Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH

Kiel Canal by bike - Stage by stage

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH
RED = Original route
YELLOW = Train

Monday 6th of August 2018 and I my alarm went off just after 4 as normal. I made me some tea and at 6 thirty I went for breakfast. I checked out after breakfast and I took my bike to the train station and I just had to stop once to ask for directions.

I bought a ticket and there was a train waiting at the platform when I arrived, so I was soon on my way to Kiel. And I was going to go in the circle from Rendsburg train station and I would pass over the Rendsburg transporter bridge.

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH
Last morning I get my bike

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH - Rendsburg train station
Rendsburg train station

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH - Rendsburg train station
Rendsburg train station

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH - Rendsburg train station
Rendsburg transporter bridge from the Rendsburg train station

Of course, the main reason for this holiday was to bike along the Kiel Canal. But I had a few “must” things to do during my holiday.

1) Cross the canal on the ferry hanging from the Rendsburg transporter bridge

2) To cross the Rendsburg transporter bridge going up the circle, the rain station is close to the bridge so they needed to build a circle for the train to climb up to the bridge level

3) I don´t know, the most important? To see storks in the Stork Village.

I did everything except the ferry thing, s ship, Evert Prahm hit he ferry and 2 people were injured. Read the interim report: Serious Marine Casualty. Collision between the general cargo ship. EVERT PRAHM and the Rendsburg transporter bridge on 8 January 2016 by clicking HERE

We were leaving Rendsburg train station and I was riding the cirkle up the bridge level. Well, can´t say that it was very exciting, but now I have done it.

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH
Riding the circle

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH
Approaching the bridge

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH
Rendsburg from the Rendsburg transporter bridge

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH
Rendsburg from the Rendsburg transporter bridge

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH
Rendsburg from the Rendsburg transporter bridge

Kiel Canal by bike - Die Mecklenburger Radtour GmbH
Back at Kiel Train Station

Arriving to Kiel and I went to check in. I left my bag and I went to buy blueberries at the supermarket. The check-out wasn´t working so I left all my blue berries and Pepsi MAX. I went to another shop to waste my last cash. I bought blueberries, I went to have a pizza and the last cash was spent on juice for my e-cig. No more cash and I can leave Germany without any useless € in my pocket.

So, back to Helsingborg tomorrow for a few days in Skåne before flying to Manchester to go bird watching with RSBP Liverpool Group. I will also have a day driving to Jönköping to visit a friend. Click HERE to check it out.

So yet another item on my list of things to do before I get too old that I can thick off.

• To experience a hangover
• African safari
• To see Polar bears and icebergs
• Whale sharks “Failed”
• Tiger safari
• Whale sharks (second try)
• Koala and Kangaroo adventure in Australia
• Swimming with Humpback whales
• Kiel - Brunsbüttel - Bicycling along the Kiel Canal
• Wildlife tour in Sweden/ Finland to see bears, moose, beavers, wolverines and wolf
• Antarctica
• The Amazon in Brazil

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