Thursday 25th of November 2010 and I entered Thai Airways lounge.
- You're back!
- What!?
- Yeah, we remember you from last time
- Why?
I mean, it was 6 or 7 months ago and here must have been thousands of passengers passing through this lounge since I was here back in April. Well, at least it is not raining in today. Last time people had to leave the lounge because of the rain. Hmm, maybe a shower would do me good. It's a very small lounge and it is getting crowded. But the girl in the check in blocked the seat next to me so I will have 2 seats by myself. Of course, if business gets full I will have someone next to me.
But by then I will be slightly tipsy so never mind. I'm in the lounge drinking San Miguel Light like there is no tomorrow, never now when I will get a San Mig Light (The original) next time.
The Filipino Superstar came in to the lounge a few minutes after me. And of course, she wanted to sit close to me and she was eyeballing me all the time (By then I was a wee bit tipsy so it might have been my imagination)
Well, must have been a big relief for here to get in to the lounge, no one knew her and she was left alone. Now I only wished that she could leave me alone.
Must have been a hell out there in the departure hall, all the Filipinos wanting a picture together with her and an autograph. They didn't leave her alone and I can imagine being in her shoes. And then with a hangover and I would have preferred to jump in front of a jeepney.
The flight was OK, if it hadn't been for the Filipino superstar eyeballing me, undressing me with here glimpses during the flight.
OK, might have been my imagination. By now I was a little more than tipsy, of course, they didn't have any San Miguel light on the flight.
- We have Heineken, Singha and Beer Chang.
- Can I please have a Heineken with ice.
- No problem.
When we arrived to Bangkok International Suvarnabhumi Airport we had to take a bus from the aircraft to the terminal.
- What the
Yes, buses on the airport are the worst, hmm, maybe not at Bangkok International Suvarnabhumi Airport. Arriving with the bus and they drop you at the Immigration and as it is a big airport you have to trot for hours when arriving to a gate. But not as bad as Brussels airport. At Brussels airport it's like you are checking in at one side of the city and then you have to walk through a tunnel to the other side of the city.
Immigration, millions of people and of course, the Pilipino superstar chose to wait behind me. Is it love?
I got my bag and I booked a car to Sukhumvit Soi 23. We stopped at 7 Eleven for some hangover milk and we took off leaving the airport behind.
I left my bags in my apartment while the driver was waiting and we took off towards Thonglor after 10 minutes.
We passed MUSE, where we had been thrown out last time. Well, we decided never to go there again. I was heading for FUNKY VILLA and I could not see the place from the street. They had built a big Japanese restaurant in front of the parking place. You leave town for a while and it's impossible to recognise the place when you come back.
They asked for ID when I entered FUNKY VILLA and then one of the security guys recognised me. Yes, I have been here more than one time.
- YO!
Yes, they still remembers me from when I was here with my sleeping friend a year or two ago. They were always coming to look for me.
- Khun Aladdin, your friend...
And they were always happy when I came to help them with my friend so it has been VIP treatment ever since.
- Hmm, who could ever think that my misbehaving friend should turn out to be an assistance.
I had to pay the 100 Baht and they told me to get Federbräu beers at the outdoor bar.
- Included in the entrance fee
- Federbräu? Then I prefer to throw myself in front of a bus
I went inside and it turned out to be a MTV Federventure Party and they only had Federbräu beers.
Federbräu beer is, well, how to say it? Coming from Manila and San Miguel Light and now this. OK, I asked for buckets of ice to my beers. And the fact that MTV was at the place filming and interviewing people didn't make the beer taste any better. I was busy avoiding the camera all the time. But darn! There were beautiful women at the place. But they didn't give a rat's ass about me, only about my baseball cap. But at least my glasses were left alone.
Friday 26th of November 2010 and I didn't got out of bed until almost 6 o'clock (In the evening). I was going to meet my friend at The Face at eighteen thirty for dinner.
I left at 6 o'clock and not a taxi around. I was waiting at the intersection for 5 minutes when I decided to walk down towards Sukhumvit looking for a taxi. Typical, I need a taxi and there is not a taxi around.
I was almost at Sukhumvit when I found a taxi and luckily enough the Friday evening traffic was not as bad as I had expected so I arrived just a few minutes after 18:30. And that's even though I almost missed the place. I was looking for The Face and we passed the place because I could hardly see the name on the wall when we passed. But there were 2 yellow flags outside the restaurant.
My friend had called me when I was in the taxi
- I'm on my way!
- It's 200 meters down the soi and there are yellow flags outside the restaurants.
So thanks to this I found the place. I told the driver to stop when we had passed the place just because I discovered the yellow flags when I was looking back. I walked back and it turned out to be the right place. My friend was waiting and he had ordered food for us. Of course, I topped up the order with avocado sushi.
I was suffering from a slight hangover and I needed water and I had had 10 bottles of water before soon.
- Can you please bring a bottle of water.
- You have one on the table
- The bottle will be empty before you returning with the next bottle
- OK, I will be back on the double!
- Please, make it 2 bottles
We finished our dinner and we walked back to Emporium on Soi 24. And when walking in Bangkok I prefer to walk on the streets, the sidewalks are more like a steeplechase course. Potted plants, poles, ads and potholes. We ran in to an advertisement and my friend asked me to take a picture.
- For the internet!
I'm 50 cm longer than my friend so I had to pass the obstruction limbo game style.
We took a taxi from Emporium and my friend dropped me at home and I went to bed watching a movie before falling asleep. Still jet lagged from Manila.
Saturday 27th of November 2010 and I was out of bed at 7 thirty. A SATURDAY WAKING UP WITHOUT A HANGOVER! Good, I started the day with tea and salmon. I have plenty salmon in my fridge from Friday morning.
When I left Thong Lo at 4 o'clock in the morning I stopped at Foodland on my way home. I bought salmon and dill for 4000 baht so it will last me, hmm, at least until tonight.
And I'm going to meet my Teacher in the evening so it is not advisable to show up like a wreck after a long night out.
I had expected to meet them on town but when they called we decided to go to a Thai restaurant just around the corner from my place. And they were chocked when I opened my door in my glasses. Yes, I left FUNKY TOWN without glasses and I returned from Manila wearing glasses.
Oh! You look like a Doctor!
And of course, it didn't take them long to disagree on the restaurant we were going to. Japanese, Korean and even Pizza. When Pizza was coming up I had to put down my feet.
- Hey, have you forgotten that I'm on diet?
Well, we ended up at Baan Khanitha and my Teacher's daughter was disappointed. She wanted to eat Japanese food. I wouldn't have minded some sushi and hot sake. But we wanted to go to different places so I took a quick decision and we ended up at Baan Khanitha.
And they have a very good chicken curry at the place, my standard order at Baan Khanitha. And I ordered Heineken with ice, plenty ice.
We got the usual snacks, I don't remember the name. But there is different stuff to put in a leaf. Very good if I avoid the chilli.
The first filled leaf was OK, I kept an eye on things when they prepared my leaf. Yes, it's an Asian thing that the girls should serve you. I don't like it, I prefer to do stuff myself. But I had other things on my mind after a few Heinekens so I got one of the filled leafs and now there was chilli in the mix. MOTHERF@CKERS!! It was hot.
When we finished dinner we returned to my apartment to leave a bag before we left for town. They wanted to see Narz so we stopped at the place and it was no fun. I never had had any fun at Narz so I pretty much knew that we only would have one drink at the place.
We decided to go to Ratchadapisek with a quick stop at my apartment so I could get my glasses. I had forgot my glasses when we left and as I'm half blind without them so I depend on them. Well, we were soon on our way again. We ended up at a place, I don't remember the name. But the music was very good. But the girls were complaining.
- They are too young at this place! They still need to ask their parents for money so they can go.
So we changed place and well, now they guys were old enough. 50++ and a big yawn.
Sunday 28th of November 2010 and this day will go down my history book as a day I spent home. I didn't left my apartment for the whole day. But I didn't have any hangover!!
No hangover! No sleeping in class anymore! Can it be my glasses. Of course I have a hangover when waking up and everything is a blur. But since I bought my glasses I can see clearly again.
Monday 29th of November 2010 and my alarm went off at 8 o'clock. I will meet my friend at AUA  language school at Ratchadamri Road quarter to 10. The plan was for us to register and start class at 10 o'clock.
Well, turned out that I had 25 hours left since I was here last time back in 2005 or 2006 so I was ready to go. My friend got a free test lesson. But now it was passed 10 so we had to wait for the 11 o'clock class.
We went down to the cafe for a bottle of water and a diet drink. We were talking about the good ol' days so we forgot the time and we arrived a few minutes late to our class. My friend was kicked out of the class room.
- But we want to study together...
Yes, as you understand my friend had managed to piss o.., well, annoy the lady at the office when he registered. She didn't like him, at least to say.
Well, I was at AUA (American University Alumni Association) back in 2005 or 2006 and the Teachers still recognised me, and they even remembered my name. This is not good. But one thing is for sure, there is not much foreigners at the school. Last time I was here there were plenty people around. Today I had 2 Japanese girls, 1 German and American guy in class. In my friend's class there were 2 girls from Hong Kong.
We only took one lesson today, we had to meet my Teacher. Well, she is not my Teacher anymore. She is working at a law firm just around the corner from school so we had planned to meet for lunch at a Japanese restaurant on Ratchadamri Road.
Of course, they started to talk about my “MAGIC HAIR STUFF” when we had our lunch. I have not mentioned anything about the “MAGIC HAIR STUFF” in a very long time. What a disappointment that turned out to be! And my condo looks like a  storage with millions of bottles with the “MAGIC HAIR STUFF”, yes, that's how much trust I had in the darn shampoo.
My friend told me that he knew a guy that cured his baldness by drinking a special tea.
- You're shitting me!
- Hmm, maybe he had his hair while drinking the tea.
We followed my EX Teacher to her law firm and my friend returned home. I walked back home with a stop at HOMEPRO and at my old Thai school. I need one more school so I can do 4 to 5 hours per day.
Yes, I could start school and I told them that I would be back tomorrow. I stopped at the office to pay my maintenance fee when I came home. They told me that they had started to repaint the building and that they would build a new fence and gate.
I looked at the drawings and it looked good. It will improve the looks of the building and my only disappointment was that they had chosen brown instead of blue. But with the new fence it will look better with the brown colour.
I gave them a few pointes before going up to my apartment and a “TUNA SURPRISE” ® The Original with a pot of tea.
I finished my tea and I decided to take a constitutional. A few years back and I was walking to Ekkamai and back. Takes me just a little more than 1 hour. But today I had to use a pair of new shoes and they were a wee bit too small. But I took off with a smile looking forward to my constitutional.
When I came to Emporium it started to feel strange and I discovered that my right sole was loose. Darn, a pair of new shoes. I stopped after 100 meters and I ripped off the sole.
I reached Ekkamai and I turned around to walk back. Now my left sole was lose and I ripped it off and now it was like walking in moccasins, not very comfortable. And by now the toes on my left foot was hurting like hell. The shoes were very small and I was limping back home.
Tuesday 30th of November 2010 and I woke up at 5 o'clock. Darn, my toe was hurting but I managed to fall asleep again. I woke up at 7 again and this time it was impossible to fall asleep again. Well, gives me plenty time for my tea before I'm leaving for school.
I did my Thai alphabet course on my computer and suddenly it was too late to walk to the sky train. Well, I had pretty much already decided to take a taxi to school.
I arrived to school quarter to 10 and my friend was waiting for me so we made it to class in time.
I was pretty tired after having waked up early this very morning so I was half asleep during class. But my friend woke me up every now and then so I didn't miss too much.
After the break (I had a quick diet drink) and we returned to the last class.
When we finished I called the girl from yesterday to scold her a wee bit. She had promised to send me a picture of the beautiful Lawyer at her company. But I had received ZIP. She told me that she would send the picture to me ASAP.
Well, we decided to go see them for lunch.
- How many beautiful Lawyers will join? I asked.
- There will be 5 of us.
- And they are not afraid of handsome foreigners?
So I and my friend walked to Villa Market at Soi Mahatlek Luang to meet the girls. We had time to buy some stuff at Villa Market before the girls came down.
They asked if we wanted to eat Thai or Chinese food. One of the girls from the office was a vegetarian and so is my friend so they choose the Thai restaurant. Good, we didn't have to cross the street.
And my plan to attend afternoon school went down the drain. I was a wee bit late when we left the lunch restaurant and as my toes are in pain I could not walk at cruising speed. So I stopped at Villa Market at Soi 11 and I bought 27 cans of tuna and I took a taxi back home from Villa Market.
And when I came home I discovered the picture from the law firm in my inbox. Well, better late than never.
I have promised to help my friend with his web page so I spent some time with his web page before I left for my constitutional. My feet feels better, but it was still slow and it took me 2 hours, well, almost to get me to Ekkamai and back.
I want to go for my daily weight lifting at California WOW but I don't have the time. School and I'm back home early evening and then it is time for tea and tuna and some alone time before going for my constitutional.
I was pondering on the gym problem while walking up Sukhumvit towards Ekkamai. Suddenly I came up with an excellent idea. I will stop at California WOW on my way to Ekkamai. I will do the weight lifting before starting with my constitutional. Yes, I will try my new tactic tomorrow evening. Well, I will see how my toes feel tomorrow. But if it feels good I will take off to Ekkamai via California WOW.
Weekend is coming up and it will be heavy drinking on Friday.
- NO NO! Friday night and we have booked a badminton court.
Yes, that's how serious I am with my diet. Will be good to kick some arses on the badminton court instead of wasting my life in some bar.
Yes, what a waste to struggle with constitutionals and tuna during the week just to destroy everything during the weekend. A case or two of beers in one night and I have consumed millions of calories. For sure, not the way to go if I want to go from fat to flat.
Well, November has come to and end and we swing right over to December.

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