Birding/ Bird watching in Bangkok, Thailand

Sunday 9th of July 2023 and waking up a few minutes before 4 o'clock in the morning. So, I had plenty time for breakfast before I left with a Lineman taxi around 5 thirty in the morning.

I reached Thanont Golf View & Sport Club around 6 thirty and there was a caddy shack on the way to the club house. They stopped us and I asked where I could rent a golf cart. They pointed to the huge club house. I went to look for the place to pay for the golf cart.

I ended up in the restaurant and they told me that I had to go down on the ground floor to rent a golf cart. The girl in the “Green Fee” kiosk asked for my golf clubs and I informed her that I only came to look for birds.

I informed her that I had called yesterday and they had told me it was OK. She called the Manager and he would come in 10 minutes. I went out to have a look behind the building to see if I could see any birds.

Three Javan Pond Herons, one Malaysian Pied Fantail and a Tree Sparrow that I could report in my eBird app before going back to the kiosk.

Birding/ Bird watching at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club, Bangkok, Thailand
Green Fee kiosk

Birding/ Bird watching at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club, Bangkok, Thailand
Thanont Golf View & Sport Club

Birding/ Bird watching at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club, Bangkok, Thailand
Thanont Golf View & Sport Club

Red Collared Dove, Red Turtle Dove, Streptopelia tranquebarica, นกเขาไฟ
Red Collared Dove / นกเขาไฟ (male)

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove / นกเขาชวา

I told her that I wanted to pay the “Green Fee” and the obligatory caddy. 1950฿ + 600฿ for the golf cart. This would set me back with 2550฿ and I was happy about it, just let me pay so I can get out to look for the birds.

The manager arrived and we had a discussion, it was dangerous and I would annoy the players. I told him that I had been on several golf courses and no problem. A wee bit of persuasion and I could rent the golf cart. And I only had to pay for the golf cart even though I offered to pay the full golf fee.

I saved 1950฿ and the manager walked me to the golf cart area and he explained the different areas so they were very nice and helpful at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club.

I spotted one Red Collared Dove and Zebra Dove on the parking before I got out on the golf course. I crossed a bridge and I was on the course

Birding/ Bird watching at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club, Bangkok, Thailand
Crossing the bridge

I see a couple of Malaysian Pied Fantails that looks to be flirting with each other. There was also one Streak-eared Bulbul that I tried to get on pictures. There were, of course, a couple of Oriental Magpie Robins.

I got a couple of pictures and I was soon stopping again to get a picture of one of the Red-wattled Lapwings that was standing on the lawn.

There was a lot of Red-wattled Lapwings on the golf course and they were of course making noise as soon as I approached any of them.

Streak-eared Bulbul, Pycnonotus blanfordi, นกปรอดสวน
Streak-eared Bulbul / นกปรอดสวน

Oriental Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน
Male Oriental Magpie Robin / นกกางเขนบ้าน

Red-wattled Lapwing, นกกระแตแต้แว้ด, Vanellus indicus
Red-wattled Lapwing / นกกระแตแต้แว้ด

Eurasian Hoopoe, फाप्रे चरा, Upupa epops, นกกะรางหัวขวาน
Eurasian Hoopoe / นกกะรางหัวขวาน

I spotted two Eurasian Hoopoes and I don't know if it was an adult feeding a juvenile or if it was courtship. They both looked to be adult size and one was feeding the other. I tried to get some pictures of the Hoopoes, but I was not very lucky.

I approach one of the “shoot out” area and there are plenty people shooting golf balls towards the hole. I see some small birds in the trees at the “shoot out” area and I swing up. The people asked what I am looking for. And I tell them that I look for birds.

Obviously not very common to have bird watchers on the golf court. I was careful not to disturb them, who knows? Maybe they have betted millions on the game, so I did not want them to miss a golf shot because of me.

Birding/ Bird watching at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club, Bangkok, Thailand
Action at the shoot out

Birding/ Bird watching at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club, Bangkok, Thailand
Action at the shoot out

There were Asian Golden Weavers with nests in the small tree next to the “shoot out” area and after the golfers had taken off chasing their balls I could concentrate on the birds. They had bests and I could not see any construction going on.

No birds flying in with foods, but some of the birds outside the nests looked to be young. And the nests were very dry (weaved using fresh grass, but now looked to be almost rotten away) so I guess the babies are ready to leave the parents.

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Male Asian Golden Weaver / นกกระจาบทอง on top of the nest

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Asian Golden Weaver / นกกระจาบทอง

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Asian Golden Weaver / นกกระจาบทอง

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Female or young Asian Golden Weaver / นกกระจาบทอง

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Male Asian Golden Weaver / นกกระจาบทอง

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Male Asian Golden Weaver / นกกระจาบทอง

Asian Golden Weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthus, นกกระจาบทอง
Male Asian Golden Weaver / นกกระจาบทอง

Baya Weaver, Ploceus philippinus, นกกระจาบธรรมดา
Baya Weaver / นกกระจาบธรรมดา building nest

Baya Weaver, Ploceus philippinus, นกกระจาบธรรมดา
Baya Weaver / นกกระจาบธรรมดา building nest

Baya Weaver, Ploceus philippinus, นกกระจาบธรรมดา
Baya Weaver / นกกระจาบธรรมดา building nest

Purple Heron, Ardea purpurea, นกกระสาแดง
Purple Heron / นกกระสาแดง flying across the golf course

Purple Heron, Ardea purpurea, นกกระสาแดง
Baya Weaver nests


noun 1 a family of young animals, typically birds, produced at one hatching or birth: a brood of chicks.
• [MASS NOUN] bee or wasp larvae.
informal all of the children in a family: she was brought up by a loving stepfather as part of a brood of eight.

[with OBJ.] (of a bird) sit on (eggs) to hatch them.
• (of a fish, frog, or invertebrate) hold (developing eggs) within the body.

[ATTRIB.] (of an animal) kept to be used for breeding: a brood mare.

ORIGIN Old English brod, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch broed and German Brut, also to BREED. Sense 1 of the verb was originally used with an object, i.e. to nurse (feelings) in the mind (late 16th cent.), a figurative use of the notion of a hen nursing chicks under her wings.

There were two trees with Asian Golden Weaver nests and one tree where the Baya Weavers were building nests. Interesting to see the difference between the Baya and Golden Weaver nests. And also, the Baya Weavers were building their nests high up in the tall trees.

The Golden Weavers were building in the low trees as I have seen them along the roads here in Thailand. I don't know if the Baya Weavers are building the second nests for this year or if the old nests we can see is from previous year.

Many birds have both a second and a third brood if there is enough food. I spotted one Purple Heron flying over the golf course while I was busy with the weavers.

I continue with my golf cart and I am soon spotting yet another White-breasted Waterhen and I stop to try to get a picture.

White-breasted Waterhen, Amaurornis phoenicurus, นกกวัก
White-breasted Waterhen / นกกวัก

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, นกยางเปีย, コサギ
Little Egret / นกยางเปีย

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork / นกปากห่าง

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork / นกปากห่าง

Javan Pond Heron, Ardeola speciosa, นกยางกรอกพันธุ์ชวา
Javan Pond Heron / นกยางกรอกพันธุ์ชวา

I spotted one Little Egret on the golf course and there were six Asian Openbill Storks. I spotted one more Purple Heron fishing in the big pond, but too far away for any good pictures.

I reach to bridge to the club house, this time on the other side of the big pond. I spot a kingfisher flying across the bridge and I keep an eye out to see if I could see where it landed. I could only see the back, blue back so I guessed White-throated or a Stork-billed Kingfisher.

I drove across the bridge to check out the tree where I had seen the bird landing. I never find the bird again, but while searching for the bird I spotted a Stork-billed Kingfisher taking off from a tree on the other side. And it was chased by two small birds so most likely it was mobbed.


verb (of a group of birds or mammals) surround and attack (a predator or other source of threat) in order to drive it off.

Was it the same kingfisher I had followed? I don't know, but I only reported one Stork-billed Kingfisher in my eBird app.

I turned around and I drove back across the bridge to get back out on the golf course. I spotted one Javan Pond Heron from the bridge and I stopped for a picture.

Great Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน
Great Myna / นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Great Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน
Great Myna / นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Great Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน
Great Myna / นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Great Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน
Great Myna / นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Great Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน
Great Myna / นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Great Myna, Acridotheres grandis, นกเอี้ยงหงอน
Great Myna / นกเอี้ยงหงอน

Small Minivet, Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, นกพญาไฟเล็ก
Male Small Minivet / นกพญาไฟเล็ก

Small Minivet, Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, นกพญาไฟเล็ก
Male Small Minivet / นกพญาไฟเล็ก

Small Minivet, Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, นกพญาไฟเล็ก
Male Small Minivet / นกพญาไฟเล็ก

I continue with my golf cart and I spot a small bird in one of the trees. I only see the shadow as the bird is between me and the sun. I position the golf cart to try to get me between the sun and the bird.

I can see that it is a beautiful Small Minivet preening in the tree. A gorgeous bird, but sitting in the tree and it was next to impossible to get any pictures of the bird behind twigs and branches. I left the Minivet behind and I was soon running in to more Eurasian Hoopoes.

I spotted one Eurasian Hoopoe on the lawn and I tried to sneak up on the bird with my golf cart. Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stThe bird moved a few meters and I followed with both me and the golf cart in stealth mode.

The bird took off and landed in a tree and I was almost running in to another Eurasian Hoopoe sitting on a trunk preening and the bird was not scared and I could get a picture before I left the birds to look for more birds on the golf course.

Eurasian Hoopoe, फाप्रे चरा, Upupa epops, นกกะรางหัวขวาน
Eurasian Hoopoe / นกกะรางหัวขวาน

Eurasian Hoopoe, फाप्रे चरा, Upupa epops, นกกะรางหัวขวาน
Eurasian Hoopoe / นกกะรางหัวขวาน

Eurasian Hoopoe, फाप्रे चरा, Upupa epops, นกกะรางหัวขวาน
Eurasian Hoopoe / นกกะรางหัวขวาน

Eurasian Hoopoe, फाप्रे चरा, Upupa epops, นกกะรางหัวขวาน
Eurasian Hoopoe / นกกะรางหัวขวาน

Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasant, Centropus sinensis, นกกระปูดใหญ่
Greater Coucal / นกกระปูดใหญ่

I leave the paved path and I dash across the lawn and I reach the big pond. I spot two Little Cormorants and one Purple Heron in the lake. All birds too far away for any pictures that I could use for anything.

I end up at a building, looks like a maintenance building where they keep equipment. I drive along the road and I can hear one Greater Coucal and I look for the bird. I cannot see the Greater Coucal but suddenly it takes off and it landed in a tree.

I tried to put myself in a better position but I could not see the bird. But I was lucky and I could see the bird taking off and I could see the bird landing in a bush and I tried to take some pictures of the Greater Coucal.

Birding/ Bird watching at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club, Bangkok, Thailand
Action at the green

Birding/ Bird watching at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club, Bangkok, Thailand
Action at the green

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork / นกปากห่าง

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork / นกปากห่าง

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork / นกปากห่าง

Paddyfield Pipit, Oriental Pipit, Anthus rufulus, นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก
Paddyfield Pipit / นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก

Paddyfield Pipit, Oriental Pipit, Anthus rufulus, นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก
Paddyfield Pipit / นกเด้าดินทุ่งเล็ก

Indochinese Roller, Burmese roller, Coracias affinis, นกตะขาบทุ่ง
Indochinese Roller / นกตะขาบทุ่ง

Common Myna, Acridotheres tristis, นกเอี้ยงสาริกา
Common Myna / นกเอี้ยงสาริกา

I see two Paddyfield Pipits on the lawn but the pictures turned out to be nothing but garbage. I continue and I stop to take pictures of 3 openbills, one sitting in a tree and two at the bottom of water hazard in front of the green.

I don't realize that there is a group of golfers on the other side trying to get the last shot up on the green. I give the internationally recognized sign for “sorry” and I take off so the golfers can continue with the game.

I am soon seeing more Paddyfield Pipits on the lawn and I stop to try to get pictures. I also see one Indochinese Roller and I try to sneak up on the bird. I had seen many of them on the golf course but never got any picture as they are very scared.

I see one Black Drongo perching on a branch and one bird sitting next to the bird. They took off and landed in a tree. The bird looked very strange, no long tail so I thought it might be a baby Black Drongo. I sent a picture to and I hope someone there know.

Black Drongo, कालो चिबे, Dicrurus macrocercus, นกแซงแซวหางปลา
Black Drongo / นกแซงแซวหางปลา without the tail

I put an enquiry about this bird on as the bird was missing the tail.

Forum thread HERE


Malaysian Pied Fantail, Rhipidura javanica, นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ
Malaysian Pied Fantail / นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ

Malaysian Pied Fantail, Rhipidura javanica, นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ
Malaysian Pied Fantail / นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ

Listen to the Red-wattled Lapwing

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

The bird is standing 2 meters from my golf cart calling. We can hear a Coppersmith Barbet in the background


eBird Report

Thanont Golf View & Sport Club, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon [Bangkok], TH
Jul 9, 2023 06:47 - 10:27
Protocol: Traveling
14.12 kilometer(s)
29 species

Red Collared Dove 3
Zebra Dove 24  Making baby
Greater Coucal 2
Asian Koel 1  One seen, also heard all over the golf course
Plaintive Cuckoo 1  Heard only
White-breasted Waterhen 4
Red-wattled Lapwing 16
Bronze-winged Jacana 3
Asian Openbill 6
Little Cormorant 2
Purple Heron 2  One of them was a FLY OVER
Little Egret 1
Javan Pond Heron 5
Eurasian Hoopoe 4  Look like adult feeding young, or male feeding female as courtship as both birds looking the be fully grown
Stork-billed Kingfisher 1  Looked to be mobbed, chased by two smaller birds
Indochinese Roller 8  Many seen all over the golf court
Coppersmith Barbet X  Heard only
Small Minivet 1
Malaysian Pied-Fantail 9  Many seen all over the golf court
Black Drongo 2  I put an enquiry about this bird on as the bird was missing the tail. Forum thread
Yellow-vented Bulbul 1
Streak-eared Bulbul 2
Common Myna 16
Great Myna 11
Oriental Magpie-Robin 6
Baya Weaver 3  Building nest and birds seen flying with nest material
Asian Golden Weaver 8  With nest
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 9
Paddyfield Pipit 5

View this checklist online at

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (

Birding/ Bird watching at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club, Bangkok, Thailand
Today's track at Thanont Golf View & Sport Club

Sunday have come to an end and I went to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym Monday and Tuesday for a session with The Red Devil (ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์) and yoga. The yoga, I do it three times per week, should have been more.

But it is very boring to spend 2 to 3 hours in the taxi to and from Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym.

Three times per week is OK and my diet is on the right track, lost 13 kg since I came back home
Yet another Smiley on
Yet another Smiley on
from North America so I am very happy.

Omelette in the morning and coming back from the gym a cup of tea with honey and some nuts. Then green salad and a second cup of tea. In the evening a constitutional Yet another Smiley on at the university.

Back home and a cup of flaxseeds before going to bed. So it is busy days, but Sunday after the birding and I went to Siam Square. It was very nice, all the motorcycle taxi drivers called for me to ask where I wanted to go.

Not happening for many years so this is a good indication for a successful diet.

The Pilot in Map Ta Put send me a video that he took of Karen Maersk when he left with another ship and I was very happy not to be on board. Wednesday and I will not go to Chaiyasit Muay Thai Gym so it will be a day of birding.

So, you just need to click HERE to find out if I see any birds.

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Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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