December 2024
Day 1
Monday 16th of December 2024 and my Guide is picking me up at 6 o'clock and we are soon on our way to the eBird hotspot: Ammo Dump Ponds at the Panama Canal.
The daylight is breaking while we drive along the Panama Canal. It is still too dark for pictures when we park the car at the eBird hotspot: Ammo Dump Ponds
Driving along the Panama Canal
Driving along the Panama Canal
There are already some bird watchers when we arrive and there are coming more. This is in the “pipeline road” area, a world famous birding spot. The first bird we see is the Rufescent Tiger-Heron.
It is getting lighter slowly and I can get some pictures, and I can also make some recordings of the birds before I start to walk along the Panama Canal.
There is a lot of birds and I really enjoy the morning. And I see many birds that I have never seen before. The Barred Antshrike, I had seen the bird in Brazil but now I have both a recording and pictures.
Rufescent Tiger-Heron
Rufescent Tiger-Heron
Social Flycatcher
Wattled Jacana
Wattled Jacana
Wattled Jacana
Southern Lapwing
Barred Antshrike
Barred Antshrike
Turkey Vulture
Listen to the Red-lored Amazon
Remarks from the Recordist
Recorded with my mobile using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity
Two birds in top of the trees, too far away for any pictures.
Listen to the Wattled Jacana
Remarks from the Recordist
Recorded with my mobile using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity
Two Wattled Jacana flushed from the ground. But not really scared, landed a few meters away and continued to forage.
Listen to the Southern Lapwing
Remarks from the Recordist
Recorded with my mobile using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity
Southern Lapwing and at the end flight call from two Wattled Jacana flushed from the ground. But not really scared, landed a few meters away and continued to forage.
Listen to the Barred Antshrike
Remarks from the Recordist
Recorded with my mobile using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity
In the bushes next to me
Listen to the Tropical Mockingbird
Remarks from the Recordist
Recorded with my mobile using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity
Lone bird sitting on the wire, too far away for any good pictures.
Listen to the Yellow-headed Caracara
Remarks from the Recordist
Recorded with my mobile using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity
One bird calling from a pole and one bird answering that we cannot hear on the recording
Tropical Kingbird
Blue-grey Tanager
Yellow-headed Caracara
Yellow-headed Caracara
eBird Report
Ammo Dump Ponds, Colón, PA
Dec 16, 2024 06:41 - 07:47
Protocol: Traveling
0.59 kilometer(s)
Comments: Birding with Whitehawk
16 species
White-tipped Dove 1
Southern Lapwing 4
Wattled Jacana 11
Rufescent Tiger-Heron 2
Great White Egret 1
American Black Vulture 3
Turkey Vulture 1
Yellow-headed Caracara 2 One heard only answering the first bird
Red-lored Amazon 2
Barred Antshrike 1
Common Tody-Flycatcher 1
Social Flycatcher 1
Tropical Kingbird 1
Grey-breasted Martin 16
Tropical Mockingbird 1
Blue-grey Tanager 1
View this checklist online at
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (
Today's track at Ammo Dump Ponds
We take the car and we drive up the rain forest and we park the van and we will walk up the Pipeline Road, the eBird hotspot: Pipeline Road (Entrance to Juan Grande Creek)
We see a group of birders in front of us and they are also walking up the Pipeline Road. The road, gravel, is leading to the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center 2 km up the mountain, well, hill.
Bird watchers ahead of us
White-tailed Trogon
Walking along Pipeline Road
Walking along Pipeline Road
Listen to the Yellow-tailed Oriole
Remarks from the Recordist
Recorded with my mobile using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity
In the rain forest, bird never seen.
My new shoes, pain in my toes and I decided to walk back, we had been walking halfway and we turned around to walk back, 1 km to the van. There were a couple of cars driving up the road to the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center.
It was very nice to get back to the van and I took off my left shoe and my Guide discovered that my toes were bleeding.
I had a little bit of DIET refreshments and we ate some pineapple. The other group that came back, the Guide I will have tomorrow, and they found a Black-breasted Puffbird sitting on a branch. Close to the road, but very high up in the tree.
I went out to get a picture before going back to the van to remove my left shoe again.
Greater Ani
Black-breasted Puffbird
Black-breasted Puffbird
eBird Report
Pipeline Road (Entrance to Juan Grande Creek)--PNS, Colón, PA
Dec 16, 2024 07:51 - 09:39
Protocol: Traveling
2.12 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: Bird watching with Whitehawk
7 species
Greater Ani 1
White-tailed Trogon 1
Black-breasted Puffbird 1
Social Flycatcher 1
Tropical Kingbird 1
Yellow-tailed Oriole 1
Blue Dacnis 2
View this checklist online at
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (
Today's track at Pipeline Road (Entrance to Juan Grande Creek)--PNS
We decide to drive up the hill to the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center. It will cost 20 $ to enter and my Guide thought that I did not want to pay the entrance.
I told her that it was no problem, but to walk 2 km with a bleeding toe through a forest with no birds to be seen was nothing I fancied. We had seen one White-tailed Trogon and I had recorded one Yellow-tailed Oriole.
So, we drove back up the hill and when we approached Panama Rainforest Discovery Center we spotted one White-whiskered Puffbird just next to the road, and not scared at all. A few meters and we stopped again, another White-whiskered Puffbird sitting next to the road.
White-whiskered Puffbird
White-whiskered Puffbird
White-whiskered Puffbird
White-whiskered Puffbird
White-whiskered Puffbird
My ticket to Panama Rainforest Discovery Center
We paid the ticket and I bought some mosquito repellent before we continued to the parking area. We walked to the humming bird feeding area and there was a lot of hummingbirds, mostly White-necked Jacobin. Well, almost only White-necked Jacobin.
But every now and then there was a Long-billed Hermit showing up. Impossible to get the Long-billed Hermit on photo, but I got a nice recording of the bird.
We were behind the house recording the Long-billed Hermit when we discovered two Whooping Motmot. They were in the forest, very close but it was way too dark to get any pictures.
I tried to get close, like a bulldozer through the dense jungle, and as no surprise, the bird got scared and took off leaving me with one useless picture.
White-necked Jacobin
White-necked Jacobin
White-necked Jacobin
White-necked Jacobin
Whooping Motmot
Sitting in the dark. Very poor picture and kept for ID purpose only
Listen to the Long-billed Hermit
Remarks from the Recordist
Recorded with my mobile using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity
Sitting behind the house, kept on calling for a very long time.
eBird Report
Panama Rainforest Discovery Center, Colón, PA
Dec 16, 2024 09:40 - 11:32
Protocol: Traveling
1.28 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: Bird watching with Whitehawk
6 species
White-necked Jacobin 3
Long-billed Hermit 1
Turkey Vulture 1
Whooping Motmot 2 Sitting in the dark. Very poor picture and kept for ID purpose only.
White-whiskered Puffbird 2
Green Shrike-Vireo 1 Heard only
View this checklist online at
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (
We leave the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center and we spot one Whooping Motmot sitting next to the road when we reach the Panama Canal. This area is also an eBird hotspot: Gamboa--Muelle STRI and I use this to report the birds.
This is the very bird I could not get on picture back at the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center because it was sitting in the dark under the vegetation. And her it was just next to the road and it did not bother about me getting out of the car to take pictures.
There is also one White-headed Monkey disturbing me when I try to record a bird.
Whooping Motmot
Whooping Motmot
Bay-breasted Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Barred Antshrike
Not only birds in the area
Not only birds in the area
Tropical Kingbird
Smooth-billed Ani
eBird Report
Gamboa--Muelle STRI, Colón, PA
Dec 16, 2024 11:55 - 12:13
Protocol: Traveling
0.23 kilometer(s)
Checklist Comments: Bird watching with Whitehawk
9 species
Smooth-billed Ani 4
Magnificent Frigatebird 1 Flying over the Panama Canal
Great White Egret 1
Turkey Vulture 1
Whooping Motmot 1
Barred Antshrike 1
Great Kiskadee 1
Tropical Kingbird 2
Bay-breasted Warbler 1
View this checklist online at
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (
We are getting hungry and we want to have Brazilian BBQ and my Guide suggest the Plaza Causeway. It turned out to be a very nice restaurant and their BBQ pineapple was fantastic. Covered in Cinamon and brown sugar.
I will come back for the pineapple, and of course, the meat. And the salads buffet had avocado and it was actually a better than the restaurant I had Churrascaria in the town.
I had too much to eat and, well, it is the same every time.
Listen to the Great-tailed Grackle
Remarks from the Recordist
Recorded with my mobile using the Merlin app. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity
Sitting at the entrance to the restaurant
Plaza Causeway, Panama City
Lunch time
Lunch time
Lunch time
Lunch time
Lunch time
Lunch time
The best pineapple I have ever had
The best pineapple I have ever had
Driving back to Panama City
My first day of bird watching in Panama have come to an end and I have seen 16 “LIFERS” on the first day
• Green Shrike-Vireo
• White-whiskered Puffbird
• Whooping Motmot
Long-billed Hermit
• White-necked Jacobin
• Blue Dacnis
• Yellow-tailed Oriole
• Black-breasted Puffbird
• White-tailed Trogon
• Greater Ani
• Tropical Mockingbird
• Social Flycatcher
• Common Tody-Flycatcher
• Barred Antshrike
• Red-lored Amazon
• Rufescent Tiger-Heron
So, I am really looking forward to tomorrow and the El Valle de Anton birding tour. Just click HERE to find out if I see any new birds.
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