Aladdin's adventure on board Avianca flight AV 642

Friday 20th of December 2024 and my alarm goes off at 04:15 in the morning. By then I had been awake for 15 minutes. 15 minutes, that is the length of my flight to Costa Rica.

Well, this is according to the email Avianca sent to me to inform me that online check-in is now open. Something must for sure be wrong and I will for sure find out how long the flight is after boarding. But imagine a 15 minutes flight, a dream come true.

Aladdin's adventure on board

I have booked a taxi for 10 o'clock and I spent the morning in my room drinking tea and my last diet drink while packing my bags.

I went town to the reception 10 minutes before 10 o'clock and I sat down to wait for my taxi.

Marinn Place - Financial District Panama City
My wheeled units in the reception

Panama Taxi
On my way to Tocumen International Airport

Light traffic on the highway and I make it to the airport in 20 minutes. Terminal 1, a new and fresh terminal. And there are not many passengers in the check-in hall.

Avianca check-in is at the first door, but as there was no Avianca sign outside I did not get out of the taxi until the last door. So, I got a good look at the terminal walking back towards to end of the terminal looking for Avianca check-in.

There was only a few passengers in the terminal, until I reached Avianca check-in, there was a long line waiting to check-in. I was relieved to discover that they were checking in to Bogota.

10 thirty and I went to ask when the check-in for San Jose would start.
- 12 o'clock.
I went to look for a place to sit while waiting for the check-in to San Jose will start.

Tocumen International Airport
Avianca check-in

Tocumen International Airport
Avianca check-in

Tocumen International Airport
Avianca check-in

Keeping an eye on the check-in while playing a stupid game on my phone. Still Bogota and Medeline on the screens above the check-in. Around 11 thirty and San Jose is coming up on the screen and I go to check-in.

Passing the security was quick and there is no immigration so I could go to look for something to eat. I stopped to have a look for chocolate, and I am happy to say that I left before I bought any chocolate which would have been a disaster for my diet.

I pass a few places but I just walk by. Avianca flight AV 642 departs from gate 101 and I pass an Italian restaurant just before reaching the gate and I went inside.

Tocumen International Airport
Going for Italian food

Tocumen International Airport
The food was surprisingly good

Getting the starter, salad, and they brought a super tanker with salad. Mozzarella sticks, also a huge helping. This would have been more than enough but I had a lasagna coming up as well. Need a little something to top up with.

The lasagna was huge and I was full when I left for the gate. I am at the gate 12 thirty and no sign of any plane at the gate. I guess the flight arrive from Colombia and stop here on the way to San Jose in Costa Rica.

Around 1 o'clock and passengers was coming out from the gate and I understood that our plane had arrived to gate 101.

When the passengers had got off, I went to the gate and we were soon starting the boarding. We came on the jet bridge but not allowed to board so we had to line up on the jet walk.

Tocumen International Airport
Gate 101

Tocumen International Airport
Gate 101

Tocumen International Airport
Our plane

Tocumen International Airport
Waiting to board

Tocumen International Airport
Waiting to board


Taking my seat in the first row when I came on board, aisle seat. I had asked if the flight was full at check-in and they told me that it was full.

I was surprised to find the seat next to me empty when they closed the door and I moved to the window seat, hoping Yet another Smiley on to be able to enjoy the view.

Of course, this time of the year, we take off and the whole area is covered by clouds so there was no view to enjoy and I had to entertain myself with something else.

Asking the Stewardess how long the flight was and I was disappointed, 50 minutes and not 15 minutes. And we have to retard the time by one hour to get Costa Rica time.

Aladdin's adventure onboard Avianca flight AV 642
We are airborne

Aladdin's adventure onboard Avianca flight AV 642
On our way

Pain in my foot and it was a terrible flight. Not really any pain, more like a restless leg syndrome and I was jumping around in my seat and it was bad.

Actually, so bad so the gay across the aisle asked if I was in pain.

So, I was very happy when we started to descend to San Jose international Airport, Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport. We came out of the clouds when we were very close to the airport so not much of a view.

Landing was smooth and we were taxi and I was soon realizing that we were going to go by bus to the terminal. OK, I will have an opportunity to take some pictures.

Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport
Bringing the stairs so we can get off

Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport
Opening the door

Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport
I am first off, the plane

Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport

Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport

I am first on the tarmac and I take a few pictures when I am told that it is not allowed to take pictures and I am sent on the bus. Took a couple of minutes to fill the bus and we took off towards the immigration.

Crowded bus and I could not wait to get off and stepping on the curb was a great relief. I stepped in to the arrival hall and my good mood went south. Millions of people lining up for the immigration.

Sweet Lord, I had expected to be in the car well on my way to Hotel de Montaña Suria by the time I reached the immigration. The process to enter the country was smooth, but the line, that was something else.

Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport

Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport

My Driver was waiting at the doors after the custom and it was same procedure here as in Panama. X-ray and it looked like there was someone here that actually monitored the screen.

We went to the car and we took off and I asked if he could stop at a supermarket so I could buy some milk. I still have my kettle that I bought in Brazil and I will use it here in Costa Rica as it is for 110 volts.

I will leave it at my last hotel in Costa Rica, so I need milk for my tea. My driver informed me that they have a Walmart close to the airport and we drove there.

Aladdin's bird watching adventure in Costa Rica
On the way to Walmart

Aladdin's bird watching adventure in Costa Rica
On the way to Walmart

Arriving to the Christmas decorated Walmart and I took the elevator from the parking to the shop. My driver will wait for me in the car. Coming in to the shop and I look for a shopping cart in my Merry Christmashome-made Spanish and a lot of body language.

Seems like you have to get down to the parking to get a shopping cart, NO WAY! Walking along and I found diet drinks and I asked for a shopping cart again. They pointed outside and I went to have a look.

No shopping carts, but there was a LARD MOBILE and the security Guard helped me to get it going and I went back in to the shop with screamin' and smokin' tyres.

This was convenient and I steered straight for the DIET drink Merry Christmasshelf. I was in my best Christmas mood when I filled the basked in front of the LARD MOBILE with DIET DRINKS.

I went to pick up milk and cheese to last me for 10 days and I drove back towards the cashier, picking up some refreshments for me and the Driver to enjoy during the ride to Hotel de Montaña Suria.

Walmart, Costa Rica - Lard mobile
I find a Lard Mobile

Walmart, Costa Rica - Lard mobile
I find a Lard Mobile

Lard Mobile

Walmart, Costa Rica - Lard mobile
Very convenient to shop here

Walmart, Costa Rica - Lard mobile
Lined up to pay for my stuff

Walmart, Costa Rica - Lard mobile
Lined up to pay for my stuff

Walmart, Costa Rica - Lard mobile
Back at the parking

Walmart, Costa Rica - Lard mobile
Back at the parking

Back at the parking and we loaded the car and we were soon on the way towards Hotel de Montaña Suria and I expect to arrive between 6 and 7 o'clock. But I was in for a chock, my Driver told me that it was 4 hours to the hotel because of the traffic.

And when having left San Jose behind the Pan-American Highway to Panama is turning in to a 2-lane pot filled road winding its way over the mountains.

Well, the close the reception at 8 o'clock so we need to be there before that to check in. And no way we will make it to 8 o'clock. I sent a message to the hotel and they sent an instruction video to my Drivers phone.

Now we know what to do when we arrive. The highway is full of cars going through San Jose, both directions having BUMPER TO BUMPER traffic.

My Driver had an idea and we left the highway to drive on the small roads until we reach the Pan-American Highway to Panama.

National Route 2

National Primary Route 2, formally known as Carretera Interamericana Sur (South Interamerican Road), is the southern segment of the Pan-American Highway (locally in Central America known as the Inter-American Highway) that traverses Costa Rica.

Aladdin's bird watching adventure in Costa Rica
On the way to Hotel de Montaña Suria

Aladdin's bird watching adventure in Costa Rica
On the way to Hotel de Montaña Suria

Aladdin's bird watching adventure in Costa Rica
On the way to Hotel de Montaña Suria

We reach the Pan-American Highway leaving the last suburb to San Jose behind. We turned right at the intersection to go up the mountain leaving civilization and lights behind.

Highway, I actually had to look up the definition of the word highway. And as I thought, I had not misunderstood the meaning of the word highway.


A highway is any public or private road or other public way on land. It includes not just major roads, but also other public roads and rights of way. In the United States, it is also used as an equivalent term to controlled-access highway, or a translation for motorway, Autobahn, autostrada, autoroute, etc.

According to Merriam-Webster, the use of the term predates the 12th century. According to Etymonline, "high" is in the sense of "main".

This “highway” was a narrow road with one lane in each direction with two full lines in the middle of the road. There are no room for over taking, and there are heavy traffic with trucks coming from Panama going up to Mexic with eggs and stuff.

There is a new highway along th epacific coast going to Panama and most trucks use this road. But my driver explained that Costa Ricas main port on the Atlantic side and thi sis the only access road, so a lot of trucks it is.

We make a mistake and we miss to turn to right when we reach C. San Gerardo Road that goes down the mountain to Hotel de Montaña Suria. And I tell my driver that I think we are aiming for the wrong destination.

The GPS had changed the ETA from 20:21 to 21:08. I don't know how he managed to get the wrong destination, but he was fiddling around with the GPS all the time.

We stopped and we turned back and when he reached for the GPS, I told him not to touch it, we are on a road through the dark mountain and there is only one road going in one direction, so no need for the GPS.

We reached the C. San Gerardo Road and we left the Pan-American Highway getting up on C. San Gerardo Road. C. San Gerardo Road is a very small road, dust road winding down the mountain.

Aladdin's bird watching adventure in Costa Rica
On C. San Gerardo Road

Aladdin's bird watching adventure in Costa Rica
On C. San Gerardo Road

We reach Hotel de Montaña Suria around 9 o'clock and we find the parking even though it is pitch dark. My driver helps me carry the luggage up the mountain to my room, no light or nothing on the walk way.

My driver was sorry for the mistake and I told him not to worry, it is what we call a “bonus” holiday adventure.

Discovering that I had forgot my travel adapter in my hotel room back in Panama City. Sh#t and double sh#t! Yet another Smiley on I was not very happy, no power for my laptop, camera, e-cigarettes, my new microphone and the kettle

Well, going to bed knowing that my day would not start by bird watching, or any tea. I will have to look for an adapter first thing tomorrow.

Click HERE to find out if I manage to find a power plug adapter tomorrow.

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