Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang

Tuesday 13th of January 2015 and my alarm went off at 7 forty. I had it on a 3 minutes snooze, several times. Mt friend called from Maersk Mediterranean, at 9 and he told me that they would Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichangnot come along side TPP Terminal on Koh Sichanguntil around 11.

He also told me that it would take about one hour for them to start the discharging. Well, and we're not allowed to come on board until after they had been discharging for 3 hours. So I didn't needed to be in Ao-Udom between Si Racha, ศรีราชา and Pattaya until late afternoon.

I got an e-mail from the DNV Inspector and he would be at the speed boat at 12 thirty. Well, by now I had so many different times. I went to look for a taxi at 11 o'clock something and just before 12, when we were plunging down Sukhumvit my friend called.

They had just come alongside so that would make it about 4 hours before we could come on board. We were hauling arse on the elevated highway between Bangkok and Chonburi. But suddenly, we found ourselves in a traffic jam. Traffic was at a full stop and we were soon discovering why, an accident. We were hauling arse again as soon as we had passed the accident.

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
Accident on the elevated highway to Chonburi

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
Accident on the elevated highway to Chonburi

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
Accident on the elevated highway to Chonburi

We drove throught Chonburi and we were soon in Si Racha, ศรีราชา, and I thought that we had arrived. They called from Singha Marine's office. The DNV Inspector was at the office and I told them Singha Marine in Ao-Udomthat we would be at Singha Marine's office in about 5 minutes. But Ao-Udom is almost in Pattaya and it took a wee bit longer. We reached the Ao-Udom intersection and we turned right. We drove the small road down towards the sea.

I saw the Singha Marine Office sign and there was a guy in a white DNV boiler suit. Yes, I had found the place.
The DNV Inspector told me that the 3 hour rule to visit the ship was humbug and we went straight to the jetty and the speed boat that would take us to Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
The speed boat is coming

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
The speed boat jetty

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
The speed boat jetty

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
On the way to Koh Sichang and Maersk Mediterranean

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
On the way to Koh Sichang and Maersk Mediterranean

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
Passing a Torm ship on the way to Koh Sichang and Maersk Mediterranean
Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
Arriving to TPP Terminal, Koh Sichang and Maersk Mediterranean

We reached berth #1 at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang. Na landing site and it didn't look like we had to use the ship's accommodation ladder. The boat crew started to scream at the guy on the Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichangjetty and they pointed us to a ladder.

Our DNV Surveyor and I got up on the berth and they put down the gangway on the deck. We were soon in the accommodation and I went up to Captain's cabin where he relaxed like only a Captain know how to do.

The ship was built in Korea 2007 and she reminded me about Claudia and Cassandra, well, Barcarolle and Pro Promotion was also sister ships. I took a seat and my friend was soon turning on the kettle. He didn't had any tea I Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichangliked, well, not any of my favourites so I Tea on board Maersk Mediterraneanwas drinking green tea.

He foocked up at his first try and he put sugar in my cup. I told him that it was never mind, BUT DON'T DO IT AGAIN!

We talked about this and that and the good ol' times and time turned pretty quick. I was of course getting hungry and I sneaked up on the bridge to steal a few Digestive biscuits.

At first I looked around, but then I realised that I didn't had any “diet bet” going on board Maersk Mediterranean. So I was munching on the Digestive when Captain came bursting in on the bridge with the DNV Inspector and Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichangthe 2nd Officer. They were going to check to limit switches etc. on the provision crane on the bridge deck.

Yes, suddenly I found my self in a DNV Inspection. But the crane worked OK and all the other stuff they inspected was in good working condition. Or as we used to say in Sweden: Ship shape.

We were on the bridge when the watch turned dinner o'clock and we went down to the mess room to eat. Our DNV Inspector skipped dinner as he was finalizing the inspection. Then paper work and I would go with him back to Bangkok.

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
We see all the barges in front of us, the very same barges that disturbed us at Chao Praya River

The DNV Inspector came up to Captain's cabin around 7 o'clock to complete the paper work. When we arrived he told me he would be on board for about 4 hours. He asked if I wanted to go with him Goose's fish and chips in Pattayaback to Bangkok, but as I had planned to go to Goose’s Fish and Chips in Pattaya. But it would be 9 o'clock before we would be back ashore so I skipped my fish and chips plan.

Visitors on board, and not any visitors. Prominent visitors from Bangkok and Captain was required to follow us to the gangway. Our DNV Inspector had ordered the speed boat for 20 thirty and he called again just before 9. They were on the way. The DNV Inspector laughed and told me that that meant foock all.

When the speed boat came I asked them to drive slowly so I could take a few pictures of Maersk Mediterranean when we leave TPP Terminal and Koh Sichang behind.

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
Our speed boat is coming 30 minutes late

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
Leaving Maersk Mediterranean and the TPP Terminal behind

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
Leaving Maersk Mediterranean and the TPP Terminal behind

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
Back ashore again

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang
Back ashore again

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang

Aladdin's adventure on board Maersk Mediterranean at the TPP Terminal on Koh Sichang

We were soon on the elevated high way on our back to Bangkok. It was a pleasure to ride with the DNV Inspector. I was driving slowly and he told me it was better to arrive late than never. And, well, driver sin Thailand are for sure not very skilful and I think it is the 2nd country in the world regarding deaths in the traffic. I'm always scared when I'm in a car in Thailand.

But it was a pleasure to ride with the DNV Inspector and we discussed life in general and it was interesting to talk with him. He had started his career in Thoresen and we had a few acquaintance in common. So time turned very quick and I had enjoyed my day.

I was home almost exactly 12 hours after I had left my apartment. Read some online news before going to bed. And the news never fails to amuse me. You really think you have heard it all, seriously, what is there remaining to surprise you? Well, we're in Thailand...

Khaosod English - Unnerved By Waves of Transfer, Police Officers Turn To Horoscopes
Just, just when you thought you have heard it all....
Never a dull moment in Thailand

Up early tomorrow morning, 2 Thai classes and boxing so it will be a day full of excitements. And after all the news from Khao Yai National Park we decided to go spend the weekend there, so click HERE and hang on as it might be dangerous!

Lost Innocence by Simon Palmer
A recommended read, PART ONE free to download as a teaser. Palmer Fiction's web page


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