Transfer from Donsol to Legazpi Airport
I don't know about you, but at least I find it hard to think about any better tune for this adventure
Saturday 5th of February 2016 and we walked to the boat and they had opened a walk path since I was here the last time. Very nice, no need to walk in the hot sand. I have the same Guide I had on my last tour last time here in Donsol. Everyone at the Donsol Tourist Centre recognised me. Now they are under pressure to show me a whale shark so I don't have to come back.
I had asked them to pack a few towels so I could wrap the ladder climbing up to the boat. Last time and the ladder were made of small pipes and it was very painful to climb them.
Now I discovered that they had a wooden ladder attached to the boat. My Guide told me they had put them on all boats as people had complained about the steel pipe ladders. With this wood ladder it was a dream to get in to the boat.
Yeah, this was a big relief as I have no good memories of getting on board the boats from last time.
So I was in a glorious mood when we left the beach. Fruit salad and now whale shark excitements. And I really hope I can see the whale sharks this time and I will never have to come back to the Philippines.
We were cruising up and down the coast line outside Donsol and we never saw any whale sharks. The hours passed and I was now certain that it was all a scam. My Guide told me they saw whale sharks every morning.
I had given up when suddenly there were some commotion. There was another boat and they were waving their life jackets as us. They had spotted a whale shark and we went over to check it out.
My guide told me to done the snorkelling stuff. We saw the whale shark, maybe 6 meters long and we sat down on the rail stand-by to slide in to the water. My Guide slide in to the water and I followed him. And I was soon seeing my first ever whale shark below me.
The water is not very clear here during the tide, well, that is the reason for the whale sharks to come here. They eat all the planktons. So if it would have been clear water we would not have seen any whale sharks. Anyway, our encounter didn't last very long. The whale shark passed us and then the fish disappeared down the deep blue.
My first ever whale shark
My first ever whale shark
Whale shark
(Rhincodon typus) is a slow-moving filter feeding shark and the largest known extant fish species. The largest confirmed individual had a length of 12.65 m and a weight of about 21.5 t, and unconfirmed reports of considerably larger whale sharks exist.
Claims of individuals over 14 m long and weighing at least 30 t are not uncommon. The whale shark holds many records for sheer size in the animal kingdom, most notably being by far the largest living nonmammalian vertebrate. It is the sole member of the genus Rhincodon and the family, Rhincodontidae (called Rhiniodon and Rhinodontidae before 1984), which belongs to the subclass Elasmobranchii in the class Chondrichthyes. The species originated about 60 million years ago.
Range of whale shark
The whale shark inhabits all tropical and warm-temperate seas. The fish is primarily pelagic, living in the open sea but not in the greater depths of the ocean. Seasonal feeding aggregations occur at several coastal sites. Associated ecotourism has grown rapidly to unsustainable levels
Whale sharks have a mouth that can be 1.5 m wide, containing 300 to 350 rows of tiny teeth and 10 filter pads which it uses to filter feed. Whale sharks have five large pairs of gills. The head is wide and flat with two small eyes at the front. Whale sharks are grey with a white belly. Their skin is marked with pale yellow spots and stripes which are unique to each individual.
The whale shark has three prominent ridges along its sides. Its skin can be up to 10 cm thick. The shark has a pair of dorsal fins and pectoral fins. Juveniles' tails have a larger upper fin than lower fin, while the adult tail becomes semilunate. The whale shark's spiracles are just behind its eyes.
The whale shark is a filter feeder – one of only three known filter feeding shark species (along with the basking shark and the megamouth shark). It feeds on plankton including copepods, krill, fish eggs, Christmas Island red crab larvae and small nektonic life, such as small squid or fish. It also feeds on clouds of eggs during mass spawning of fish and corals.
Conservation status
Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1) Retrieved 18 August 2011.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, what a ducking day this turned in to. First fruit salad and now a whale shark, can it get any better? I don't think so. I was very excited to get out here tomorrow again, 4 more tours before I go home. My Guide told me that most of the people goes on the morning tour.
Well, I don't mind being alone as there are maybe 15 boats during the morning according to my Guide.
We only saw this one whale shark but it was enough to start with. Time was turning quickly and it was soon time to return to the hotel.
We looked out for more whale sharks on the way back to the hotel. They told me they are not allowed to pick me up at my hotel, but they are allowed to drop me at the hotel when we finish.
What an improvement with the wooden ladder
Looking out for whale sharks
Back at the hotel
The boat leaves again
Back in my room and I discovered that they had found a desk and chair for me. Yes, we remember last time I stayed here. I had to build a desk of pillows and other stuff I could find in my room. But now they had found a desk and chair for me.
I had a shower and when I was back out form the shower I opened a diet drink and I sat down at the desk. I started to check today's pictures. Suddenly a loud crack and the chair was no more. So I was back to using my bed as a chair. But the desk was handy.
I went to the restaurant for more fruit salad and omelette. I asked for a 7 o'clock wake-up call as they would come to pick me up at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. And I was excited about the whale shark adventure tomorrow.
I had a desk and chair in my room
The chair didn't last very long
Sunday 6th of March 2016 and I woke up at 5 o'clock. I was very tired yesterday and I felt a sleep very early. I went to the restaurant for my good morning omelette and tea.
The sun was up when I left my room. It was a gorgeous morning and the swimming pool looked really nice and I was about to jump in to the water as I was dressed in my swimming suite. But no time for the swimming pool. I enjoyed my breakfast while looking out over the ocean hoping to see any whale sharks. I only saw the boats going to the tourist centre to pick up tourists for the whale shark adventures that would start in 30 minutes or so.
Having my breakfast in the restaurant
They came to pick me up at 8 o'clock and we took off to Donsol Tourist Centre on a motorcycle. Today I just needed to sign the paper and we left to get on the boat. I was approached by a girl, sounded like she was British. She had been around looking like a rabbit jumping around with a stupid smile on her face.
I just knew that she was going to ask for something. She told me that she was a Researcher and she asked if she could come on my boat. What the
Seriously, this must have been the most stupid question I have ever heard, for sure, it makes it in to one of the top positions on the list. And on the list there are questions like:
- Do you want to by coke? When I'm shopping at Foodland
- Are you retarded?
Well, at least I could find something to say. But today it took some time before I could find something to say. I'm a Researcher, is this the best she could come up with? Who believes this crap? I'm a researcher!
Yeah, I'm an ass hole and I'm off to my boat! Seriously, who the duck travels around the world to see whale sharks and hope to get on a “FREE” boat.
Is this a trick from Researcher, if she would have been a researcher her institution would have arranged everything for the research. Hell, they have a world famous research centre here regarding the whale sharks.
Embarrassing is what it is. I will not say what I told her when I finally found words. But one thing is for sure, the Wanker Twat is not a rare species. Anyway, we left and I'm alone on my boat just as I like it. Same on the safaris, spend the extra money to go alone, definitely worth it.
We saw the other boats and it looked like chaos and I was wondering if they were seeing any whale sharks. 10++ boats and I don't know how many people in the water.
Leaving the hotel after the lunch break
Our first whale today
Our first whale today
Our first whale today
Our first whale today
Our first whale today
Seriously, is this swimming with the whale sharks?
Seriously, is this swimming with the whale sharks?
Seriously, is this swimming with the whale sharks?
It is a foocking Disneyland, what a shame!
It was embarrassing to see the boats and the people in the water. For sure, I want nothing to do with this. We stayed well clear of this area. I want my own whale shark or I won't bother. I had seen one yesterday and I was alone with the whale shark. Well, it was me and my Guide so we were two.
We continued our search and we saw one whale shark and I went down with my Guide and we got a good look at the whale shark. The people splashing around in a huge group is for sure seeing foock all, what a waste of money and time!
And embarrassment with people screaming and shouting and I was thinking about the tiger safari in India. I prefer no tiger (whale shark) before seeing a tiger (whale shark) in a big group of screaming people. Would be better at a zoo.
So if this is what they have to offer I'm happy with the whale shark from yesterday and I can go back home to Bangkok. But my Guide told me that we would go look for our own whale shark to swim with. We have one or two minutes swim time with the whale shark before the fish goes down to the depths, but they are soon back up again and we join the gentle giant again for another few minutes. And a beautiful fish it is!
Looking for whale sharks
Today's second or third whale shark
Today's second or third whale shark
Today's second or third whale shark
We did 3 or 4 swim before we returned to the hotel. Yes, time turned very quickly and it was soon 11 thirty. They would pick me up at 12 thirty again and now it was OK to pick me up on the beach at the hotel. Good, no need to go to Donsol Tourist Centre. Just walk out from the restaurant and up on the boat.
I ordered a “double” fruit salad and a pot of tea when I passed the restaurant on the way to my room. I checked my pictures from today's swim, and I learned something instantly! It is not easy to take pictures under water! Most of the pictures went straight to the garbage bin. The whale shark approach and you take some pictures by aiming the camera and, well, yeah, if you're lucky the whale shark is in the viewer.
So a lot of the pictures was garbage. But the most important is to swim with the whale shark. Amazing fishes and the one we saw this morning was about 3 meters long. So it was a small fish.
You have to estimate the length of the whale shark from the boat, as soon as you're underwater you don't have a clue how big the fish is. Anyway, I was soon back at the restaurant for my tea and the “double” fruit salad. And as soon as I was ready we left for more whale shark excitements.
We didn't had to wait long before we saw the dorsal fin and the tail of one of the whale sharks. First time I see the fins above water and it looked beautiful. We were soon in the water for our first afternoon swim. And we were soon face to face with the fish.
I wish I had a real underwater camera
I wish I had a real underwater camera
I wish I had a real underwater camera
My Guide is cold
Waiting for the boat to pick us up
We were in and out from the water for 5 times or so before I decided that I wanted to have a picture of the whale from the boat. Just waiting for a whale shark swimming with the fins above the water. And we had seen it all afternoon but now it was impossible to get them to show their fins above the water. I got a few pictures of whale sharks swimming just under the water surface. And we had one swimming above sand bottom at shallow water. But no fins!
A whale shark swimming under us when we are getting ready to get in to the water
Getting ready to get in to the water
Our last swim for today
Whale shark swimming over sand bottom
Whale shark swimming over sand bottom
We call it a day and return to the hotel
Fishing on the beach when we return to the hotel
It was nice to be back at the hotel after a full day on the boat. And I had burned myself in the sunshine. And I made a mental note to wear a cap tomorrow. I had burnt my face and I was red like a tomato. I had fruit salad and cheese & onion omelette for dinner and I felt asleep for an hour or two.
Not good as it will be harder to fall asleep tonight. And the pain in my head and neck after burning myself will make it hard enough to sleep
I went for a second helping of fruit salad and cheese & onion omelette before the restaurant closed at 9 o'clock and I watched the news for a while before I felt asleep. Up early tomorrow and it will be a long and exciting day. And we will hopefully see plenty whale sharks tomorrow. My only concern is the sun as I'm in pain and from experience I know it will get worse during the night.
Monday 7th of March 2016 and I woke up at 7 thirty. They were soon knocking on the door to tell me that they were here to pick-me up. I asked why they had not called me at 7 and they were right. I had not told them to wake me up. I instructed them that it was 7 o'clock every day. Well, not many days left, but anyway.
Anyway, I had a pot of tea with a Cheese & onion omelette. Of course, a fruit salad and I enjoyed the food while watching the boar on the beach outside the restaurant.
The food was excellent and I will miss the food when I go home. OK, my own fruit salad is very good, but I have to do the salad myself! And the fruit on the Philippines are better than in Thailand. Well, except the pineapple, the pineapple I buy in Bangkok is much better. The pineapple here is not bad, but my friend's pineapple in Bangkok are like eating candy.
I was on board the boat quarter past 8 o'clock and we were soon on our way to look for whale sharks. And I enjoyed the sights, it is really a beautiful area. Sand beaches and palm trees along the coast lines. And of course, the beautiful Mayon Volcano sticking up in the horizon. It was a gorgeous morning and it was really nice to stay on deck looking for the whale sharks. If it had not been for the burning sun. I should have bought some sun block cream
Mayon Volcano
Mayon Volcano
Looking for whale sharks
First swim
First swim
Second swim
Second swim
Second swim
Second swim
We had 3 or 4 swims in the morning and it was time to go back to the hotel for lunch. And as I did yesterday, I asked for tea and fruit salad on my way to the room. I was soon to discover that it was black out due to some maintenance. So I had to charge my camera battery in the restaurant. And as you can guess, I forgot the battery when we left so we had to go back and pick up the battery.
Lucky that we had just left the beach and not started the engine when I remembered the battery.
We will leave at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning to catch my flight back to Manila. At lunch I asked Donsol ECO Tour's Representative if we could squeeze in a whale shark interaction for tomorrow morning. We will leave at 7 thirty and I asked them to wake-me up at 6 o'clock. And yes, if I'm here I want to see as many whale sharks as possible.
We left the hotel behind and we were soon getting ready for our first swim. I took some pictures of our Guide this morning and I gave him my camera so he can take some action pictures.
This is what I call swimming with the whale sharks! Not a group of 20 splashing
The shark have some wounds on the tail
The shark have some wounds on the tail
We can see that it is a giant fish
We can see that it is a giant fish
We can see that there are plenty fishes swimming with the whale shark
It was quite fun, theses fishes were scared but the whale shark didn't mind when I was swimming next to the fish
Time to go home
Going back to the hotel
Back at Elysia Beach Resort
Back at Elysia Beach Resort
It had been a beautiful day, with at least 10 swims and the last whale shark was a giant, at least 10 meters long. So it had been a very good day. Well, except my sun burns, I was in pain and I could feel that it was not a pain that would disappear very quickly.
Tomorrow, early morning, my last whale shark adventure before going to the airport.
Tuesday 8th of March 2016 and they knocked on my door at 6 o'clock. I had my last diet drink while preparing my back pack for departure from Donsol. There will not be much time when we're back from the whale watching interaction. Enough time for a fruit salad and a shower.
I was in the restaurant quarter past 7 and I asked for omelette, toast and tea. At 7 thirty I asked them what was going on in the kitchen. 15 minutes to make cheese & onion omelette can't be normal, I'm no professional, but I will make an omelette way quicker than 15 minutes.
And that is even though I have no helpers in my kitchen as they have in a hotel kitchen.
I got my omelette followed by a plate of bread, sliced toast bread. I pointed at the bread and I asked them why they hadn't toasted the bread.
What have happened in the kitchen? This is for sure not the service I have grown used to here at Elysia Beach Resort
I could see the boat coming and I hurried up to finish my breakfast and I was off to the boat on the beach. We took off for our last whale shark adventure. It was overcast and we could see the rain coming at the horizon in the South.
Overcast meant that the water surface was dark and it was very hard to see any shadows from any whale sharks.
We cruised around looking for the whale sharks and after an hour or so we could see the other boats leaving the Donsol Tourist Centre. We didn't see any whale sharks but we could see the other boats and we understood that they had seen whale sharks as all the boats were in a group again.
I told Captain to stay well clear of that area as I wanted to have my “own” whale shark.
The time passed very quickly and it was soon 10 o'clock and I had to be back at the hotel. My first whale shark cruise without any whale sharks.
Disappointed, well, I was so happy with my whale shark swims so for me it was never mind. I would not have been sad if we had seen any whale sharks. But I had tried. Imagine going home not have tried the last time, that would have been worse. Spending all the time wondering what I had missed
I was happy, no, I was very happy with my trip to the Philippines. I asked the staff in the restaurant to prepare a “double” fruit salad for me. I went to take a shower and change clothes. My back pack was ready and I only needed to pack my lap top in my lap top bag. I was back at the restaurant and I enjoyed my last Pilipino fruit salad and a pot of tea. I will miss the fruit salad, that is for sure. I was in the reception 5 minutes before 11 to pay my bill. My car had arrived and we were ready to take off.
The payment for the restaurant was quickly done. But the chair I had destroyed was 1500 Peso and I had given my last cash to Donsol ECO Tours. I had to pay the chair to Donsol ECO Tours and I suggested that I paid the 1500 to the hotel with my card.
Donsol ECO Tours and Elysia Beach Resort is the same company, but it was not all that easy with the payment. But we managed to straight things out and I had settled all my bills and by now the clock was 10 minutes past 11 o'clock.
I put my 2 bags in the back of the wan and I hanged my swimming trunks over a seat in order to get them as dry as possible before checking-in at Cebu Pacific at Legazpi Airport. I took my seat and we took off towards Legazpi with a stop to drop Donsol ECO Tours Representative in Donsol. They told me that it is 50 km from Donsol to Legazpi. I told them that it would take 20 minutes in Sweden. But here it is around an hour and I'm lucky that we drive through beautiful surroundings. Will I make it to the airport and Cebu Pacific flight 5J-328 from Legazpi to Manila?
OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)
noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.
ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.
So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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