Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

July 2011

Thursday 7th of July 2011 and I'm expecting a full day travelling. Wake up call at 3 o'clock. Taxi to Go:teborg and a flight to catch at 7 thirty bound for Bangkok via Frankfurt and Zurich. Arriving Aladdin's adventure in Brofjorden with M/T TernvikBangkok Friday 8th of July in the morning and it will be nice to be back home.

I was awake when they called me at 3 o'clock. I had tried to fall asleep but I never managed so I was pretty Aladdin's adventure in Brofjorden with M/T Ternviktired. A shower and Aladdin's adventure in Brofjorden with M/T TernvikI mopped the floor in my cabin before we left.

A quick visit to the bridge to say good bye to the 2nd Officer and we were off the ship 10 minutes before 4 o'clock in the Aladdin's adventure in Brofjorden with M/T Ternvikmorning. And I was really praising myself for coming up with the GREAT idea to Aladdin's adventure in Brofjorden with M/T Ternvikbring up my luggage to the gate earlier during the day.

Ouur taxi was waiting for us at the gate when we came out from Preemraff. I went to pick up 2 boxes and my suitcase from Preem's ISPS locker.

I was worried, well, we managed to get our entire luggage in to the car. But I was worried about the check in. And my passport expires in October, less than 6 months. Letting me on the flight to FUNKY TOWN? Well, we will have to see, but I was a wee bit worried.

We left Preemraff and Brofjorden behind 10 minutes past 4 o'clock in the morning. First stop, the railway station in Go:teborg.
Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Our 2nd Officer will catch the train to Stockholm from Go:teborg. He was booked on a flight for 8 o'clock, but he prefer the train and my guess is that he will be home quicker than if I had taken Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe flight.

And he knows that I care for the environment and that I have been on Rainbow Warrior so he Aladdin's adventure onboard M/S Rainbow Warriordidn't dare flying when there was a GREEN option to travel available. THAT'S THE SPIRIT!

Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I enjoyed the trip through the Swedish summer landscape even though I was dead tired from lack Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNof sleep. Yes, Northern Europe is really something Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNduring the short summer, and that is even though the weather have left very much to wish for. Daylight 24/7 and everything is green.

And the smell of the flowers and trees, indescribable, at least for me. Maybe I should get a Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNPoet on the job, I'm sure a Poet would come up with something real clever for a love Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNletter to the Swedish summer. They should know how to express themselves.

When we passed over the Uddevalla Bridge the sun broke through the clouds. It was Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNalmost overcast and it looked like it would start to rain any second. But it turned out to be a sunny morning and our driver had to take on his sunglasses.

I had asked our driver for a place where I could buy some Ramlösa. (The best soda water in the world)

He thought that we would pass a gas stop in Ljungskile, 10 minutes after the Uddevalla Bridge. At least according to my camera. I took the Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNpicture of my Choco milk and bun at 04:48.

Aladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Ljungskile7 Eleven was open and it turned out to be just next to Laxbutiken in Ljungskile. DARN! We were Laxbutiken Ljungskilea couple of hours too early. A dream come true if I could have finished Aladdin's summer adventure in Sweden with a meal at Laxbutiken.

I bought a blueberry smoothie and a Choco milk with a cheese and ham bun. Tasted like Aladdin's adventure in Ljungskile and I opened my window less than 300 meters from 7 Eleven and I threw out the bun for the birds to eat.

We continued our trip towards Go:teborg on the motorway and I wanted to be as early as possible at the airport if I would run in to any problem with my luggage or passport in order to have time to rectify any shit they were going to throw in my way.
Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
We arrived to Go:teborg railway station at, well, the picture of our 2nd Officer is taken at 05:26 Aladdin's adventure going to Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNaccording to my camera. So my guess is that we arrived 1 minute earlier.

We left the 2nd Officer behind before he got a chance to get sentimental and we arrived to Landvetter International around 30 or 40 minutes Aladdin on his way to Landvetter International Airportlater. Yes, I was very impatient and I was jumping up and down in my seat when one of the lanes between Go:teborg and Landvetter Aladdin on his way to Landvetter International Airportairport was closed due to road work. And not a worker in sight.
- What the
Here I am in a hurry to get to the airport and they close one of the lanes on the motorway for road work. AND THERE IS NO WORKERS WORKING!!

I went to get a trolley while the driver prepared the bill. 10000 Baht and, well, it is the company paying. I loaded the trolley and I went in to look for Lufthansa's check-in desk. Well, all Star Alliance flights have the same check in and it was no desk. Only way to check in was by a machine. Select your seat.
- OK, thats' good.
Then select how many pieces of luggage you have. MAXIMUM 2. I had 3 pieces of check in luggage Aladdin's adventure at Landvetter airportand 2 carry on. Well, no luggage tags were printed, I got my boarding pass and a message that I had to check in for the Thai Airways flight in Zurich. Well, I had expected to get my luggage tags and I asked one of the attendants for help.
- They will give them to you at the luggage drop
- I have 3 pieces and it says MAXIMUM 2
- They will weight it at the luggage drop and they will give you luggage tags.

I handed them my passport at the luggage drop. She never complained about the weight and she tagged my luggage.
- I take care of your suitcase. The other two parcels have to be dropped at the ODD SIZE at desk 27 just a wee bit down the terminal.

I was very relieved, no problem with my luggage. But now she was scrutinising my passport.
- How long are you staying in Bangkok?
- 3 weeks
- OK, your passport is valid until then. Bon Voyage!!
- Thank you!
I was in a very good mood. No problem with my luggage and no problem with my passport.
Aladdin's adventure at Landvetter airport
Aladdin's adventure at Landvetter airportI went outside for a coffin nail when I had dropped my “ODD” size luggage. I was standing Aladdin is giving up smokingoutside the terminal enjoying a gorgeous summer morning and a coffin nail. Yes, we remember back in March Aladdin is giving up smokingwhen I threw 13 packs of cancer sticks before going to the airport. OK, we also remember me going through the garbage in search for a “last” coffin nail.

Well, anyaway, I was standing in the Aladdin's adventure at Landvetter airportsunshine when a car passed. He slowed down and the driver was looking at me while passing almost twisting his head off looking back at me. And not to talk Aladdin's adventure at Sjösjukan in Kalmarabout almost running in to the cars ahead of him while looking back.
- F@ck off! Get a life! I thought.
3 minutes later a guy came up to me.
- Don't I know you?
- Yes you do!
- I passed in my car and I thought I recognised you.

We talked and time went quick and it was soon time for me to dash off to the security check. It was nice to meet him again, I had not met him since J was in school in Kalmar back in 2006 or something. He told me that he had been on J to go visit me in Thailand.
Tom peng pung- I was nagging on J to go but he never has any money!

Aladdin's adventure at Landvetter airportI was whizzing through the security and I stepped towards ANDERSSON FOOD & AKVAVIT located conveniently next to gate 17, my gate. Yes, I was looking forward to some good food and I was ready for some healthy salmon. Aladdin's adventure at Landvetter airport
Travellers around the world are invited to a Scandinavian gastronomic experience at ANDERSSON FOOD & AKVAVIT. A place for those who wish to stop a moment, eat something small but superb and enjoy a tasteful drink in a trendy and inviting environment while waiting for the next flight.

The Scandinavian Tapas are composed by award winning chef Leif Mannerström, counted among the best chefs in the world.
Fresh, Fast, Friendly and Luxurious!

Yes, I had been looking forward to some LAX GOTTIS (salmon candy) at ANDERSSON.
And was a disappointed, no food.
- Where is your food!
- We only serve food in November (or something like that)
- Are you out of your mind? Why don't you close down the place?

ANDERSSON FOOD & AKVAVIT has moved from HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY ALADDIN to a Aladdin's adventure at Landvetter airportAVOID THE PLACE grade. A place with gorgeous food had turned in to a simple beer bar

.... in a trendy and inviting environment while waiting for the next flight” my arse! I had to elbow my way through a crowd of drunken people going to and from ANDERSSON, AT 7 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!

Boarding went smooth and while I put on my seatbelt I realised that I had actually lost some weight during my time onboard M/T Ternvik. Good, can't wait to get to Bangkok Fight Club on Monday.

We left Landvetter Airport behind and I never Landvetter Airportlooked back. LANDVETTER Aladdin's adventure at Landvetter airportAIRPORT!! I'M IMPRESSED. REALLY, I AM, 2 BATHROOMS AT Aladdin's adventure at Frankfurt International AirportAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. People queue up in the terminal. Well, for sure, I'm in no hurry back to Landvetter.

Took us about one and a half hour to get to Frankfurt. And bus, darn, we had to go by bus to the terminal and then boarding at gate A03. I could not believe my eyes, Aladdin's adventure at Frankfurt International Airport a darn bus again.

And going by the bus to our Swiss flight almost got us Aladdin's adventure at Frankfurt International Airportkilled. Suddenly the driver stood on the brakes so all the passengers almost felt to the floor. Thanks to my training at Bangkok Fight Club I managed to react quickly and I grabbed a handle.

I looked out the window and I discovered that we were almost run over by a big Airbus. Someone must have crapped Aladdin's adventure at Frankfurt International Airport their pants in the cockpit because the Aladdin's adventure at Frankfurt International Airportplane made a hard to starboard manoeuvre to avoid us. And I'm sure they reported the bus driver, what the just to drive the bus right out in front of a crossing airplane.

Scared of flying? Well, I don't like flying. And you never know who is in charge of things. Been smoking a GOOD Aladdin's adventure at Frankfurt International AirportMORNING joint, well, what do I know? But it is easy to imagine what could have happened if we were hit by the plane. The bus would have turned to crap and most likely the plane as well.

A very simple mistake and it can end up in a disaster. So Aladdin's adventure onboard Swiss Airbetter making sure they have their best guy on the task. And that they are sober and not taking any drugs when they are doing their job.
Our Swiss flight was just next to the very same plane we had arrived with from Landvetter. All this bus adventure and almost getting killed when I could have walked the 20 meters between my flights. Swiss Air's service to Zurich was with an Argo or Avro or whatever Aladdin's adventure onboard Swiss Airthe plane is called. And believe me, this plane was not big. I had my knee right in the armrest in the seat in front of me. And the flight is one hour so my knee was really hurting when we arrived.

Arriving to Zurich and it was a darn bus again. I saw Thai Airways Airbus when we landed, and the plane was at a terminal in the horizon so I checked Swiss in flight magazine. Yes, I will have to go by Aladdin's adventure onboard Swiss Airtrain to terminal E. I had spent more time on busses and train than on the airplanes when I finally made it to Terminal E.

I checked in at Thai Airways, the flight was full so I decided to upgrade to business class. There were several seats available in business so the choice was quite simple.

Security and passport check and I went to see if they had STROH Rum in the tax free shop.
- No, but they have in the shop further down the terminal
- Thanks! Aladdin's adventure at Zurich International Airport
They only had 2 bottles and I asked if they had more.
- No, but they will have in the shop upstairs.
- Thanks! Aladdin's adventure at Zurich International Airport

I went in to every tax free shop at Zurich International Airport and I only found 2 bottles, well, better than nothing. And can it be? That I have managed to get yet another stupid record, emptying both Odense and Zurich International Airport on all the STROH 60? Well, for sure, I have never heard of anyone else doing it.

Boarding my flight and I had been awake for 32 hours and thanks' to ANDERSSON FOOD & AKVAVIT I had not been eating since the strawberries and whipped cream in Brofjorden. OK, I had a small night snack onboard M/T Ternvik, but don't tell anyone?

I was very hungry and I was half asleep. But I wanted to have the dinner before taking my sleeping pill. Luckily enough we were only a few passengers so the whole dinner experience went very quickly.

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 971

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 971

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 971

It was, as always, excellent food on Thai Airways and when I finished my cheese I popped my sleeping pill.
- What about Thai Airways famous “CAKE TROLLEY”?
- Well, I was sleeping by the time they came by with the “CAKE TROLLEY”

Friday 8th of July 2011
and I woke up around 4 thirty, 2 hours before arrival. I went to the galley Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 971and I got a cup of tea.
- Do you have any chocolate? Just to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
The Stewardess opened a box of dessert chocolate and I had a piece. Only one! I had a second cup of tea before I returned to my seat.

It was really nice to stretch my leg and the tea was not bad. I was in Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 971a good mood returning to my seat. Actually I felt good for the first time since leaving the ship.

And there was a nice surprise waiting for me at my seat. They had obviously handed out the immigration forms while I was sleeping. I discovered an immigration FAST TRACK card. Aladdin's adventure at SuvarnabhumiI asked the Steward if this was a new service, for sure, I had never seen it before.

At check in there has been a FAST TRACK for as long as I can remember and I'm always alone there so immigration and security check is very quick. The Steward told me that they started with this 2 or 3 months ago.
- Nice!

I was ready with my immigration form when they came with our breakfast. Fruit and plenty tea to start with. Then creeps, home fried potatoes and sausage. Mushroom, darn, why do they always put mushroom in the airplane food. I must give it to the Emirates.
- What do you want to eat?
- Anything without mushroom.
The Steward returned after a few minutes.
- Sir, I'm sorry. But will it do if we take away the mushrooms for you.
- That will be excellent!
Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 971
Here we go with the darn strawberry without whipped cream again

Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 971
I finished my breakfast and I decided to go crazy. I called the Stewardess and I asked for a Diet Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 971MAX. A little something to enjoy while we're approaching Suvarnabhumi airport. And have you noticed the service, well, it is not a new service. Has been around for a few years by now. The cameras letting you view take off and landings on the screen in front of you. DARN! I'm always trying to stare dead ahead at landings and take offs. I really don't like it, it is better when it comes as a total surprise. You notice when they touch the ground.
- YIIPPEE!! We have landed and we made it!

Looking out watching the ground approaching is Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 971something I have always tried to avoid. But now there is a Aladdin's adventure onboard Thai Airways flight TG 971big screen in front of me, hell, there are screens all over the plane and it is not easy to avoid them, showing every detail on how quick the planet earth is approaching the plane. Not a nice experience!

The landing was quite OK and we were soon off the plane, always nice to get off Aladdin's passportthe plane at final destination. I had been up and about since 8 o'clock Wednesday morning

I passed the immigration in Bangkok and I was relieved, no problem with my expiring passport and I was in a great mood. After checking-in at Go:teborg I had not expected any trouble with my passport but I was almost grounded in Zurich thanks' to my expiring passport, no ticket out of Thailand and a grumpy girl at the gate.
- How long are you going to stay in Thailand?
- 2 weeks
- Your passport is expiring
- I will go get a new at the Embassy tomorrow
- Do yo have a ticket out from Thailand?
- No!
- Well, that's a problem, she said.

She went to the Thai Airways staff and they didn't want to let me board the flight. They called Aladdin's passportthe flight manager (Or what they call them). She took my passport and she was flipping through my passport. There are no more empty pages and it is expiring in October. Yes, I was worried, I was for sure not looking forward to a week or two in Zurich making a new passport.
- You have plenty stamps! No problem, let him board!

I'm pretty sure that I would have been grounded flying in monkey class so the business class ticket turned out to be cheaper than a monkey class ticket.
Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi
1) 05:43 and I'm in the immigration

Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi
2) 05:48 I'm booking a taxi to take me home

Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi
3) 05:53 My luggage arrives on belt #19

Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi
4) 05:54 I have collected all my luggage

Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi
5) 05:57 And we're on the way to 7 Eleven

Aladdin's adventure at Suvarnabhumi
5) 06:12 On my way home

14 minutes from immigration to 7 Eleven, that is pretty good. And I discovered that they have a 7 7 Eleven in BangkokFamily Mart in BangkokEleven and a Family Mart at the arrival level. Great changes, before I had to go to the third floor to buy my stuff. Now I could shop without having to go up and down escalators. I bought all their San Miguel Lights, a bottle of milk and some Diet MAX. A quick stop at the ATM and we were ready to take off to Sukhumvit Road Soi 23.

They say that Thailand is amazing, I can't do nothing but agree. Passing the custom, 1 litre of Aladdin's adventure with STROH Rum in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokspirit is allowed.
- Sorry Sir, we need to scan your luggage
- My booze as well?
- No
So the custom officer was holding my TAX FREE liquor while they scanned my luggage. Good service indeed! And Aladdin's adventure with STROH Rum in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoknot a word about the excess.

Stepping inside my door around 6 thirty and I was happy that I made it with my STROH Rum. I put my bottles in my cupboard, well, 3 of them, my cupboard is full and I have to use one of the Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokcupboards in my kitchen as STROH storage. Yes, very nice to get back home and to unpack my stuff.

I put my new bottle seals on 3 of my bottles with a Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbroken cork. I was home for about 2 hours before I left for the Embassy to make a new passport. The Embassy is located next to Landmark Hotel so when I was finished at the Embassy I Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwent over to the coffee shop at Landmark to meet a friend for lunch. Or it was more like a breakfast.

Well, it was 10 thirty and I was hungry. 2 pots of tea and a salmon sandwich. And my friend could not believe her eyes when the Waitress arrived with pastries.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- Who ordered this?
Well, I had left the table to check out their bakery and I found some Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokpastries that looked good. I had ordered 2 pastries when I spotted something that looked like a Semla. The smallest Semla I had ever seen, just about a mouthful.

She was going to Siam Paragon to meet her Teacher, she is studying Chinese and they use to study at a coffee shop at Siam Paragon. She asked if I wanted to join.
- I have to go buy Hangover DVDs at Pantip Plaza.
- OK, I join you and we go to Siam after
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- Sounds like a plan!

I bought 20 or 25 hangover DVDs so now I'm prepared for weekends to come. I went to check out the Canon D60 camera and it was about same price as in Sweden and England. So who knows, maybe I will pop by to buy the Canon D60 one of those days. I will try to find a photo or camera club/ school in Bangkok.

We took a taxi from Pantip to Siam Paragon and we meet the Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokTeacher and an American guy studying Chinese with my friend. When we arrived they went to eat lunch at the food court. Not my kind of place, but I had 3 beers while they were eating.

I returned home to try to get an hour or two of sleep. Tops in BangkokI had planned to make a stop at Tops to buy some groceries. Siam Paragon, must be one of the worst places in Bangkok, at least regarding transportation. Well, actually I can't blame anyone but myself. There is a sky train station at Siam Paragon, but I didn't felt like taking the sky train even though it is only 3 minutes' to Tops with the sky train.

Waiting for the taxi, spending 30 minutes in a queue. Traffic was at full stop and when I finally got Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokin to the taxi I felt asleep. This was part of my plan, take a taxi and catch some sleep and I didn't had to sleep when coming home.

I woke up when the driver started to pat my knee.
- We have to take Rama 4
I was, well, 1 hour after leaving the food court and I was more or less at the same spot. I gave the driver 100 Baht and I left to take the sky train.

I came home with my groceries and it was Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokonly healthy stuff in my bags, I'm ready for my new life to take off on Monday.

I never managed to fall asleep so I had to start work with my new towels that I bought in London. I have been looking for towels in Bangkok, but they don't have hangers on the towels in this part of the world. So imagine my disappointment Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwhen I discover that the hangers are too small for my towel hooks. DARN! I had to make new hangers for my towel with an old shoestring. I had a carried these towels Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokall the way from London all for nothing.

When I was ready with my towels I had a shower and I went to get a taxi. I started at Thonglor and I went to Khaosan Road from there.

And I remember stopping for a pizza on my way back home, DARN! Not good for my diet. My last pizza for a very long time.

Saturday 9th of July 2011
and I didn't made it out of bed until after 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I drank my hangover milk before I returned to bed and my hangover DVDs'
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
At 4 o'clock I went to my computer and I logged in to Scan Deli's web page. Before very soon I had ordered 3 kg of gravlax and half a kilo of their salmon pate. It worked very smooth, Scan Deli in Bangkokbut I never found their dill creamed potatoes so I called them. It was a new guy on the phone.
- Aladdin, so you're back in town?
- Who are you?
- I'm new at Scan Deli, but I heard about you

You see, this is the way to run business. Keeping track of their top salmon customer. I asked why they didn't have the dill creamed potatoes on the web page.
- I will put it there for you, just give me a few days. We have had some problem with the web shop
- That's the spirit! I will make sure that I come back to check it out, I said.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure with Scan Deli in BangkokThey called from the office half an hour later.
- Aladdin, here is a parcel for you
- Is it from Scan Deli?
- Yes
- Just send them to my room!

A parcel, how much salmon did I order?
gravlax (also gravadlax)
noun [MASS NOUN] a Scandinavian dish of dry-cured salmon marinated in herbs.

ORIGIN Swedish, from grav 'trench' + lax 'salmon' (from the former practice of burying the salmon in salt in a hole in the ground).
Well, it knocked on my door and a guy came with a big box.

When the delivery guy had left I ripped open the salmon pate pack and there were nothing left for tomorrow when I Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwas finished.

Salmon pate and, well, it was OK. But I will stick to the gravlax and smoked salmon from now on. And of course, tuna. I will make a menu and I will try to stick to this. I have bought egg so I will eat omelette Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokeveryday so I get enough protein when building muscles with my Muay Thai training.

My local 7 Eleven has moved and now I have to turn left instead of right when leaving my building. I stopped to buy a can of San Miguel Light for the taxi ride to Lang Suan.

I paid for my beer when I heard someone calling ALADDIN. I Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokturned around and it was the guy from GLOW.
- Where have you been? I have not seen you in a very long time.
- I'm banned at GLOW
- Ah, no problem

We got on his motorcycle and we rode down to GLOW 200 meters away. I paid the 250 Baht entrance fee just to discover an empty place.
Well, I was not surprised.

Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

I ordered a San Miguel Light with a wine glass and ice. I asked them to put my can of San Miguel Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokSan Miguel Light in BangkokLight from 7 Eleven in the cooler.

The girl was surprised when she saw me.
Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - You're not drunk!!?
- I'm never drunk!
- You're always drunk!
Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - What the Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok !!
- You look like a teenager in your glasses!

I enjoyed my beer and it didn't take long before she told Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokme that my glasses were too small for me. And yes, she wanted to try them on. She was Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokobviously liking my glasses because she asked if she could have them.
- Can I please have your glasses?
Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- But then I will be blind!
- Never mind

Well, nice glasses but there must be something to work with from the start, my glasses wont do any wonders. And, well, sometimes is just a waste of time to borrow my glasses.

Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at GLOW in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokI had 3 or 4 beers at GLOW before I asked for my can of San Miguel Light. Time to Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmove on to Lang Suan.

I got in to the first taxi, no CD player so I got out from the taxi and I tried the next taxi coming down the Soi. Better Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokluck with the second taxi and we took off towards Lang Suan.

Didn't take long after arrival before I had a beer in my hand. A Heineken, well, it was ok with ice in the glass. But there was a guy pouring Tequila in his beer and I doubt that it was because of the taste. Most likely Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokto increase the alcohol content.

They were going to have a party on the 23rd and they showed me a calendar on a mobile phone just to make sure I got it right. Well, after being drunk this Friday and Saturday I will hopefully stay well clear of any bars. From now on it will be healthy living and Thai boxing.

Sunday 10th of July 2011
and I spent the whole day in bed watching DVDs. I only left bed for some salmon and I felt asleep around 10 o'clock.

Monday 11th of July 2011
and I woke up at 5 thirty. Good, I will have a full day to organise school and stuff before going to Bangkok Fight Club tonight. I remember planning my day for about 30 Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokseconds and I was a sleep again. And I didn't wake up until 11:25 when my phone rang.

I looked at my wrist watch, darn! I have lost several hours so I had a quick shower before I left for my school. Thai language hut at Soi 43. It took me half an hour to walk there and I asked if Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthey had A Teacher that could come to my room 3 times per week. 10 to 12 and I can take off to Chakrit Muay Thai School when we're finished with the language studies. 90 hours and they would charge me 53000 Baht.

I wanted to start on Wednesday but they didn't knew if they had Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoka Teacher available by then. I want to study Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Friday and Monday is holiday so I might have to wait until Wednesday next week.

When I was ready at school I walked to Soi 22
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
and Kingklao where I meet my friend for lunch. And the girls working at Kingklao had a hard time to recognise me. And yes, I can feel that my shirts have grown bigger while onboard Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokM/T Ternvik. And it's nice for a change, otherwise my shirts are a wee bit tighter coming home.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - You're so small!! Handsome!

I discovered that I had forgotten my iPod at home last time leaving for my ship and I had not forgot the iPod on my hotel in Belfast. Well, now I have 2. I took one of my iPods and I left Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokfor Bangkok Fight Club at Thonglor. Just to discover that they had moved when I arrived to Panjit Tower after 45 minutes' of constitutional. Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

I got suspicious when I approached Panjit Tower on Thonglor, no light in Bangkok Fight Club's windows. Well, I Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhad forgot what floor they were on, but I would have seen the punch bags.

When I stepped inside the girl that use to sell me water Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoktold me that Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokBangkok Fight Club had moved to Asoke. - What the .....?
- Just across from the Rutnin Eye Hospital

Lucky that I had brought my valet, I usually only bring 20 Baht for a bottle of water. I had planned to pay the Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmonthly fee so I had my valet filled with cash so I had money and I could take a taxi to Asoke.

I got off the taxi at Rutnin Eye Hospital and I crossed Asoke. No sign of Bangkok Fight Club and I asked the motorcycle taxi drivers. They pointed to the other side of Asoke.
- On the right hand side.
I crossed Asoke again and there was another motorcycle taxi driver that pointed to the other side of the Asoke. I crossed Asoke again, waiting for almost 3 minutes for the red light to turn green every time crossing Asoke. I asked around and no one knew about Bangkok Fight Club.
- Thai boxing school
- Ah, on the other side of Asoke.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

I went crossed Asoke yet again and this time I ended up at another Thai boxing school. The owner 7 Eleven in Bangkoktold me that Bangkok Fight Club were above 7 Eleven on the other side of Asoke. Now I Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhad lost track on how many times I had crossed Asoke.

No sign of Bangkok Fight Club, but I asked one of the old ladies selling food along the Asoke outside 7 Eleven.
- Above 7 Eleven.
- Thanks' Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
I went behind the 7 Eleven and still no sign of any Bangkok Fight Club, but I went up the stairs and there I saw a sign. 45 minutes and I had found the place. Our Teacher recognized me first thing.
- Aladdin!
He wanted me to start with the training right on. Well, I told him that I would be back tomorrow. 45 minutes' late and I didn't want to start in the middle of the session. I walked back home, took me 10 minutes.

The new location is just next to my place at Sukhumvit Soi 23 so I lose 1 hour of daily Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok constitutional. One and a half hour walking to Thonglor and back. New location and I will manage to do it in 20 minutes. Well, maybe I can spend this hour with my school books instead.

Tuesday 12th of July 2011
and my alarm went off at 9 o'clock and I was out of bed to make tea Aladdin's adventure with Hjärnkoll på matenand a tomato & onion omelette. According to the book I got from the 2nd Officer onboard M/T Ternvik it was very
(from the New Latin word lycopersicum for the tomato species name) is a bright red carotene and carotenoid pigment and phytochemical found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, such as red carrots, watermelons and papayas (but not strawberries or cherries). Although lycopene is chemically a carotene, it has no vitamin A activity.

In plants, algae, and other photosynthetic organisms, lycopene is an important intermediate in the biosynthesis of many carotenoids, including beta carotene, responsible for yellow, orange or red pigmentation, photosynthesis, and photo-protection. Like all carotenoids, lycopene is a polyunsaturated hydrocarbon (an unsubstituted alkene). Structurally, it is a tetraterpene assembled from eight isoprene units, composed entirely of carbon and hydrogen, and is insoluble in water. Lycopene's eleven conjugated double bonds give it its deep red color and are responsible for its antioxidant activity. Due to its strong color and non-toxicity, lycopene is a useful food coloring (registered as E160d).

Lycopene is not an essential nutrient for humans, but is commonly found in the diet, mainly from dishes prepared with tomato sauce. When absorbed from the stomach, lycopene is transported in the blood by various lipoproteins and accumulates in the liver, adrenal glands, and testes.

Because preliminary research has shown an inverse correlation between consumption of tomatoes and cancer risk, lycopene has been considered a potential agent for prevention of some types of cancers, particularly prostate cancer. However, this area of research and the relationship with prostate cancer have been deemed insufficient of evidence for health claim approval by the US Food and Drug Administration.

From Wikipedia
important to heat the tomatoes to bring out all the healthy stuff. There is something called lycopenein the tomatoes and this is supposed to be very healthy. But to get the full kick out of the tomatoes we need to heat them.

So I put one tomato and one onion in my omelette together with half of a red paprika. It has been a known fact for at least 20 years (at least for me) that garlic powder is better than fresh garlic. And this due to the use of several kinds of Aladdin's adventure with Hjärnkoll på matendifferent garlic species when making the powder.

And my guess is that it's the same when they do the tomato powder because tomato powder and purée are better than fresh tomato. And I'm making a mental note to look for tomato powder next time shopping at Tops. And that reminds me, I have not bought any avocadoes so I have not been able to try my new avocado peeler. Well, if I can remember Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok looking for avocado next time at Tops.

I had my breakfast and I have come up with my new menu. And I have cutting down on the pumpernickel from 500 gram per day to 250 gram. I have added tomato, paprika and egg.



1 Pot of tea
1 tomato
1 Onion
Half of a red paprika
Omelette made of 4 eggs
125 gram of pumpernickel
1 can of tuna or salmon

Well, I have finished the salmon I bought the other day and I will only eat tuna from now on. Salmon taste much better and my self-discipline is not the very best. And if I want to lose weight I can't eat a kilo of salmon per day. So I will swap the salmon for tuna. Well, the tuna and egg will hopeful Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok make sure I get the protein I need. I ended up on a BODY BUILDER site on internet and 150 grams of protein per day was recommended.

Coming home from Chakrit Muay Thai School before going to Bangkok Fight Club
1 Pot of tea
1 tomato
1 Onion
Half of a red paprika
Omelette made of 4 eggs
125 gram of pumpernickel
1 can of tuna

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok DARN! I felt a sleep after my breakfast and it was well past 1 o'clock when I woke up. Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokI had a quick shower before I dashed off to Chakrit Muay Thai School.

There was an American couple training when I arrived. They were travelling around Asia and they were staying 2 weeks in Bangkok and they spend the time training Muay Thai. There were some more people coming while I was there and I decided to come earlier tomorrow, and all the Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokother days. Better to be alone at the place.

First day training and I took it quite easy and I left the place after one and a half hour or something like that. I Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwalked back home and I had my dinner.

And yes, after my dinner I went to my bed room and I finally opened my Thai books and I did half of today's reading before leaving for Bangkok Fight Club. I can't remember last time opening my Thai books. I was busy updating my pages about my old ships when onboard M/T Ternvik.

I left 20 minutes before 7 and I didn't bother bringing my iPod. Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokJust a few minutes to walk to Bangkok Fight Club and I can make it without music. What a waste of money to spend 300€ on a new Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokiPod. OK, I had some use for it onboard M/T Ternvik.

I arrived to Bangkok Fight club 5 minutes before 7 and I had spent most of the time waiting for the red light to turn green Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokso I could cross Asoke. Well, not really, but almost.

New location and the place are much fresher than the old place at Thonglor. And today I meet a girl from USA that I knew from Thonglor and Aladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokyesterday I meet the French girl, but so far these are the only ones I have meet at Bangkok Fight Club before.

It was almost 9 o'clock before we left and I walked back home. I stopped at my local 7 Eleven for 2 bottles of Diet MAX on my way home. New, bigger and fresh 7 Eleven and the location is better than the old so there have been a lot of improvements while I have been onboard M/T Ternvik.

And they have finished our new front and repainted the house while I have been gone. Now they have started to decorate the parking lots with green and red tiles.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Yes, I believe that I was quite lucky with this condo. Back when I was looking for condo I came in to new houses and it looked like the just let them fall apart. Not spending any money on improvements and maintenance. The house I live in now is in much better shape now than 10 years ago. Always maintain and improve the area and I'm very happy for the new front, looks much better.

Wednesday 13th of July 2011
and my alarm went off at 9 o'clock. Well, I went to bed at midnight but I didn't felt a sleep until 5 o'clock. Tossin' and turnin' in bed all night long. Not only tossin' Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand turnin', I also managed to read a book. 170 pages between all the trying to fall asleep.

So it was 10 thirty before I got out of bed. I had my breakfast and it was time to leave for Chakrit Muay Thai School. Take me about 15 to 20 minutes to walk down to Washington Square and the Chakrit Muay Thai School. Walking down Soi 23 and cross Sukhumvit on the walkover and 5 minutes walk up to Washington Square passing Sukhumvit Soi 20 and 22

Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokDarn, it is hot and I was soaking wet when I reached Washington Square. It is hot like it should Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbe April or May. Strange weather this year, back in March it was so cold that I was freezing and it was supposed to be hot back then.

Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

I started by skipping rope and I did a few rounds with the punch ball before we started with the mitts. I have not got my new boxing gloves that I ordered back in March before I left for M/T Ternvik. I ordered a pair of 16 oz gloves after trying out the different sizes.

When I tried my new gloves yesterday they were too small.
Tiger BalmAladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - What the Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
- It is 16 oz
We tried another pair and they fitted, but they belonged to another student. So obviously the gloves are delivered in different sizes with different brands.

Well, they will Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok hopefully be delivered in the right size next week Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand until then my bag gloves will have to do. I have some (well, it is quite bad) pain in my right shoulder so I stopped to buy some Tiger Balm plasters on my way home.

I also stopped for some massage of my right shoulder. One of the trainers gave my right shoulder a Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmassage. Nice, now imagine if it would have been a girl giving the massage.

I stopped for one hour of massage and this is my third experience of Thai massage. My first experience was pure horror. I was in so much Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokpain when I started at Bangkok Fight Club so I decided to try a massage, recommended by my Muay Thai Teacher.

Well, this girl was only nagging about sex.
- I don't make any money from the massage.
- I'm in pain!
- Better with sex! I don't make any money from the massage.
It went on and on so I suggested that she should look for a job Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokin a whorehouse and I left after 20 minutes.

And my second experience, yes, we have seen the pictures from my adventure at the massage place back in March 2011. Also a horrible experience, but my shoulder was feeling better after today's massage and Tiger Balm on top of that and I Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhope I can kick ass at the Thai boxing place tomorrow.

I had my dinner and I read my Thai books before I left for Bangkok Fight Club. Our Teacher handed me his phone so I could take pictures of him for his face book page.

We left Bangkok Fight Club at 9 o'clock and I stopped at 7 Eleven to buy some milk for my morning tea. One of the girls asked me why I never got smaller when I exercise every day. Yes, she can figure this out when I'm coming carrying my boxing shoes.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - Blindstyre! Can't you see that I'm about to disappear?
Yes, she really knows how to pep me. I won't even bother Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmention that I lost 0,6 kg since yesterday, but I will show her. The girl coming to give water to my potted plants, well, they are all dead. But she asked if I was sick last Sunday seeing her for the first time in 3 months.
- Why?
- You are disappearing. Don't you eat? You are very small!

Thursday 14th of July 2011
and I woke up full off vim. DARN! I must have turned off my alarm, it felt like 11 or something. I looked at my alarm, 5 minutes before 9 o'clock when my alarm would Aladdin's adventure  in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokgo off. I felt asleep again dead tired and I woke up a few minutes later when the alarm went off.

I had my breakfast and I skipped my afternoon boxing. My right shoulder feels a lot better after a night with my medicated Tiger Balm plasters. And it was darn hot outside so I really didn't feel like going out.

But I had to go to Robinsons and Tops Market for egg, tomatoes and onion. And I need new kitchen towels and a smaller frying pan. So I took my “SAVE THE TREES” shopping bag and I left for Robinson on Sukhumvit Soi 19. I 10 minutes walk from Soi 23. I had Aladdin's adventure  in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbeen walking for 2 minutes when the sky Aladdin's adventure  in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokopened and it started to rain cats and dogs. It was like a shower so I had to take cover, and I was not the only one.

DARN! I'm losing time here! I had to wait for 5 to 10 minutes before I spotted a taxi coming down Sukhumvit Soi 23. I was soaked when I entered the taxi even though I only had to go 2 meters to the taxi.

It took me 15 minutes to get to Robinson, while I was out of FUNKY TOWN they have closed the Aladdin's adventure  in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokentrance to Soi 19 from the West bound lane on Sukhumvit. So I had to go all the way to Soi 11 and back.

I started on the 3rd floor and I bought 4 kitchen towels. I paid and left, but I remembered the frying pan just before I reached the escalator. I went back to the kitchen department and I bought a frying pan for my omelettes. I have 2 frying pans at home, but they are too big and heavy, This TEFAL® was very Aladdin's adventure  in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokeasy to handle so I'm looking forward to making my Aladdin's adventure  in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokomelettes from now on.

When I was ready on the third floor I Tops Market at Robinsons on Sukhumvit Soi 19went down to Tops Market in the basement.

I went to the egg area and I discovered that they had egg in paper containers.

So the choice was easy for an old Green Peacer like me. But I can't understand why the eggs in the paper container are more expensive than the egg in a plastic container.

65 Baht for 12 eggs in a plastic container and 59 Baht for Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok10 eggs in a paper container. I bought onions and tomato but I never found any tomato powder. The rain had stopped so I could walk back home when I was ready with my shopping.

I tried my new frying pan as soon as I came home and when I had finished Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure  in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmy omelette I went to my bed and I studied my Thai books.

I finished my Thai books, well, half of Aladdin's adventure  in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmy daily dose of Thai studies at 18 thirty. I will do the second half when I'm back home from Bangkok Fight Club tonight.

18 thirty and I got dressed for my boxing session and I left for Bangkok Fight Club. I stopped at 7 Eleven for a bottle of water and when I came to the club 2 minutes later our Teacher was busy covering the floor with soft board.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - What the Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

New fresh place and they destroy it with the nasty soft boards. Well, I hope they leave some floor free from the soft board.

I was alone and it looked like I would be alone with Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokour Teacher today. Darn! I don't have a boxing Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhelmet to cover my ear rings. I was looking for one in Dublin, but they were too small. I will try to find one here in Bangkok so we can to some sparring, and today would be a good opportunity when I'm alone with the Teacher. Sparring is the fun part of the boxing.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Well, 20 minutes later and 3 Thai girls arrived for a training session and 5 minutes later there was Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoka Thai guy coming so we went from alone to 5 people within a few minutes.

I had never meet any of the girls or the guy before, and they turned out to be nice Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokpeople and the boxing session turned out to be quite fun even though we didn't did any sparring.

Well, anyway, warming up and then we were practicing some techniques before it was time for speed punching and kicking. Well, for sure, I'm happy that we did our punch bag sessions onboard M/T Ternvik.
But so far we have not done the “SPRING KNEES” as our Teacher call them. Back at Thonglor we always did 3 to 5 rounds of KNEEING the bag.
But so far, at Asoke no KNEEING the bags, but I'm prepared.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Girls at the training, well, I like it and I don't like it.
• I like that I'm trying to impress the girls. I don't give up even if I'm almost dead
• I don't like that I'm trying to impress the girls. Today I was flat on my ass on the floor (Thank God for the soft board) when trying to kick the bag.

Yes, 82 kg of Aladdin flat on the floor with a bang and the girls were screaming of laughter.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - LOOK AT PORKY!!
Well, our hero was quickly back on his feet and he kicked the bag again. BANG! Flat on the floor again. 2 times within 20 seconds.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - LOOK AT PORKY!!

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
As usually we finished with sit ups and again, I was grateful for my idea to keep on doing sit ups onboard M/T Ternvik. And yet again.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - LOOK AT PORKY!! IS HE SLEEPING??!!
Well, time for Porky to go home and I was on my scale 30 minutes later. I will not bother mention Bangkok Postthat I'm minus 1, 1 kilo since yesterday.

I will soon have my V-shaped torso and this upcoming weekend everything will be closed, well, the bars and discos so no party and I can continue losing weight.

It is boring to sit home during the weekend, but I really need it to keep my diet on track and I don't feel bad about it when everything is closed.

It is a different story when Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokeverything is open, then it is boring to spend a Saturday night at home. But Friday night is OK because then I have Bangkok Fight Club and Saturday morning I'm at Chakrit Muay Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokThai School. Otherwise I would have had spent Friday night partying while gaining weight and losing hair.

So I was in a good mood when I went to my computer from the shower and my scale
session. I had promised to send my pictures from Bangkok Fight Club to Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokour Teacher. And he wanted me to put them on his Facebook. Well, no problem I thought.

Well, I had to upload them one by one and the amount of e-mail I got!!
I got 2 or 3 e-mails. OK, I have uploaded the pictures. Next time I checked my inbox there were 93 e-mails.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok- What the Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Unnecessary to say, I never read the e-mail. Straight to the waste basket. It continued to come e-mails, plenty of them. I lost track, but 150 unread in my waste basket plus the ones I bothered to read. Would have been easier to send them by e-mail.

Friday 15th of July 2011
and my alarm went off at 9. I killed my alarm and I was instantly Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokback to sleep and when I woke up I was angry.
- DARN! Falling asleep again when I should be at Queen Sirikit Convention Centre.

But my mood swung to very good when I discovered that it was just 13 minutes past 9 and I sprung Aladdin's adventure at Queen Sirikit National Convention CenterAladdin's adventure at Queen Sirikit National Convention Centerout of bed. A quick omelette with Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoktomato, onion and red paprika. I had a can of tuna and 125 gram of pumpernickel while waiting for my omelette to be ready. And of course I had a pot of Aladdin's adventure at Queen Sirikit National Convention CenterEarl Grey tea.

I'm really pleased with my new LIGHT WEIGHT Tefal® Durabase® Technology pan. Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokPure pleasure to make my omelettes. I had a shower Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand I took off to Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in a taxi.

I arrived to Queen Sirikit and I discovered that it was not Aladdin's adventure at Queen Sirikit National Convention Centera BOOK FESTIVAL, it was a book festival for young people. Well, I'm young, but I think they meant Aladdin's adventure in Dublinchildren. Well, I got rid of my friend from Dublin.

There were plenty people and children were playing. I was just confused with one thing. Reading for life was the slogan so obviously they wanted the children and the teenagers to start reading books. So I was quite surprised Aladdin's adventure at Queen Sirikit National Convention Centerwhen all the University students (Wearing school uniform) were sitting around reading comics.
- Haven't you bought any books?
- I bought 1 novel
- Can I have a look?
I flipped through the pages, every second page was a drawing Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand the pages containing text was filled to about one third and the rest of the page was left blank.

We went to Black Canyon Coffee and we ordered a pot of Earl Grey tea, nothing else. So I'm pretty even though they served us complimentary alphabet crackers. And I asked for an additional serving, but the servings were not very big. Just a very small cup.

We spent an hour at Black Canyon before we went to pick up my friend's children at the food court. They asked if I wanted to eat, but I was Mangonot hungry. But a Mango sticky rice would be OK, but not for my diet. Luckily Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokenough they didn't had any mango.

My friend asked me if I wanted to join them to Rama 3. She was going to study Chinese.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - I'm going to the boxing club!
I took a taxi to Chakrit Muay Thai School on Washington Square and I got Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokright on to my training. There was another guy exercising at the place when I arrived.

I think he was from England, but he Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwas working in Hong Kong and now he was stationed in Bangkok for 12 weeks. He wanted to lose weight so he signed up for Thai boxing lesson at Chakrit Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokMuay Thai School.

We were talking diet and before we knew it we were sparring. First time for me in 25 years. And it was fun, even though I'm 25 years older and 60 kg heavier since last time.

We did a minute or so of sparring before he left. Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokMy Teacher and I continued the sparring and it was real fun.

We did a few rounds before I went home. And bad news, they Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokare closed tomorrow. I had planned to come here tomorrow afternoon. DARN! How will I kill my weekend now? No boxing and no party.

Well, I can kill an hour or two buying next week's groceries. I have tomato to last me for the next week. But I need tuna so I can buy 60 cans, enough to last me for a month.

And my right shoulder will Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok hopefully be better after a Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokweekend of rest. And I will Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok hopefully be able to get in to Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmy “bridge watch” exercise routines after 1 week at home. Squat downs and push ups every half an hour.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokWell, back home and I had my omelette for dinner and I did my Thai studies.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - Hmm, what happened with Thai Language Hut?
They should have sent me an e-mail about the date when the Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokTeacher could start to teach me.

Well, so far nothing, I will not remind them and if I haven't heard anything in next week I will skip the Thai studies. Waste of time, no one understands me anyway.

I will have to see what Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhappens, maybe I will have to stick with my home studies.

I left for Bangkok Fight Club quarter to 7. Friday night and I Bangkok Fight Clubwas surprised, 3 other guys up for training. Of course, alcohol ban and nothing to do so the evening can as well be spent doing some exercises.

Our Teacher's daughter was at the club as well, and I had not seen her in a very long time. I asked her if she could help me with the Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoksit ups.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
But she was joining us in our training so there wasn't much help to get when it was time to do the sit Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokups before going home.

It was over 9 o'clock when we left Bangkok Fight Club and I was back home 25 minutes past 9, or something like that. It had been a long day and I had managed to do a lot. That's why I like to get up at 9 o'clock, the days are very long.

Back in the days when I went out of bed at 3 in the afternoon. Yes, as my friend used to say:
Need to order a wakeup call if I want to make it to the bank before closing time at 15:30.
And from the bank it was straight to the pub and the only time I was outside in the day light was o the way home in the morning

Coming home and I made a mistake. I was thirsty so I drank water like there were no tomorrow.
- DARN!! I should have checked my weight!!
I had gained 0, 1 kg since yesterday. But + 0,1 kg is hopefully turning in to a lost after deducting the weight of the water.

Saturday 16th of July 2011
and I managed to get out of bed 30 minutes after that my alarm went
Asahna Bucha Day
This public holiday in Thailand marks the day when the Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon at Benares in India over 2,500 years ago. The exact date of the holiday is determined by the waxing moon and the lunar months, but is usually Wheel of lifeheld in July.

The Buddha preached his first sermon at a deer park and from this sermon the Dharma (doctrine) of the Buddha was symbolized as a wheel. The Dharmachakra is also known as the Wheel of Life, Wheel of Law or Wheel of Doctrine and can be seen on flags in temples and buildings all across Thailand. Similarly, pictures or models of deer can often be seen at temples or in depictions of the Buddha.

Like many other Buddhist festivals and holidays, Asahna Bucha (also written as Asalha Puja and other combinations) is a day when Thai Buddhists will make merit and visit the local wat (temple). Traditionally, candles are amongst the items donated to the wat for Asahna Bucha and processions featuring candles are held at various towns in Thailand.

The tradition dates back to the times before electricity where extra light was needed at the temple during the darker days of the rainy season. Local people will also 'wian tian' which involves walking around the wat with a lit candle, lotus flowers and incense. The day after Asahna Bucha is another significant day which marks the start of the three-month 'Phansa' period which is sometimes referred to as 'Buddhist Lent'.

off at 9. I had my breakfast and today I was in no hurry. Chakrit Muay Thai School is closed today thanks to the Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAsahna Bucha Day

I took a walk to Robinson on Sukhumvit Soi 19 in the afternoon. I was looking for a bottle for olive oil and a new salt and pepper jar.

And I need a duster, well, I saw one onboard M/T Ternvik and I learned that these dusters attracts dust thanks to Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokthe lambswhool. I have seen them around for years and I have always considered them mumbo jumbo and a way for the people selling them to part other people from their money.
What is wrong with a damp cloth?

And I must say to my defence, I have seen too many of the THAI STYLE dusters in action. Made out of feathers and they are leaving plenty feathers behind, like the broom (Made out of grass?) they are using to sweeping the floors. Leaving half the broom behind.

Well, anyway, at Robinson they only had the feather duster and plastic bottles for my olive oil so I decided to go to Emporium later on in the evening. I went down to Tops in the basement and I Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbought all their canned tomatoes and tuna (without the extra plastic and paper top). 56 cans of tuna and 6 cans with peeled tomatoes and they were out of stock.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok Hmm, seems like they are running out of stock every time I go to Tops. Never mind if it is tuna, San Miguel Light, Pumpernickel or canned tomatoes.
I had 3 big bags plus my SAVE THE TREES bag full of tuna so I had to go back home by taxi.

Emporium, I can stop there on my evening constitutional up Thonglor and back down Ekkamai and home. 2 hours of good constitutional Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok will do me and my diet nothing but Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokgood. I took one of my iPods and I left.

I could see the lightning on the sky after just 5 minutes walking and when I reached Sukhumvit Soi 27 it started to rain cats and dogs. DARN! I ended up under a shelter. I decided to skip my evening constitutional, but I would continue to Emporium.

I waited for 5 to 10 minutes and the worst rain stopped, just an annoying drizzle and I continued to Emporium.

I looked around for my olive oil bottle and salt & pepper jar. It was almost 10 and closing time when I found what I wanted. I had time to go and look for my dusters before closing time. And when I came out from Emporium it had started to rain again.

Shopping in Thailand and everything seems to be so cheap. When I came home I realized that I had paid 2500 Baht for a darn salt and pepper jar. Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok What the Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok ??!! Of course, I knew that I paid 2500 but Baht is like Monopoly money and I didn't realized how much it was until I came back home.

I had paid almost 60€ (Talking about Scooby Doo currency) for a darn salt and pepper jar. Who the BIPPING BIP pays 60€ for a
darn salt and pepper jar? Well, better with my old ones that I stole on the restaurant in Go:teborg 20 years ago when my friends picked me up after coming back from India and we went to drink beer.

Well, I was back in my good mood after having stepped up on my scale. And my new olive oil bottle, salt and pepper jar are a lot fresher than my old ones. And for sure, better than the 75 Baht plastic stuff they had at Robinson.

Minus 0,8 kg from yesterday. No boxing and no evening constitutional, for sure, I had not expected to lose anything today. Well, it must be my kick ass diet.

Sunday 17th of July 2011
and even though it is Sunday I had my alarm to go off at 9. I turned on Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmy TV and I watched the news until 9 thirty before I mustered the energy to get out of bed. I didn't felt asleep until it was almost 5 o'clock this morning.

DARN! It is the same every night, I'm dead tired and I go to bed. Well, as soon as I Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokAladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhit my bed I'm wide awake and I'm tossing Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand turning for a few hours before I manage to fall asleep.

It was 10 thirty when I was ready with my breakfast and I had planned to buy a pair of bag gloves today. I need 2 pairs, after just a few sessions the gloves smells like dog shit. Or as we say in Skåne:
Skåne“Det luktar fan i mig ape katt” or
“Det luktar fan i mig huggorm”

So I need a pair while the other pair is in the Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoklaundry. But I forgot all about my plans when I started to sort old post cards and letters I need when I'm going to do some of my old ships for my web page.

And when it was time to leave the sky opened up and it started to pour down. I managed to get away to Tops to buy egg and pumpernickel at 7. The sky was covered in black clouds over Sukhumvit, but I made it to Robinson and back by foot without getting wet. And I bought onion, pumpernickel and egg to last me for the whole week. I have tomatoes and paprika powder at home to last me for the next week as well. I have enough tuna to last me until September and I don't need to go shopping until next Sunday and I can concentrate on my boxing.

I left for my evening constitutional Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok when I had put my groceries in my fridge. I walked up Boots at Emporium in BangkokSukhumvit until Emporium and I went to Boots to see if they had any nico chew.
- We only have 2 mg
- I want 4. Well, thank you and good bye.

I continued to Thonglor where I left Sukhumvit and I plunged down Thonglor until I reached Soi 20. Almost at the bridge and I followed Soi 20 until I reached Ekkamai where I turned right. I continued until I reached Sukhumvit and I turned right and I walked back to Soi 23. A quick stop at my local 7 Eleven on Soi 23 and I was home after 2 and a half hour.

And yes, I was looking forward to today's excitement. My “evening adventure on the scale” I didn't
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
expect any weight loss today and I was hoping that I had not gained anything. I would be satisfied with a ZERO change for today. I stepped up on the scale.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - What the Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok !!?? 1,8 kg!!
Must be something wrong with my scale. I stepped up on the scale 3 (THREE) with the same result.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok - YIPPEEE!! MINUS 1,8 KG SINCE YESTERDAY!!

Grande total for this weekend, minus 2,6 kg. Buddha holiday with closed discos, JUST BRING THEM ON!!! I decided to stay away from any pubs and discos until I have lost 10kg more.

And my menu in combination with the boxing. Must be a winner and I think it can turn me in to a Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmillionaire. Imagine a world wide chain of Aladdin's Boxing Clubs and lean cuisine. Soon in a Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Ternvikstreet corner near you. Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok Hmm, I will have to start to think about a logo.

Egg, can't say that I like eggs. It is OK at hotel breakfasts, but otherwise I never eat egg. But I like omelette. When I ended up at the BODY BUILDER site on the internet I thought they were joking about the protein. I think we remember my adventure at Bangkok Fight Club Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Ternvikback in February and March. I was in pain everyday and it continued onboard M/T Ternvik.

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T TernvikYes, I had my punch bag sessions onboard M/T Ternvik with our 2nd Officer and we were talking about my pain in the muscles. Our 2nd Officer told me that it is important to eat protein. He told me that I needed 150 to 200 gram protein per day.
- What?
- But you eat your tuna so that is good

So I checked out internet about the protein and this is how I ended up on the BODY BUILDER site. Yes, protein was important and I checked out the protein content in tuna.
Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Ternvik - What the Aladdin's adventure onboard M/T Ternvik ? If I need 150 gram per day from my tuna I need to have a drip with me 24/7 so I could get drip feed with tuna.

But egg was the thing, of course, I could eat protein powder, but I prefer omelette. I ate plenty salmon after this and my muscles felt much better. Thanks' to the protein? I don't know.

Monday 18th of July 2011
and what a shitty day this turned out to be. Well, I knew nothing about this when my alarm went off at 9 o'clock. OK, I could sense that the day would turn out bad when I woke up. My right leg was almost useless due to pain. Pain on the lower right side of my back and I started the day by popping Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok 2 pain killers.
I watched the news while waiting for the pain killers to kick in.

I stumbled Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokmy way to the kitchen to make my breakfast and I can't say that the pain killers did very much to alleviate the pain. And it is too late, I had already uploaded my updates Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokfrom yesterday, but I would not have mind changing the drivel about the protein and pain.

I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS! Yes, it is simple Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkoklike that and maybe I should change to ping pong instead.

I managed to get out to the kitchen and I started by turning on my internet radio. Then I took my vitamins with a pot of tea. I read Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokBangkok Post online while drinking my tea and when I had finished my “FIRST” pot Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokof tea I was awake and I could make a new pot while preparing my omelette. Chopping onion and tomato and I put the stuff in the frying pan. I fry the Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokonion and tomato while preparing the eggs and spices.

I have not found any tomato powder, but I have paprika powder and garlic powder. So I only use onion and tomato for my omelette and I add plenty paprika and garlic powder,

I pour the egg over the onion and tomatoes and then I open a can of tuna. I put the tuna on a plate and I bring the tuna with 125 gram of pumpernickel and tea and I continue to read Bangkok Post. Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokWhen I'm ready with my tuna and pumpernickel the omelette is ready and I flush down the omelette with more tea.

A shower and I get dressed for Chakrit Muay Thai School. I'm usually taking a brisk walk to Chakrit Muay Thai School but due to my Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokpain my walk wasn't all that brisk today. And I never Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokbothered to bring my skipping rope, I just knew that I would not skipping any ropes today.

Warm up with the punch ball and then we got right on to the mitts. Well, it was not fun, Aladdin's adventure at Chakrit Muay Thai School in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokevery punch and I had pain in my leg and shoulder so it was not fun. We finished of the boxing session with some sparring. My Teacher took on a Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokhelmet, I guess he expected to get his arse kicked. Well, for sure, I was not going to kick any arse.

First round was terrible, every move I make and the only respond was pain. We did a second round and I gave up.

Time to change my name from Aladdin to ลุกก็โอยนั่งก็โอย.

Back home and I read my Thai books before making my omelette for dinner, exactly the same as the Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokone I had for breakfast. Suddenly the girl that takes care of my flowers was screaming behind me. She got scared to see me and I asked why she didn't use the door bell.

She has her own key. I have told her several times to use the Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokdoor bell, but she just step right in. DARN! But we found instant use for my new dusters. And, well, I will have to buy a longer duster. Or an extension for my duster if I cannot find any longer duster.

I left for Bangkok Fight Club even though I felt that I Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokwould be better off staying home skipping the boxing session. And when we started I knew it was a mistake coming here. Jumping up and down and when we were finished with the warm up Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokit was time for the punch bags.

I managed to do 3 rounds on with the punch bag before I gave up and left. Yes, it was not fun and when I tried to punch, well, I'm better of resting myself and I'm hopefully feeling better tomorrow.

And if I'm not I will not do the same mistake as I Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokdid today and go to the boxing. If I'm still in pain tomorrow I will for sure stay well clear of any boxing clubs. Our Teacher asked me if I could take a few pictures for his Facebook before I left.
Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok
It took me almost half an hour to limp back home. It was nice when I finally arrived to my house Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkokand I just had 50 meters to my local Aladdin's adventure at 7 Eleven in Bangkok7 Eleven for a Diet MAX. I realised that I didn't had any valet with me so I had to go up to get my money and go back down again.

Yes, I bring the exact change to Bangkok Fight Club, 15 Baht for a bottle of water at 7 Eleven. So I don't have any money in my pocket that I can use.

And I was lucky today, I forgot my nicotine chewing gum when I left for Bangkok Fight Club and if I had had my valet with me I would most likely Aladdin is giving up smokinghave stopped at 7 Eleven to buy some fags on my way home. So I went upstairs to get exactly 112 Baht from my valet and I took off to 7 Eleven.

Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ BangkokSo no extra money to buy potato chips or snack. Yes, you know how it is. You feel peckish and it is very easy to end up with a bag of potato chips or a chocolate bar.

Well, yet another page that I have managed to balloon out of proportions. And our Bangkok Fight Club Teacher's pictures and Facebook adventure put a lot of strain on our internet connections. So I will split the month of July 2011 in 2 and the adventure continues HERE!


OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page. So
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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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