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SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban

Boxing in BangkokAnd I started the day as all the other days, with boxing in the squash room. But today I had pain all over and it was not a very good session. Well, I told my friend Boxing in Bangkokthat I had been at Ratchaprasong and Phayathai Road protest sights yesterday. He asked me if I had seen any beautiful girls.
- There are many beautiful girls protesting, he said.
- There was almost no people
- There are millions of people, he said laughing
- 2000 people protesting, TOPS! And 10000 tourists
And of course several thousand people selling stuff along the roads
- You have to go in the night time
- I spent 6 hours there, between 2 in the afternoon to 8 o'clock in the evening.
He borrowed my computer and he was soon on internet to search for pictures and the screen was soon full of protest pictures.
- LOOK!!!
I looked and I pointed at the pictures.
- This is from the red shirt rally 2010!

I took the subway from Asoke protest site, 20 people in front of the stage and I came up at Silom subway station. A guy singing at the stage outside Lumpini Park and no spectators. There was a guy waving a flag in the Rama IV/ Silom intersection. There were 2 girls taking pictures. There was a vendor selling T-shirts and they started to scream at me when they saw me in my pink shirt.
- Buy a T-shirt!
- Do you have any red T-shirt
- Red is not beautiful!
- Red is very beautiful!

The Silom theatre of protests was a sad sight. 1 guy waving a flag in the intersection. 2 guys watching a barricade consisting of 50 tyres while checking people coming in to the protest site. Silom was full of vendors selling knick-knacks and food.
SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
A sad sight, one man with a flag and they close down the whole area
Well, no traffic is at least an improvement for the environment

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Lumpini Park and a man on the stage

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Some kind of Road block/ check point on Rama IV

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Food vendor
Needless to say, our hero didn't buy anything to eat from this vendor

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Girls “checking out” our hero

Red shirt rally in Lumpini - May 2010
Same intersection in May 2010

Red shirt rally in Lumpini - May 2010
Same intersection in May 2010

Red shirt rally in Lumpini - May 2010
Same intersection in May 2010

Red shirt rally in Lumpini - May 2010
Same intersection in May 2010

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Silom Road - Where are the protestors?

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Silom Road - Where are the protestors?

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Silom Road - Where are the protestors?

I walked through the protest site in 5 minutes, reaching from Rama IV to Silom Soi 4 where I took a taxi to MBK as I started to get hungry. When I see something like this I can't help wondering who is running the country. The Police is doing nothing and the military, seems like the only option is to do a coup. Shouldn't the government just tell the military what to do? Like in India, the Police just walking around with bamboo sticks asking for “baksish” and when something happens they have to call in the army. Without the talk of a coup.

We passed one Police road block on Phayathai road and the road was closed 200 meters before we reached MBK. I paid the driver and I walked towards MBK.

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
The road was blocked 2 to 300 meters before MBK

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Check point before entering the protest site

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Check point before entering the protest site

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
A new “ACTION” activity - Punch the punch bag with a picture of Yingluck
HOURS OF FUN - And what an excellent opportunity to teach the NEXT generation how to behave

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
This was an activity “FRESH” for today - It wasn't there yesterday
The have a lot to learn at Paradise Cove in Honolulu
And what an excellent opportunity to teach the NEXT generation how to behave

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
More people lining up for free food than protesters

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
More people lining up for free food than protesters

Koborune Japanese Restaurant at MBK
Tuna Steak at Koborune Japanese Restaurant at MBK
It is not for FREE, but DAMN it is good!

I entered the protest site at MBK and I was hungry, but I passed by the tent where my friend was Nokweed from Bangkok Postselling T-shirts yesterday to see if she was working today. And today there is no need to look for any whistles as I have plenty souvenirs by now.

And who needs a whistle? I read in Bangkok Post that you can have your phone to do the whistling for you.

My friend was not working, but there was a new attraction next to the tent where she sells T-shirts. A punch bag with pictures of Boxing in BangkokYingluck and two children punching and kicking the bag.

Yes, a rearing activity for the children and they will grow up to be role models for the next generation. Imagine their parents looking proudly at their children.
- Look at the little ones! How good they are, they will grow up to be something nice.

PUT THEM IN SCHOOL INSTEAD OF HAVING THEM TO DO THIS STUPID ACTIVITY. Education is the only way to build a good country, so if you love Thailand make sure to educate your young ones. With a good education!

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Passing Ratchaprasong on my way home - Not many protestors

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Passing Ratchaprasong on my way home - Not many protestors

I went to Koborune for a plate with tuna steak at MBK before walking back home. I walked down Rama I and I passed Ratchaprasong and there wasn't many people at the stage. Is the air going out of the protest balloon? I continued towards Sukhumvit and I passed a new mall and a huge almost ready mall. They are building very quick, well, except the new condo on Sukhumvit at the corner of Soi 13. This condo has been under construction for many years now.

I had a stop at NANA Hotel for a plate of pancakes and a pot of tea. Yes, a set back for my diet, but tomorrow... I walked down Sukhumvit, it was like a steeplechase course and it looks like a SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsubanrefuge camp. Why not move all this stuff to the protest sites?

I meet a few protestors on the way home and I thought it was too early for the demonstrators to leave ASOKE. I was outside Terminal 21 when someone called me, it was one of my old Thai teachers. I asked if she still had my number.
- Yes
- Call me tomorrow, I want to start study Thai again

I have been looking for a Thai Teacher in the news paper and internet, but now I found my old one. And I'm looking forward to start study Thai again, this will be fun.

I can teach you Thai in a fun way. We can go out to dinner or night club, travel or just hang out and i teach you normal phrases that are useful to know. I graduated with honors in business English and i also speak some Japanese.

If you want to learn real Thai culture and how to find real women i can teach you as well.

If you not in Thailand you can have online lessons.

I ran in to a few strange ads for Thai Teachers, learn Thai in a night club or going to dinner. Well, study Thai in a night club. Yet another Smiley on Hmm, that's a new one. But maybe...

So I was quite happy when I left her, but everything came to a full stop after 3 meters. There was so much people and our hero Suthep Thaugsuban was obviously speaking from the stage at the Asoke/ Sukhumvit intersection. The whole street was full of beautiful Nurses and it was impossible to move forward.

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
A very young protestor on Asoke Road

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Suthep Thaugsuban at Asoke/ Sukhumvit intersection

SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep Thaugsuban
Many tourists wanted their picture taken with the Thai flagg

Well, the place pretty much turned empty when Suthep was ready with his speech and I left with all SHUT DOWN Bangkok with People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and Suthep ThaugsubanYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe beautiful Nurses. I passed several tourists wanting their pictures taken with the Thai flag when walking up Asoke road towards my home.

And there was one guy holding the flag dressed in an anti government scarf. And the Thai flagThai guy wanted him to say Suthep while taking the picture.
- No! Suthep
- Su Tuk
- No! Suthep
- Sotup
They gave up and the guy gave back the scarf and left, but there were more people wanting to have their picture taken.

Well, took me a few minutes to walk back home. Explore a new protest site tomorrow. Well, maybe so keep your eyes out for more excitements during the “whistle revolution”

Well, last protest site to be checked out is the Victory Monument. I won't bother going to Lat Plao and Cheang Wattana. But Victory Monument it is! Hang on for yet another protest site “walk through” The last one before I take off for 2 weeks of courses in Manila?


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