Saturday 2nd of July 2016 and the taxi arrived when I was walking down the gangway. I left NuStar Terminal and the driver took my bag and I stepped inside the taxi. We were going to the north side of the Firth of Forth. The hotel was located just at The Forth Bridge.
20 minutes from Edinburgh so I might go for a few beers tonight. Well, we will see what happens, the weather doesn’t look like I want to go anywhere outside my room tonight.
It was nice to sit in the car looking at Ternvag disappearing behind us. We were soon on our way and we drove through Glasgow and we were soon on the high way towards Grangemouth and Edinburgh. We are driving across Scotland, from the Atlantic side to the North Sea side.
It is about 75km and the driver expect it to take about 1 hour. We drove through a green Scottish landscape. Gloom and grey for as long as we could see and we had an occasional rain on our way.
We were crossing River Forth on the Kincardine Bridge. On the other side of the Forth River we took the road A985 from Kincardine to the North Queens ferry. I have not been in Grangemouth for many years. I have passed under the very old Forth Bridge. Now I could see that they were building a third bridge between the North Queensferry and Queensferry.
The bridges are just outside the hotel, but that seems to be the only thing to see in the area. We are in the middle of nowhere.
I checked in to the hotel and I had decided to stay at the hotel tonight. It is way too cold to get out and I will dodge any hangover tomorrow. Good, I will go up early and I will go to a shopping centre 15 minutes away. I have not given up the “Flabby & Porky” clothing shop. And who knows? I might run in to a jacket with millions of Xs tomorrow.
The old Forth bridge and the Forth Road bridge
The old Forth bridge and the Forth Road bridge
The old Forth bridge and the Forth Road bridge
Building a new bridge over the Forth River
Building a new bridge over the Forth River
Building a new bridge over the Forth River
I went to the restaurant and I can't say that I was impressed by the menu. But then they brought the food I was shocked. They brought all the food at the same time, and there was a lot of it. I asked for my second pot of tea and when I went to look for the Waitress to sign my bill she brought desserts for another table.
It looked good, darn good. So I changed my mind and I asked for some toffee cake and some almond tart.
A third pot of tea and I was very full when I rolled away to my room. This was not good for my diet, well, I guess it was better than 30 beers in down town Edinburgh. The chill saved me from that and a hangover tomorrow. So I might be off to look for a jacket tomorrow morning after the breakfast. If I'm lucky I will find a tent sized wind breaker jacket.
Sunday 3rd of July 2016 and woke up 7 o'clock and I went for breakfast 2 hours later. They open the shopping center in Dumfermline at 10 thirty or 11 o'clock according to the girl in the reception. So I will leave Queensferry Hotel around 11 o'clock.
(Listeni/dʌnˈfɛrmlᵻn/; Scots: Dunfaurlin, Scottish Gaelic: Dùn Phàrlain) is a town and former Royal Burgh, and parish, in Fife, Scotland, on high ground 5 km from the northern shore of the Firth of Forth. The 2011 census recorded the town's population at 49,706, however figures released in 2012 estimate Dunfermline's population as 50,380, making it the largest locality in Fife and the tenth largest in Scotland.
Until the 17th century, the town served as the royal capital of Scotland.
They called the only taxi accepting credit cards and the taxi arrived at 11 o'clock. It took about 15 minutes to reach Dunfermline. I got out of the taxi and it was like walking in to a wall. The cold weather hit me straight in the face. I hurried in to the shopping centre and I went to the clothing store, Debson or something like that. I asked for the “Flabby & Porky” department. The two girls just gaped at me and I had to ask a second time.
There wasn't enough Xs in their collection so I left for M&S and this turned out to be yet another disappointment. The girl told me about another shop at the end of the High Street. The shop was closed and I walked back towards the shopping centre.
High Street in Dunfermline
Kingsgate Centre in Dunfermline
High Street in Dunfermline
I bought a few bottles of Diet Drinks and I went to look for a taxi accepting cards and I went back to the hotel. I have to wait for about 4 hours before they come to pick me up for transportation to the airport. Ryan Air's flight FR2674 will depart from Edinburgh at 18:45.
I'm not looking forward to this flight, but then I have a few days before it is time to check in to Turkish Airlines flight TK 1784 from Kastrup to Istanbul and then my hopefully last ever flight with Turkish Airlines, flight TK 0064 back home to Suvarnabhumi.
I had an excellent lunch, I really don't understand why the English food have such a bad reputation. And they bring in super tankers with the food.
Today, lunch my second meal and I did everything I could to dodge the embarrassment I ran in to at dinner yesterday. I asked for a starter and a main course, the starter was like a mountain of avocado and chicken. My table was full of brimmed plates and, it might have been my imagination, but people were looking.
The taxi arrived 10 minutes before 4 and we were soon on the Forth Road Bridge crossing the Firth of Forth and we arrived to Edinburgh Airport 10 minutes later. Ryan Air, I walked around looking for the check in. No check in, only a guy sitting at a computer and a lot of self-service luggage machines in the area.
He required 45£ to check me in. I got angry and he told me that I had to check in on the internet, and I could only check-in 2 hours or more before my flight is departing to Copenhagen.
Ryan Air obviously have a great business idea, charge you 45£ extra to check-in to you flight. And if you haven't done this 2 hours before the flight you really have no option but to pay the 45£
I had 2 hours and 15 minutes before departure. The Ryan Air Representative directed me to computers at the International arrivals. And of course, they charged to use the computers, British coins and who the duck carry around British coins.
Yes, we all did back in the 70's, but now it is 2016 FER DUCKS SAKE!!! I managed to connect to the internet and I down loaded Ryan Air's app and I could get my boarding pass. I returned to the guy at the computer and by now the area had gone from empty to filled by millions of passengers. Yeah, this was not what I had expected and I was not happy about it.
The Representative directed me to one of the luggage machines. My bag was 18 kg and maximum weight is 15 kg, standard is 20kg all over the world flying coach. The message read: Contact the representative. I went back to the Ryan Air Representative and he directed me to another machine in another direction.
- Go there and pay for 3 kg extra, 10 £ per kg
I paid my extra fee and by now the price tag was, well, it started with 80£ and by now I could as well have bought a ticket with SAS or British Airways. But I think Ryan Air is the only airline flying NON STOP to Copenhagen. Anyway, I had checked my luggage and I went to the security.
There were millions of people in the security but it went pretty fast to pass through even though my bag had to go through a special search. I had two small bottles of e-juice for my e-cigarettes and they had to put them in a plastic bag. Don't ask me why. And how is this going to protect anyone from a terrorist attack?
I really don't know, but when I had my 2 bottles of e-juice in a plastic bag I was allowed to pass and I had to spend about an hour waiting before it was time to board the flight.
We had to line up in the terminal and when we came out we had to line up in something looking like a green house. We could see the passengers coming out from our plane on the other side of the access road. There were soon a tanker coming over the tarmac and when they had filled up the plane with gas they opened the door for us and we could board.
I had paid extra to sit at the emergency exit, but it was obviously breaking some law sitting there if you needed an extension belt. Well, the Stewardess asked me if I could move and I moved 2 rows forward. Good move, the seat next to me was free. And I was happy as I require more space sideways than I need forward.
I had been in my seat for 30 seconds when two passengers came to claim my seat. Now I moved back and I could not believe my luck. There was an empty row in the back of the plane and now I had plenty space.
Safety demonstration while taxi and we stopped waiting for the planes ahead of us to take off. I was counting the minutes as I don't have so much time to catch my train from Copenhagen to Helsingborg. What seems like forever came to an end and we were finally starting to move and we were soon air borne flying towards Copenhagen.
The flight was kind of OK as I killed time with a game I had downloaded at the airport. I bought what might turn out to be the most expensive soda water I have ever bought. I had asked for a diet drink, but they were out, so soda it was. Probably a healthier choice for me.
Time passed pretty quickly and I was soon able to see Denmark between the grey clouds. It is July but it looks more like November. It was way better weather when I left back in June with sunshine and warm weather. The sun have been absent since back then. But as I have a few days in Skåne I really hope to see the sun before going back home
Landing at Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airport
Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airport
Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airport
Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airport
Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airport
Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airport
We landed in Copenhagen a few minutes after scheduled time, not bad. But I was in a hurry as the train to Helsingborg leave at 22:25. Scheduled arrival time for flight FR2674 is 21:30. And I had to wait until last passenger to get off the plane as my back-back was at row 17, my original seat.
I was on the tarmac at 21:51 and it turned out that we were at the far end of the airport, I had never been here before so it was uncharted territory for me.
And it was a long way to trot to the luggage claim area. I was never concerned about the immigration as this should be no problem. Well, I was shocked when I came to the immigration. A line, 300 m long and only two immigration officers so I was more or less giving up catching the train.
It was quarter past 10 when I was through the immigration and now I had to go get my bag. Of course, the bags from Ryan Air's flight TK 1784 was on the luggage band furthest away from pretty much everything. Almost like they could have had the luggage claim back in Edinburgh.
My bag was on the belt when I arrived, nothing else expected as it had been a long walk and wait before I reached the luggage belt. I tried to connect to the WIFI to connect to my app to buy a train ticket. But as I was on the way to the exit I spotted vending machines for the trains just before leaving the luggage claim area.
I found Skånetrafiken's vending machine and I bought a one way ticket to Helsingborg with Ørsundståg. I stepped out on the platform a few minutes before the train arrived. I just had enough time to think about spring rolls at Österns Pärla and of course Engelholms Glass. The train arrived and I stepped on board and we were soon on our way towards the Öresunds Bridge and Skåne. First stop on the other side of the Öresunds Bridge is Hyllie and this is where they have the pass port control.
Second time I pass here since they closed the borders, second time and second time we pass without anyone checking our pass ports. We are in Skåne and click HERE to check it out.
OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)
noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.
ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.
So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!
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