned. But still no news about Britta Maersk. 16 or 1800 and maybe tomorrow if the weather was bad.

Aladdin's adventure in Durban

Aladdin's adventure in Durban

I spent most of the afternoon on the veranda with the Vetting Inspector and at dinner we got news, most likely tonight. We enjoyed a good dinner with another guest from Joburg that is in Durban for some course. Yet another hour on the veranda after the dinner and then I brought our Vetting Inspector for an evening constitutional. Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st One thing is for sure, I would have gone crazy here

Looks like a real dump of a place, keep out of the ghettos, South Africa always in the news for robberies and carjacking etc. so don't keep a lot of money in yer.

Britta Maersk is doing a bit of a dance in the outer port limits [see picture] waiting for a berth I , this is her ais signal and track.
without his company.

I checked my e-mail before I left for the evening Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st constitutional. I got an e-mail from my friend in UK and he is following my adventure in Durban, South Africa. And he sent me an picture from a web page where he follows Britta Maersk's adventure on the web. Marinetraffic.com

Britta Maersk's adventure in Durban

Aladdin's adventure at Acorn B&B in Durban
I took some pictures of Acorn B&B before we left for our evening constitutional Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Aladdin's adventure at Acorn B&B in Durban
I took some pictures of Acorn B&B before we left for our evening constitutional Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

We left the B&B quarter to 8 and we walked the same way we drove to the restaurants yesterday evening. It was a very nice evening with a cool breeze and we were having an hour of kick ass Aladdin's adventure at Acorn B&B in Durbanconstitutional Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st and we were soon sweating. All the hills are a good exercise. We walked u the road with all the restaurants, nite clubs and pubs and there were a lot of people, maybe because of the Christmas holiday. Well, most likely because of the Christmas holiday.

We came back one hour later, at the same time the owner returned. He was back to get me because they were coming to pick me up at 9 o'clock. I went to get my bags and I waited outside Acorn B&B for the car while talking with Aladdin's adventure with Britta Maersk in Durbanthe Vetting Inspector. When the car came he helped me with the bags and I took off towards the immigration.

We spent a few minutes at the immigration before we continued to the ship.

Britta Maersk was just ready with the mooring when we arrived so I had to wait for them to put down the gangway.

As soon as the gangway was down I climbed onboard and I stepped on tank deck around 22:00 and Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Britta Maersk can start. And as usually we divide the excitements in to months. And you can start by clicking the link December 2012 below!

December 2012 - Leaving Durban for Singapore
January 2013 - Tank cleaning on the Indian Ocean
January 2013 - Part 2 - In Panjang and Padang in Indonesia
January 2013 - Part 3 - Krishnapatnam, India
February 2013 - Leaving Krishnapatnam for Haldia anchorage, India
February 2013 - Discharging in Haldia, India and loading in Panjang, Indonesia
March 2013 - Loading Lumbuk Guang, Indonesia - Signing off in Port Kelang, Malaysia
Back in FUNKY TOWN March 2013 Yet another smiley on www.aladdin.st

I joined M/T Britta Maersk on the 20th of December 2012 in Durban. We did the following voyages before I signed off in Port Klang, Malaysia on the 8th of March 2013:

Voy No.
Load Port
Discharge Port


Different ports in Indonesia and Malaysia

Different Palm oil products

Mombasa and Durban
I'm joining the ship in Durban


Panjang and Padang, Indonesia

9,000MT of Crude Palm Oil in Pajang
18,000MT Crude Palm Oil in Padang

11,000MT of CPO in Panjang to be evenly spread in all tanks.

11000MT of CPO + 5000MT of RDB palm oil in Padang to be evenly spread in all tanks to make one grade of cargo

12,000MT of CPO in Krishnapatnam, India
15,000MT of CPO in Haldia, India

13,500MT of CPO in Krishnapatnam, India

13,500MT of CPO in Haldia, India


1st load port: Panjang, Indonesia
I'm Signing off when we re passing Singapore on our way to Lubuk from Panjang

As we're going between ports in Indonesia I'm not allowed to sign off when we're passing Singapore. So I will have to wait until Port Kalang, Malaysia

Well, as we say, more days more dollars!

2nd load port: Lubuk Guang, Indonesia

3rd load port: Port Kelang, Malaysia

Panjang, Indonesia
RBD Stearin: 1000MT
Palm Fatty Acid: 3850MT
Crude Palm Oil: 5000MT

Lubuk, Indonesia
Crude Palm Olein: 9830MT
RBD Olein: 5550MT

Port Klang, Malaysia
Soft Stearin: 450MT
Mombasa, Kenya

Tamatave, Madagascar

Durban, South Africa


OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.


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